Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 137 Heavy Rains (below)

call out!

A horrible sword light directly burst.

The scary power contained in this sword is, even if the two purple kills are seen, they can't help but hose.

And because two of them have just been swords behind, they are justified, and now they are still in the way, facing the sword coming from this burst, that is treated as a target of Ziki killer only come and wavily The purple soft sword in your hand tries to scatter this sword.


The horrible sword is burst out of the thrilling of terrible power. When I was in an instant, I took the purple soft sword to go out, and then the sword light power relieved to hit the body of the purple killing.

In an instant, this purple killer appeared a large diameter of more than one cent.

The blood cave was in direct caves, and the flesh and blood of those organs in the body were smashed.

This purple killer glared in his eyes, and his mouth was squirted with blood, and then his body was unable to fell down.

The first purple kill killer, die!


The lady who was still alive, saw this scene could not be shocked, and when the sword did not look at him, he was in his heart.


The peak of the crest, the peak of the yin and yang, but did not hesitate to get rid of the sky at this moment, until there is no double in the distance from the sword, there is more than ten meters, he stops, there is no tied The sword is unparalpted.

"It is terrible, his sword is terrible!"

"The wind is swords, right, he has combined the blast sword with the fire sword, forming the swords of the wind, and the idea is much stronger than I have."

"I joined the old nine and two people, the two or one, the result was still crushed by him, and the old nine was directly killed by him!"

"His strength is far more than the ordinary yin deficiency, even if it is compared with the Yin deficiency, it is afraid that it is not too much!"

This purple kill murmured.

"Take it in the sky?" The sword was unparalleled to see this purple killing. The brown is bluffed.

The yin and yang fumes can be taken away, if you escape, he can't stop.

Although this purple killer escaped, it can be shadowed with the eight golden kilms, but they can't take it.

"With an enemy, I still killed a purple killer. How can this?" Shadow looked at the corpse of the Zikang killer under the bottom, a face incredible.

At this time, the sword was watched over.

The shadow immediately scared the soul.

"Fast, kill him, kill him." Shadow drove.

At his side, eight golden noodles killed, followed by it.

Bloodya killer, training is good, and the order of the upper peak is afraid that they know that they are dead, they will not hesitate.

When you take the moment of killer, this shadow is crazy to escape, but also shouted to the void's purple kill: "Fast, come to save me."

The purple killer immediately came to the shadow.

"Want to escape?" The sword didn't have a shadow, but the bottom is cold.

This clear water has a more killer, no one can die, even if it is the two purple killers, if he can't care, he will not care, but this shadow, no matter how, he can't let go.

"Give me!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the sword is bright, but it is a sword that is inchabulent. It is swaying in the rain, but it is like a ghost-like neck before the neck of the eight golden noodles. .

Just a moment, eight golden killing killers, all died.

"Do you escape?"

After relying on the valerian directly to kill these eight golden noodles, the sword has burst out immediately, and there is a shadow of the shadow.

"How can it be so fast?" Shadow was shocked, knew that purple killer couldn't drive him to the void before the sword was unparalleled, and immediately became a madness.

"Miscover, die!"

The shadow turned, but it was a slightly cold flying knife directly in the sword without a double eyebrow.

The flying knife speed is extremely fast, and it appears in front of the sword in an instant.


The sword is unparalleled, but the figure is like a ghost, it has passed next to the flying knife, followed by a sword, easily brushed from the shadow's wrist, and the time shadow is only completely sharpened.


The shadow has made a painful scream, and the sword is unparalleled, but the strength of a strong power is condensed in front of him, holding a fist, directly bombarding the abdomen of Shadow.


The shadow immediately spurted a big blood, the face was also awkward, "My Jindan, my Jin Dan ..."

Although the shadow is also a full of golden Dan, but even in the sword, there is no room for any struggle. This moment has been bombed from the sword.

Jin Dan is the root of the martial author, Jindan is broken, and the shadow has been in the past few decades.

"Do you have to be gone, and still ask Jin Dan?"

The sword is unparalleled, and the big hands are waved. At this moment, it is directly grabbed the neck of the shadow, as if to screw the chicken, put the shadow of the whole person, then it is hard to force the ground.


Even if there is a hindrance to the water, this smashing is still the ground turtle, and the shadow is once again sprayed a blood, and the five organs have been hit by unprecedented, and the severe pain is straightforward.

Subsequently, the sword is unparalleled, and the shadow is screwed.

That purple killer suddenly had an unprecedented jealousy, even if he saw the shadow in the sword, he didn't have a coupling and a pair of swords.

"Zi noodle killer, but so."

The sword is unpacking and smiling, followed by ignoring this purple killing, screwing the shadow, plunding the courtyard, not long after it disappears in the sight of this purple killer.

This purple killer stands alone in the void, but his eyes overlooks the blood sea below, and he is the only person who is still alive in this point. This purple killing is not silent.

This time, the bloody ripple losses is too big!

The whole water is strong, and hundreds of copper surfaces, silver-faced grade killer, one does not leave all killed.

Twelve golden kilms, everything is dying.

Of course, these are nothing, can really be called a huge loss, is the death of the purple killing, and shadow.

"I didn't expect two swords that have fallen into the dead two years ago. I still live alive, and only two years, his strength has been raised to this step!" This purple killer is holding hands.

"He is not dead, then the trouble of my bloody ripple is big!"


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