Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1333 The last place!

The violet old man in the side also came over.

He also wants to know how much the genius brought by Wuxiao.

"Seventh floor." The sword is unhappy.

"Seventh floor?" Wushu watched the sword unparalleled.

According to his unparalleled understanding of the sword, the sword is unparalleled. Even if the Ten Federation of Feixue Tower should be normal, but now only the seventh floor?

"I told him that through the test, the standard is the seventh floor, and he has passed the seventh floor, this kid ..." Witch will immediately understand the sword unparalleled.

And the Wuyi in the side is cold and cold, "seventh floor? Just reaching the threshold of entering the flying snowpower, Shu Cang, the people you brought, are you not?"

"Hey, the genius you will not be able to go." Wu Yong rushed.

"Yes?" Wu Wei's mouth was tall and looked at the indifferent man who had been closed behind, "East, see you."

"Well." This indifferent man nodded slightly, and immediately walked toward the Flying Snow Tower. He didn't see the sword without reading.

"Witch, you, and this little guy you bring, you have to look good." Wu Yan is laughing.

"I have no effort to waste time with you, sword is unparalleled, let's go." Hui Hao took the sword unparalleled away.

That Wuyi saw this, cold and smiled, but did not stop.

"Where is the Witch? Who is the person? Do you seem to have a little festive?" The sword is unparalleled.

"His name is Wu Yan, like me, is also a gold coat of the flying snowpower, and I have some festival with him. He has been with me in these years." Witch Road.

"Sure enough." The sword smiled without a pair.

"Walk, I will take you to see the first deacon of my flying snow."

Wu Cang immediately led the sword and unparalleled, and came to a loft and saw a green gown woman.

This green shirt woman seems to be weak, but the power of swords and unparalleled souls can be induced, and her breath is stronger than Wuxiao.

Obviously, this green shirt should be the first deal of the flying snow.

"Green adult, this is the sword is unparalleled. Just joined in the test of Feixue Tower, I will bring him now, I want to invite adults, you will be three months later, the top of the heavy heaven is the place of war. Give him one. "Shu Cang explained directly.

"The plain number of a heavy world is? You have to be one?" The young man will willow her eyebrows.

"Why, do you have anyone else?" Witch was as strange.

"It is Wuyi. He has sent me before, and said to give him a place for the god of heaven," said the Queen.

"It's Wuyi, what should he do?" Witch is not banned.

"I now let him come over, wait for him, and discuss this," said the Gong people.

With the news of this young man, there is not long, the genius of the genius brought to him, I came in.

When I saw Wu Cang and the sword, this black smiled coldly, and that East is still a pair of indifferences and proud postures.

"Well, now you are all, let's talk together."

Overlooking the green people, "Three months after three months, from a heavy day to three days, each game has ten play quotas, the qualitative battle of the heavens, I will also send it naturally. Ten a heavy disciple from the disciple, but this ten played quotas have been settled, it is the best nine people in the god of the sky, only the last place of war, I have never settled! "

"And now this last plays, you want, who should I do?"

"Of course, I will give the sword unparalleled." Witch didn't open it directly. "Only he can make sure that I am winning on the world's gods!"

"Hey, good tone, Shu Cang, I ask you, this sword is unparalleled to the first few layers of Feixue Tower?" Wu Yan looked over.

"Seventh floor." Witch's opening.

"Oh, that is, the seventh floor can only reach the level of the ordinary disciple of my flying snow, but you know that the East, I just have passed the first few layers?" Wu Wei deliberately paused. Then, only the mouth, "Eighth floors, even the ninth floor, he only went to the past."

"But from this point, these two people are strong and weak, they have already seen it."

"Only a step in the ninth floor?" The godner looks.

The more difficulty is, the more difficult it is.

Now, in the snowy road, a heavy heaven, can pass the ninth floor, will never exceed five, the five people must participate in the ranking battle, and this East is obviously a few people .

"A Flying Snow Tower, there are many levels, what can I explain?" Witch Cang is low.

"Do you still have a hard?" .

"Okay, shut up!" The young man opened, no matter whether Wu Cang and Wu Yan were old and closed on his mouth.

"You should be very clear that I have five consecutive times in the ranking battle in the ranking battle. This session is still defeated, then I really can't lose my head. Before the parliament, the anger of the silencers, you should also feel that such a major event, can you play? "

The sound of the green people swim in this temple.

Wu Cang is low with black , don't dare to say more.

"You two, don't you all say that you brought the genius? In this case, then the simpler method, let them two one pair of battles, who wins, who get the last places Do you have any opinions? "The eyes of the Green people sweeped.

"No." Wu Cang shook his head with Wuzhen.

The sword is not a double brow, there is no opinion.

As for the east, it is still indifferent. He glanced at the sword. The mouth flashed.

A heavy heavens who can only get the seventh floor of the Flying Snow Tower, it is not enough to attract him.

In the snowy road, there is a huge campus. This campus is a place where the genius of many flying snowfields is on the next day.

The sword has come to this longer center at this moment.

In addition to young people, Wu Cang, Wuyi three, and the genius disciples of the snowy road are also attracted.

In those genius disciples, the most conspicuous is a tangible Junyi man.

"Long Hao, you are the first person in the god of the gods of my flying snowpoint, the ranking of the gods in the heaven after three months, inevitably take you, you look well, see if he is in the two Which is more suitable to play with you. "The Queen said.

"Yes." That talented man is now nodded.

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