Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1337 Confused little guy!

The last ranking battle is also the most critical, and it is a heavy heaven who is playing two camps.

Under countless people's gaze, a heavy heavenly god of two major camps appeared in the most central in the past.

The sword is also in the crowd, but he has long deliberately converges, so it does not look at it, and some people will notice him.

The only thing to pay attention to him, just there is Witch, and the east of the corner.

That East is dead and staring at the sword. The hands are also held tightly. Even if they are separated from March, he still defeated the sword.

He still believes that the truly strength, the sword is unparalleled is his opponent, before being defeated by the sword, but he is very big, and the attacked by the sword is unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, I have to see, how can you make the flying snow to win the victory of this ranking!" East is low.

The central government of the past, two major camps were twenty geniuses divided into two columns to face their faces.

"Long Hao, let's meet again."

The cold laughter sounded, and the talk is a junior talented youth, this black robe is a young man is like laughing, not laughing, staring at Long.

"Lu Qing?" Long Hao face is a sink.

"The last time you have already lost in my hand, this time I plan to come from taking it?" The evil spirits of the black robe smiled.

"Last lost to you, it is already a matter of ten years ago, and this time I will beat you in this qualifying battle!" Long Hao cold channel.

"Is it? Then I will wait and see." Lu Qing is still laughing.

"let's start!"

On the stage, the fire redhead old man in the world has announced.


The genius of the two major camps did not hesitate, and when the spatial cockroach, he across the rockfill.

The last game is also the most important ranking battle, starting.


The light flashes, but the sword is unparalleled, but it is within a jungle.

This jungle is lush and has endless vitality.

After the sword is unparalleled, the body shape is raised, and the eyes look around.

"Before Long Hao said, I have to come to the mountain stone world to rush to the blood and peaks as soon as possible, but ... Where is the blood of the fire, and where is it?" The sword has no double looks suddenly.

He remembered that although he remembered some places by watching the two levels of qualifying, those places were revealed through a pair of small pictures, but they were not fully connected together. He is right to this mountain stone It is still irrational.

He is even unclear which position now is in the rocky world.

"Although I don't know where it is now, but the mountain stone world seems to be in that direction." The sword didn't look at the front, and there was no excessive hesitation, and he took directly to this direction.

On the downtown, it is not only the two camps of the Flying Snow Road and the Temple of the Temple, from all parties, the strong people are watching this last qualifying battle.

Under their gaze, there is already a genius encountered in the mountain stone world, so killing.

This turned kill, just a moment.

"The flying snow farm is in trouble, this is just beginning, they have a genius being eliminated!"

"There is no way, can only blame the genius, it has been in the Lu Qing, and there is no chance to escape."

"On the strength, the ten genius of the Flying Snow Road, this is a weak fight, and now I have eliminated one, and the disadvantage is even greater."

The strong people who watch the battle are all.

On the table, the face of the silent owner is obviously ugly, but it has not yet been thorough.

Half day.

"It's almost, it's a little flying in the snow.

"Yeah, it's better to go to the most important time, Long Yu arrived, or the four geniuses gathered in the snowpower, but the Dragon has arrived, and both sides have eliminated two genius. Within the acceptance range of the flying snowfield. "

"No, the loss of the snowy road is still bigger than the world, after all, although the two geniuses are not dead, it is also seriously injured."

These strong people are talking about a war that has just been exploded in one of the pictures.

That war, the flying snow farm has been eliminated two genius, and two genius have been seriously injured.

At the beginning, the situation was unfavorable to the Flying Snow Road. After this battle, the gap between the two camps was larger.

"Flying Snow Road, you must hurry to find a way, no longer want to do ways, this , must lose!"

"Well, it's better that they are not arguable, and I have already agreed to gather, and now the genius of the snowy road is in the past, as long as they are engaged, they can arrange two strong teams as soon as possible. This will take advantage of them in this way, and you can find a way to solve the genius of the trend of the world, but also have a line of life! "

"Haha, I am interested, you, look, look at the little guy in the back sword in the side of the picture, is he flying snowpower? Can he do now?" A laugh suddenly sounded, causing everyone Caution.

Everyone also saw the past.

At this point, most people are happy.

"Dark sea, he actually ran to the dark sea."

"Dark sea, that is the most edge of the mountain stone world, what did he go to do? Is it difficult to hide?"

"Haha, this little guy is very confused!"

A smile was loud.

The strong people in the Communist Gong Palace are smirking.

In contrast, the strong people of the Flying Snow Town are ugly.

Now the fire is killing in the center of the mountain stone industry, but the result is that the genius ran to the most edge of the sea?

"How is this going?"

On the table, the living room is maintained in the hands, the terrible terrible, and the cold voice sounded in the ear of the golden clothes.

"This ..." These golden clothes are also very stunned.

Especially Wen Cang, he is more likely to be rolled at this moment, because the confused little guy stared at everyone is a sword is unparalleled!

"The sword is unparalleled, what is he doing?" Wu Cang smashed, but the next moment, his look is moving, "No, he is absolutely not intentionally running to the dark sea, but ... but he I am not familiar with the mountain stone industry, I don't know which direction of the blood of the blood, Ä, so he went wrong way? "

Witch thought of this possibility, and he slammed his forehead.

"Oh my God!!"

He just added to the snowpower, not like other genius, often went to the mountain stone industry, so he was very strange to the mountain stone world, and I have forgotten to give him a mountain stone world. "

On the occasion of Wuxiao, the Lonely Lord is slammed to him.

"Wu Cang, I heard that the boy running into the dark sea is you bringing him to the snowy road?"

"Hey, you'd better pray this ranking, I flying snow, otherwise, I got your skin!"


PS: Today, six!

Thanks to "~" The big brother yesterday's alliance rewards, in order to thank you, I still have six days! !

Hey! Ask for the recommendation, ask for reward, ask everything! !

Everyone is rewarded, if it is recommended to force, the addition of death will not stop!

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