Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1332 Feixue Tower

"What method?" The sword watched over.

"It's very simple, it is to let you take the identity of the disciple of the flying snow." Witch Road.

"I am giving war?" The sword was unparalleled.

"This is the best way." Wu Cang said: "I fly in the throne of the trendy and the god of the gods, a total of three, the three days of God, the second heaven, there is also a heavy heaven One, and the three qualified war won two games, the party was worth winning, so that I can really compare my flying snow farm with the comprehensive level of the Shenqi's disciple. "

"In this year, in the three ranking warfare, my flying snow farm also participated in the ranking battle of the three heaven and gods, there was a big wins, and the other two were almost difficult to win. But if you can take the level of the disciple of my flying snow, you will be able to win! "

"So, I won two games, I got this qualifying battle, and the Lonely Lord will inevitably be great. I will ask you to ask him about the route of the top ten cultivation, it is much simple. "

When I heard the words of Witch, the sword was unparalleled.

Witch's way is good, but it is necessary to join the snow farm.

And although he has absolute confidence in his own strength, as long as he went to participate in the qualifying battle, he will win, this is not seen?

"The sword is unparalleled, you don't have to worry so much, the genius of my flying snow farm has always been very free, there is not much bundle, even if you join the flying snowpower, you have to stay is also your own business, no People will be reluctant, as long as you have completed the qualifying battle, you will leave directly after the route, nor will someone say more. "

"And if you really helped me to win the victory of this ranking battle, then you can also get a chance to go to Tianyuan's secret." Witch said.

"The Secrets of the Tianyuan?" The sword was unparalleled.

"That is the place where I flying in the country, I have only qualified entry, and the qualification is 10,000 years, it is also because the talent is tens of thousands of years. Open once, every time you open, there will be thirty income places, and this place is determined by the losing winning win! "

"If you win on the ranking battle, the thirty quota is my flying road. If the world is winning, the thirty quota is the boundaries of the gods, I flying in the past If the snowy road has won the qualifying battle, the thirty places got will be given to participate in the thirty genius of the qualifying battle, and you can certainly get one. "Witch said.

"Is this this?" The sword was unilateralized.

"The sword is unparalleled, this is the best way, you can help me win the battle victory, and my flying snow farm is given to the top ten cultivation of the holy land, plus an opportunity to enter the Tiangan secret, this But the two full beauty doing things. "Witch said.

The sword is unparalleled, and I nodded slightly. "Ok, I promised."

"Great." Wu Yong glanced.

He is very clear and unparalleled, and the sword is unparalleled. Since he promised to participate in the chart of the world of the world, the qualifying battle, Jiu Chengjiu is winning, then this ranking warf snow The winning of the road is much bigger than before.

"The sword is unparalleled, you come with me."

We immediately went to the sword without a double hall.

The flying snowfield is a genius concentration camp of Flying Snow, it can enter the snowy road, and all of them are real geniuses, and they will never be ordinary goods.

Like the Qingyang Dynasty God in the sword before, he was called the first day of the Daxie domain, and he can be placed in the flying snowfield. There is no qualification for the bottom of the bottom, even the bottom.

To join the flying snow farm, naturally also have to be screened.

The sword is unparalleled with Switchcraft. This golden clothing deacon personally introduced, those simple screening can be omitted, but the last level, he must pass.

Wu Yong took a sword and walked to a fluttering black high tower, and there was a mess with a mess, drunk old man.

"Liu is old." Wu Cong's drunken old people respect a gift.

The drunken old man lifted, glanced at Wu Cang and swords, and said slowly, "is Witch you, who is your little guy around you?"

"This is a little brother I haven't long ago. I saw that he talent is good, so she will bring him to the flying road, let him try to go to the Flying Snow Tower." Witch is humble.

"Is this?" Drunken old people nodded slightly, then waved, "Now no one is in the snow tower, go directly."

"Thank you." Wu Cang said, then the sword is unparalleled. Flying Snow Road. "

"Seventh floor?" The sword nodded, and it was directly moving toward the snow tower directly.

The sword is unparalleled into the flying snow tower, and Wen Cang is waiting quietly outside.

"Ten-story Flying Snow Building, with this sword unparalleled strength, I am afraid that the top ten layers can be passed." Switch smiled.

Just then ... !!

Two body shapes were also coming before the Flying Snow Tower.

Witch immediately looked over, when he saw it, his eyes could not help but shrink.

"Witch, what are you doing here?" A very unhappy voice sounded, talking about a purple haired old man in front.

"I am waiting." There is some indifference in Witch Face.

"Who is waiting?" Zifa old man went to the front of Witch Cang.

"I have a strong little brother before the outside, and he is now in the flying snow tower." Witch said.

"Oh? That is really coincidental. On the way of my mission, a genius is also strong. Now he brings him, and it is also to fly the snow tower." Zifa old man said.

"Wushen, what do you mean?" Witch's face sink.

"Nothing means, how do you still angry? You and I have a gold coat of the snowpower, is it only to bring people, I can't?" Zifa old man smiled.

"I am too lazy to talk to you." Witch turned directly to the head, no longer looked at the purple man.

Zifa old mouth is a touched corner, and there is not much to say.

Not long, the sword is unparalleled from the flying snow tower.

When I walked out of the snow tower, the drunken old nest in front of the Tower was handed over to the sword.

After the sword is unparalleled, he went to the Witch Cang.

"The sword is unparalleled, everything is going well?" Wu Cang asked.

"It's okay." The sword is not a double nod.

"Have the first few layers?" Witch Cang asked again.

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