Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 135 Rainstorm (on)

~~~ The rain is pour, the rain is ruthless to shoot the ground.

The large garden in the center of the canyon, two layers of the inner hospital.

Under the eaves of the outer hospital, a black rober is still standing, or sitting on the ground, these black robes are wearing masks, most of them are only copper surface masks, and a small part is a silver mask, but wearing a golden mask, This is just four people in the hospital.

In addition to the sound of the rain, the entire outer hospital is silent, and the killers of these bloody rips have gathered here, but they are silent, there is no conversation.

The door behind the courtyard is behind, and a silver-backed killer is environmentally friendly to stand there, lifting the head, and the dark eyes look at the dark void.

"This rain, I don't know when to go." This silver-noodle killer is sighing.

in vain……


The big door behind him fell, and the door panel that flew out was in front of the past.

"What?" The silver-noodle killer after the door was spread in the first time. Because he is too close to the door, when the door panel is directly smashed, he is not too late to avoid.


The huge door panel is bombarded on his body, and the terrible impact will make him immediately spray a big mouthful of blood, and the figure is blazed and the final squat is on the empty space of the courtyard.


The whole courtyard turned up in an instant, and the killers of the bloody ripples stood up. Everyone's eyes were brushing to the door at this moment.

At the door, there is a figure with a fight to wear a jacket, carrying the long sword.

Seeing the sword of the door, the breath of these bloody tower killed it becomes cold.

"Who?" Now there is a bloody tower killer explosion.

The sword is unparalleled, but slowly stepped into the ground, step on the ground, step by step to the courtyard, the speed of his walk is not fast, but this kind of pace seems to contain a strange magic.

" ~~"

The ground is covered with ripples, and the ripples are constantly changing, which makes the bloody ripples around these blood, there is no disappearance throughout the world, only this complex ripple, slowly moved the sword unparalleled, and his body slowly climbed Rushing the sky.

"this is?"

"What means?"

These bloody loft killers are shocked.

They don't know, this is purely the sword is unparalleled to play the dripping sword to achieve the ultimate performance.

The sword is unparalleled, slightly lifting, revealing a piece of fighting with a few distortions, just at this moment, but a cold, dark eyes, a unprecedented killing At this moment, it seems to have formed a substantial, bursting out.


The sword has no double-shaped fierce riée, and it directly appeared in front of the most nearby killer around him.

call out! Icy sword light, abrupt light.

At first glance, this sword is more like this plain drop in the rain.

"what is this?"

"Water drop?"

"So big water drop?"

Some powerful killers have not reacted.

"Be careful!"


The killers that reacted, but immediately fame.

Obviously their reminder is slow.

The cold sword is easily killed from a famous copper, the sore throat of the silver-backed killer.

laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh! ......

I have a total of thirteen killers in an instant, of which eight copper kilms, five silver-backed killers, directly killed.

Following the sword without a double shape, it is a moving, the cold "water droplets" have once again brushed the five killers nearby, and the sound of the five swordsman in the same sound at the same time, and five killers were Directly kill.

Until this moment, a lot of killers in the courtyard reacted.

"Damn, kill him!"


In this outer hospital, there are hundreds of killers, even if they have been killed by swords, there are still many things that have been directly violent at this moment, and they are the first, and they are the first. The strongest four golden killing killers.

The golden killing kill can be held by Jin Dan.

At this moment, the four golden noodles killed at the same time, but the wind fierce whistled, the wind blowing the rain, and then blew it from the four golden kilms.

The four golden kilms exposed in the eyes of the eyes, and they followed the body of the four people.

A sword, the strongest four golden noodles in the outer hospital, and immediately killed.

"How can it be?"

"Four golden killing killer, actually a sword was killed?"

"This, what is this strength?"

The surroundings of the big silver noodles, the copper killer looked at this.

"Golden Killer?" The sword was unparalleled but dismissed.

Two years ago, this golden killer can be a sword, and now his strength is more than too much than two years ago, a sword goes down, you can kill a group of golden killings at the same time.

"Next, you are."

The sword has no double ring looks around the silver noodles, the copper kilms, and the murder is more strong.

"The people of the bloody ripple, all have to die!"

call out!

The sword is unparalleled again, and the terrible "water droplets" is not able to distinguish between this sturdy rain. It is easy to brush a killer body.


Thoroughly slaughter!

Even the strongest four golden kilms were killed, the remaining silver-faced copper killing, facing the sword where there is no room for struggling ...

And when the sword is unparalleled in this outer hospital, there is a total of ten to gather together in the inner room.

Among these ten teamed births, there are eight people who are golden killing, and there are two more purple killing, with this, there is no mask, but the status is not less than the purple killing. Purple robe.

This vioo robes are shadow!

"We have to assassinate the goal, it is her."

Shadow opens a pair of scrolls, with a strong detail in the reel.

"The Tianyuan Jianzong is one of the old ages, Gu Qinghan." Shadow voice is cold, "we arranged the dark kiss of Tianyuan Jianzong, and now it is in the high level of Tianyuan Jianzong, and it is even possible to hold the Tianyuan Jianzong. Become a new generation of Tianyuan Jianzong, but this is the Qing Han, and it is right to face him in these years, so ... "

"She is dead!"

When you hear shadow, the golden kilms around and the two purple kilms appeared very calm.

The Tiangyuan Jianzong is too old, although it is a super strong, you can serve the power, you have to spray a yin and yang, nor is it difficult.

"There is a lot of Tianyuan Jianzong, and there is a number in yin and yang. I want to kill her in the Tianyuan Jianzong, she is impossible, so I can only wait for her from Tianyuan Jianzong ..."

Shadow and two purple kilms are negotiating how to assassinate the cold.

Suddenly ... a amazing spiritual fluctuation is accompanied by a shouting and killing from the outside hospital.

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