Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1338 finally caught up!

"Hey, you'd better pray this ranking, I flying snow, otherwise, I got your skin!"

The Lobby Lord is contained in the ear of Witch Cang, so that the Witch Cang is shocked, and the face is full of bitterness. "The sword is unparalleled, you can really give me a miserable!"

Next to Wuxia, it has been with him, it is secretly laughing. "Hey, did you not want to make the sword have no pair? Now I have to see how you should take it?"

Among the people in the military farm, the east is also a cold, "Just like this, the sword is unparalleled, you have been confused, waiting for the ranking battle, see how you die!"

At this moment, the sword of the dark sea has been unparalleled, and it has been noticeable.

"This sea area seems to be the most edge of the mountain stone world?" The sword was unparalleled.

Although he is not familiar with the mountain stone world, he watched the first two qualifying battles, and saw this sea area from the side screen.

Each qualifying battle, the two major camps will come here from no one.

"It seems that it is wrong."

The sword is unparalleled, but it is immediately turned immediately, and the original road returns.

"I hope to come."

The sword is unparalleled.

Within the rock, the two major camps still kill the hot, and the victory of the balance is completely tilted in the palace of the city.

"Hey, the flying snow road must be defeated!"

"Lian Long Hao has been hurt, and the injury is not light, it is not easy to recover, the flying snowpower has little struggle."

"Look, the neighborhood has been looking for the door, the battle begins."

Under the eyes of everyone, in one of the pictures, the world is still alive in seven geniuses, and has been tied to the genius of the flying snow.

The flying snowfield is concentrated in that genius, and the remaining four are eliminated, and the sword is unparalleled.

And in these five geniuses, there are also three serious injuries, including the strongest power of strength.

On one side of the anti-view, the fighting power is mostly complete, or it is seven, and the strength gap is too big.

"Don't give up, I want to take the way to drag first, wait until Long Hao is completely recovered, we still have the opportunity!"

The genius of the flying snowfield is also very stubborn. Even if it is in this step, there is still no intention to give up, these five geniuses, just have a quite good at the array, which is arranged in the spot. Rely on the force of the method, entangled with the commandments.

This scene, no matter who it seems, it is like a difficulty of sleepy beasts.

"Haha, Long Hao, all in this point, don't give up?" The laughter with ridicule came from the big appearance, the words of the world, "the last qualified battle You will lose in my hands, and this time you lose more. "

"You, have no chance!"

The genius of the kinden Palace also flashed and excited, under the leadership of the Lu Qing, defeated the big array, and immediately broke it.

Big array, the remains of the two major camps, the front of the genius, the Flying Snow Road must lose.

It can be at this time, but the horizon is slowly moving.

"Oh? The confused little guy finally arrived at the battlefield."

"Haha, he finally came, but now it is too late!"

"The overall situation has been fixed, the flying snowpower, there is no chance, even if the little guy is coming, there will be no more help to the flying snow!"

"This ranking battle, it is also the world of gods, and it has won six times, oh!"

Many of the people in the play of the military farm have admired.

In that picture, there is a sword in the edge of the battlefield, and the scenes on the battlefield are completely seen in the eyes.

"Fortunately, although it is slow, but it is back to catch up." The sword is unparalleled, and the blood peak sword appears in his hand.

He is very clear about the situation of the battlefield.

I know that the genius of the flying snow farm has already supported it. At this way, he must take a hand.


The sword has no double shape, like a flow of light, the battlefield is floating.

The genius of the two camps on the battlefield also perceived his arrival.

"Is the sword is unparalleled?"

"It's him!"

"Do he come over now?"

These geniuses can't be angry.

They didn't see the sword where the sword was unparalleled. He thought that the sword is unparalleled in the road to the road to the godseng genius, and it was eliminated by the other person.

Until now, I know that the sword is unparalleled in the rocky world.

But since he did not be eliminated, why didn't you hurry up early?

"Forget it, it is better than it is good." Long Hao sighed, and immediately shouted: "Fast, swords are unparalleled, enter the big array, with us to block the attack of the Town, waiting for me." The fighting power is restored to the peak, we still have a chance! "

"The sword is unparalleled, come over." The genius of other flying snowpies also shouted.

And I heard the shouts of the dragon, but the sword was unbentered, but the mind is also electricity. He didn't have a slightest, but he did not choose to enter the big array, but one person holding blood alone. The sword, the seven genius of the Gong Palace directly kills.

This scene, letting Long Hao and others can't help but feel stunned.

On the military field outside the mountain stone world, many people watching the war have seen the sword unparalleled move, and they are all wrong, but they immediately broke out a big laugh.

"This little guy, can you?"

"Now, if he listened to Long Hao's entry in the big battle, he be resistant to them. It may really have a line of life. Who knows that this little guy actually foolly killed the genius of the Great Palace. "

"It was very confused before, confused to the dark sea, and now it is difficult to catch up with the final decisive battle, and his move is more confused."

Many people have been seen by the sword. There is a lot of fun.

On the stage, the main color of the land is even more gloomy, and a very horrible breath is rotating on his body, but it is still a complete outbreak.

The strengths of other flying snowfields, the face is also ugly.

On the battlefield of the mountain stone, the genius of the honest hometown also saw the sword killed them.

These seven geniuses are also quasiors.

"I didn't expect that there is still a fish."

"Who is this kid? How do you know that you haven't seen it."

"Who is it, but since he finds death, then he is all herself, killing directly."

This seven geniuses in the world have already locked the sword unparalleled, but when they are ready to shoot, they have come to the swords in front of them ... Vital sword!

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