Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 136 Heavy Rains (middle)

"What's going on?" Shadow brow wrinkled.

"There is a hostile!" A purple killer is cold.

The room door opened, shadow and others came out from the room, and they came out, they can see a ghost-like figure in the outer house outside hundreds of meters.

That figure is connected to the sky, the sword is clear, and a sword is shining, and every sword is contaminated with bloody feather killer.

"Hurry over!" A purple killer burst into a sentence, and it went straight to the hospital.

Only hundreds of meters from the distance, with their speed is almost changing.

It is this momentous kungfu ... The killers in the outer house have suffered from crazy slaughter.

When the shadow and other people came to the outside hospital, the long sword just a sword wore the last silver-backed killer.


With the body of the silver-backed killer, only the swords left in the entire outer house are still there.

Shadow and others are stunned.

Even if they are all the top killers, they are shocked when they come to the outside hospital to see this scene.

I saw the entire outer courtyard, on the corridor under the roof, all over the corpse, these bodies were lying horizontally, and the denseness of the whole courtyard is all, and the blood poured out from their wounds, it has already been A scarlet in the courtyard.

That is still going down, the garden is full of water, but these strengthenings are unparalleled ...

I look at the whole scene as if I succumb.

Wearing a sword wearing a squirt, there is a unparalleled, holding a three kids, standing in this Shura Hell's most central, like a Glass of the Devil from Hell.

Whether it is Shadow, the two purple kills, or the eight golden kilms, they are shocked to look at this scene.

They are shocked not only because of the sword unparalleled, but because the sword is unparalleled to kill them!

Task, from the sword, there is no double, the spiritual force has a break, they have already been perceived in the inner hospital, and immediately moved it immediately, and only hundreds of meters from the inner court to the outside hospital. They arrived at them. Add up, there are ten breaths of breathing.

It can be such a short time, the sword is unparalleled, and the outer court will be nearly 100 killers, all kill!

What is this speed?

What strength is this?

Even if it is the two purple killing killers on the field, they also ask, even if they have two whole efforts to kill all the killers of the outside hospital, they can't do it.

And the sword is unparalleled.

The most important thing is that the spiritual feelings that the swords are not blessed, just just ... Kim Dan is big.

"A Jin Dan is big, but in such a short period of time, killing my bloody ripple near hundred killers!" Shadow face is suffocating, watching the sword is unparalleled, ice is cold, "Who are you?"

The two purple kilms and eight golden killers were also dead and stared at the sword.

"Two years ago, in the face of many people, I have said a word." The sword is not double-sided and still hidden under the fight, but the indifferent sound is spread.

"If he has returns to the day, it is called Zhu Xiang Huangquan!"

"This sentence, you should have heard."

Shadow is awkward, and it is awkward to show a shower, and at this moment, there is a slightly lifted the head, showing a clear face.

Seeing this face, even if the shadow is calm, I can't help but exclaim this moment.

"Sword is unparalleled, it is you!"


"Sword is not double?"

"Total of blood color will kill the order?"

The two purple killing killers next to him are also stunned with eight golden kneels.

Sword is unparalleled?

Two years ago, the entire Tianzong Dynasty was covered with the sky, and the bloody ripple was a little unparalleled.

"You, are you dead?" The shadow is shocked to look at the sword. "How can you still live?"

"So many people see you jump into the bottom of the abyss, you should be dead?"

Shadow is incredible.

The two purple kilms next to them were also shocked.

They can be aware of the abyst, that is one of the tops of the Tiansong Dynasty. What is the bottom of the abyss, it is a mystery, because never someone can enter the bottom of the abyss. .

So I found that after the sword was unparalleled, everyone thought he was dead.

The bloody feather is also thinking, so it is over two years ago for the sword.

But now, jumping into the deep inquiry sword is unparalleled, and it is intact to appear in front of them?

How can this be?

"Sorry, Xiaoyan is big, in the ghost door, I am hovering for a circle, Wang Ye said that I am handsome, so you will be so unfortunately, so I will put me back."

"Since I don't die, then it is dead now, it is you."

The sword is not a mouthful of mouth, smiles, but smile is like a blade.

"I ridiculous." One of the purple kinesmares said directly: "Heaven has a road, you don't go, hell is not a door! Since there is no completely kill you two years ago, then kill you once again, Also the same! "

The voice fell, this purple killer was soaring that the yin and yang fell, and the whole person turned into a stream of stream at this moment. In front of the sword.

"Death!" A purple soft sword has no sign of appearance, like ghost.

Shadow and the rest of those killers, all look at this all.

The sword is unparalleled, looked at this purple soft sword, and his mouth exposed a touch of smile.

"Ziki killer!"

"Two years ago, I have been desperately desperation of a purple killing, but now ..."

The sword has no doubles, and the three kill sword is a sudden burst. The Jian Feng's scary turmoil is fierce, that is, torn everything, burning everything.

"What?" This purple killer was shocked.

"Not good!" The other purple killer exclaimed, followed by it immediately.

"Do you join hands? How can it be?" The sword is still uncomfortable. In the hands of two swords with the wind, the sharp sword is directly smashed.

The two purple killers were connected to the simultaneous to resist, and they could calm down this sword.

The abrupt sword is unparalleled, but it is an angry in the three swords.

Three swords of swords contain the wind sword!

That is, two kinds of swords are combined, and the power can be much more powerful than a single sword.

"Damn!" These two purple kilms have shameful, even the warehouse, after three swords, the body of the two is directly burst.

"It's now!"

The sword has no bright light.

The three killer swords were once again turned into a stream, and there was a burst.

No , only one!

Peak strength, sudden out!


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