Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 134 Water Resources

The Tianzhu Department is one of the golden dragons.

It is still a black dress, and the sword wearing a fight is unparalleled. Before going to the counter, I will take out my own Dragon Palace.

"Adults, please come with me." A blue-haired woman in front of the counter immediately led the sword unparalleled into the inner hall.

"All the information information about the bloody ripples can be explored, including some of the strongholds of the provincial bloody ripple, the number of strong strengths in the field, etc., in addition, put the landlord list I took a copy. "The sword didn't have a double command.

The landlord list will be updated every other time, and now the past two years, the landlord list will definitely be great.

"Yes." The blue-haired woman should take a sentence, not long before they got a lot of information in front of the sword.

The sword is unparalleled.

"Oh, I really have a unprecedented retaliation after I mean, Jing Yue Lake, and the bloody ripple has been retaliated unprecedented." The sword is unparalleled, and this information has been described two years ago.

When he faded back to the dragon palace, many top scorpions headed by the Dragon Palace two major palace mainly launched a full retaliation, and the bloody ripples were washed in the Tianzong Dynasty. Being killed by the Dragon Palace, it can be said that it is a few big turmoil in history.

However, this retaliation continued for two months, and suddenly calmed down.

"This bloody ripper is clearly shaking, and it is about to destroy the edge of the destruction, you can suddenly calm down?" The sword has seen some weird.

If it is not a special reason, the parties will never stop it so easily.

"The background of this bloody piercing is not simple." The sword is unwinding.

Then he also looked at another information.

This information is some of the distribution of bloody elements in Tianzhu Province, as well as the overall strength in the base.

According to the data, after two years ago, after the large-scale blood washed, the overall strength of the bloody pool has weakened a lot, and it is more likely to be more low than before, and the locations are increasingly concealed. Even if it is the Jinlong Temple, now Just know the three strongholds of the bloody ripple in Tianzhu.

This sword is unparalleled.

The instructions must be one of the provinces of the bloody ripple, and there is a hundred and eight counties in the province of Tianzhu, and it is necessary to operate such a chassis. How is it? At least more than ten points of strongholds.

But these locations are too hidden.

The Jinlong Temple has the strongest intelligence capabilities of the Tianzong Dynasty. It can only check the three strongholds of the bloody ripple.

And these three strongholds, both of them are irrelevant, only the last one, it is more important to be more important.

"Water Supply Society?" The sword was unbenhed.

The water is strong, in the Qingshui County, Tianzhu Province, there is a lot of copper surfaces, silver-noodle killer, and the golden killing killer also has a lot, the most important thing is that this water is found, there are two purple Snack hands, as well as an intelligence person in charge.

As for two bases, it is very general, even the golden killer is only two or three, and there is no interest in the sword unparalleled.

"The bloody ripple intelligence system is very perfect, I don't do it, I will immediately react it immediately. When I am afraid that I have a chance to shoot, I have to be fast, I have to be fast. At the same time, I have to make my bloodstream! "The sword is unparalleled.

For the bloody ripple of the three major hegens of the Tianzong Dynasty, there is no more golden killer, and it will never distress, but if it is lost, it is different.

Especially after two years ago, the bloody ripple loses heavy, and the purple killing is more important.

If this time, the sword is unparalleled to find a way to kill them one or two purple killers, absolutely enough bloody houses.

"These two purple kilms, although they are all yin and yang empty, but the strength is only average, and the purple kill killer who is seriously injured in Jingyue Lake two years ago, it is almost the same, to kill them, It is not impossible. "The sword is unhealthy.

Zikiki killer, has strong weakness, but the two purple killing strength of this water is only a general level.

Two years ago, the sword was unparalleled with the secret. He was seriously injured. To kill this ordinary purple killer, he also has a great grasp.

"Select this water."

The sword has no idea.

Of course, his reason why this water is based on the target, not because there are two purple killing killers behind it, and more importantly, another person.

That is the person in charge of a intelligence in the water base.

This person is called Shadow!

This shadow, the sword is unparalleled, it can be remembered.

Three years ago, the leader of the Bloody Pads killer in the sword Houfu was, it was this shadow.

At the same time, the thousands of bones that have been tortured in the month of Ji Ji, and it is also from this shadow!

And his little, fell into the hand of the shadow, and didn't know how it is now.

"Shadow old dog ..." The sword has no double scorpion, and immediately called the blue-haired woman. "Give me a gall, and give me some special things."


Clear-gun, a huge canyon.

This canyon is remote, all over the mountains, and there are people in the next day, someone will come here, even if there is a little less.

In the lush forest of this canyon, there is a huge courtyard. This courtyard is the first killer of the Tianzong dynasty.

On one of the mountains of this canyon, a black sword with a fight is unparalleled. The cold eyes look at the huge courts under the void.

"The bloody feather is strict, even if the killer of the bloody, you have to enter this focus, and this secret is alternately replaced every day. So I wanted to mix the base is impossible. "

"If you want to enter this point, there is only one way ... I will kill it directly!"

The sword is unparalleled with a strong killing.

At this time, the rumble ~~~ Void above the thunder, the whole day is dark.

Keep up with it ~ A heavy rain without any signs is coming.

The raindrops are hit on the ground, and the whole land is immediately humid.

"Rain is raining ..." The sword is unparalleled, and the rain is continuously slammed on the water.

"Since I have beautiful, then I will kill one in this rainstorm."

The sword has changed a shade, followed by a sword, directly toward the most central huge courtyard of the canyon.


PS: Friendly Tips, the next chapter is called heavy rain!

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