Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1331 Flying Snow Road, the Lord Lord!

In the dark, the sword is unparalleled, and the essence of the accumulation of swordsmanship is digested, thereby creating stronger swordsmanship.

Occasionally, when he encounters the bandit, he will take his hand and use those thieves to hone your own sword.

It can be said that the sword is unparalleled, no chance of cultivation.

Ten years, very quickly.

"The sword is unparalleled, the front is the Snowdom, we have passed." Wu Kong pointed to a huge land of the road in front.

The snowy borders, is the country where the snow, the royal family of Flying Snow, the strongest ancestors, and several ancient families are in this snow.

Similarly, as a genius concentration camp, the snowfield, the flying snow, is also in the snowy borders.

Under the leadership of Wuxia, the sword is unparalleled to the snowy border, and the two people will take the space insect hole directly and go to the snowpower.

The headquarters of the flying snowfield is a floating building group, countless palace attachment, and the area is also huge.

Because of the relationship between Witch, the sword has passed into the headquarters of the snowfield.

An exquisite temple.

"The sword is unparalleled, although you come here, but after all, it is not a disciple of the snowpower. So this time you temporarily live here, don't run around, as for the route of the Ten major cultivation, I will find a chance to help you Asked. "Witch said.

"Looking for a chance?" The sword was quite quite quite.

Just ask a route, it is not a big thing, but Shu Cang also has a chance, this shows that the person who went to the top ten cultivation of the holy land route, in the flying snow road, afraid that it is more than Witch Co high.

It seems to have seen the idea in the sword unparalleled heart, Witch is just laughing: "I don't want you, among the people I know, only one person is aware of the top ten cultivation, this person is me. The Lord Lord of the Three Museums of the Snow Road Field. "

"Lonely Hall of Lord?" The sword has no double look.

"The Lobs Lord, there is a very powerful power in the flying snow farm, the strength is more unspeakable, he can even decide my life and death, although I am the golden clothes of the flying snow, but only occasionally The opportunity to see him. "Witch is somewhat.

And the sword is unparalleled.

In the face of a single sentence, you can decide the super existence of his life and death. This Witch will naturally be cautious, do not dare to talk.

"Sword is unparalleled, you are waiting for it, after half a month, the Lonely Hall will convene a lot of Golden clothes to conduct a parliament. I will find a chance to ask you." Witch Road.

"Half a month? There is a Laukong adult." The sword is unparalleled. "

He knows that Wuxong wants to ask about the Lonely Lord is not easy.

If it is not because of appreciation of talents, even if he wants him to add a snowfield, he may not be busy with him.

Half a month, it quickly passed.

In this half of a month, the sword is unparalleled, according to the command of Witch, the old man is still in this temple, not going out.

"The Lonely Lord's Lord will convene a lot of gold coat deaciaons to conduct a parliament, Wuxong should also see him, don't know how the results?" The sword waited quietly.

In the evening, Wuxong could only come back.

When the witchcad came back, the sword was unparalleled but found that his face was clearly difficult.

"Witch is adult, how is it?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Hey!" Witch was sighful, but did not answer the first time.

"Is it that you asked the route for me, let the sleuts take the initiative to anger?" The sword was unparalleled.

"That's not, but ... I didn't dare to ask at all." Witch has apologized.

"Did you dare to ask?" The sword has no double.

"The sword is unparalleled, today's Parliament, I have already thought about asking the silencers, but I can't open it at that parliament, but I don't dare to open, but I don't dare to open, all the golden clothes who take the parliament. Because the Lonely Museum is very angry today, he stunned all of our Golden clothes, and even gave the two golden clothes to be seriously injured. When you have a bones, you said, I dare to go again. Ask him? "Witch said.

I heard the words, the sword is unparalleled, but it can also be understood.

Don't say Wu Cang, change it to himself, when the Lonely Hall is in the hometown, he does not dare to ask about problems.

"Good terms, how can the Lonely Lord angry?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Not that the ranking is brought to the battle." Witch sighed.

"Qualifying battle? What is the qualifying battle?" The sword was unparalleled.

"It is the qualification battle with the world." Huang Cang began to explain, "The sword is unparalleled, you have always been treated in the Dagu City, you should only have heard that I flying snow, knowing that my flying snow farm is flying The genius concentration camp of Snow God, can actually be in the country of Flying Snow, there is two, the other is two, the other is the world! "

"Flying Snow Road, the world is pioneered by the flying snow, but it is in the two major factions of the royal family. The two factions have been fighting, and they have the next day, the trend is natural. Also fight, and every 10,000 years, I will fly the trendy of the snow, and I will hold a qualifying battle! "

"This is the battle, the good listening is to enhance the communication between genius disciples, but it is actually a kind of me!"

"I can understand this." The sword is unparalleled.

One mountain is not a two tiger, a flying snow god, there are two big genius concentration battles, there is quite normal than spelling.

"The landscaping is anger. Is it because this flying snow is lost in the qualifying battle?" The sword didn't have a double.

"No, that ranks have been starting for three months, but although I haven't started, I can fly this winter, I am afraid that it is not big." Witch Road.

"The win is not big? Is there a few more than one?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Insufficient 30%." Witch said, "This is not the main, the key is before, my flying snow road has lost five qualifications, if this time is also lost, that is, six times In the future, I flying in front of the treasure palace, I am afraid that I can't lose it. "

"It turned out to be, there is no wonder that the Lone Hall will be angry." The sword is unhealthy, he can understand.

The two major potentials have a genius concentration camp. As a result, they have won five times by the other party, and now they are not more than 30% of them, they will be angry.

At this moment, the original Witchchen suddenly thought of, directly lifted his head and watched the sword.

"The sword is unparalleled, I have a way to ask the Lord."


PS: Today is still six!

Brothers, rewards, monthly tickets, recommended tickets are a bit unsatisfactory, there are six thousand people chasing, but it can be recommended for a ticket every day. What is the situation?

Everyone will work hard, I will continue to six tomorrow!

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