Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1341 Tianyuan Secret

"The sword is unparalleled."

The living is looking at overlooking, "Your business, Witch Cang has been told me, you want to go to the top ten cultivation, I can go to the road map to you, but I still advise you ... don't go there."

"Well?" The sword is unparalleled.

"You may not know, from Flying Snowland to Ten Cultivation Holy Land, how far is the road, what kind of danger is this in this middle, don't say that your district is a heavy day, even a three Tianjie God, I want to go to the top ten cultivation holy land. "

"Even if it is me, I got to come to one of the holy situations, but I have encountered some crises on the way, and I'm dead." The Lone Hall said.

I heard this, the sword was unbenhed.

With the power of the Lonely Hall of Lord, he encountered a life and death crisis on the way to the top ten holy.

"The sword is unparalleled, and the chaos world is everywhere, all over the crisis, don't say this living Lord, even if it is Luo Zhen, the founder of the Star is likely to fall, this is what you explain? Just like it to go to some dangers, is it not going to have a dangerous, I will not laugh. "Yu Wang smiled.

"This is also." The sword is a laughter.

"The sword is unparalleled, I advise you to put down the top ten cultural holy situations, at least it is temporarily put, just in the snow god, join my flying snow farm, in my flying snow farm practice tens of thousands of years , Waiting for your strength, reaching the three heavens, you will go to the top ten cultivation holy land, nor too late. "The Lonely Hall smiled.

"The Lord of the Lonely Hall." The sword is unparalleled, solemn: "I know that the road to the top ten cultivation holy land is very dangerous, but I am determined."

"Oh?" The main gaze of the living is slightly smashed. He followed: "This way, you are good at the swords, and there is a Rivassie, who is carefully drilled in the Snow Road, and this Lu Luo I have to be a bit more points, I can let him receive you for the disciples, teach you to cultivate you, how? "

"This ..." The sword is unparalleled.

He didn't expect that this sleuts of the Lons Lord actually used this means to use this means in order to let him stay in the snowfield.

"The Lonely Lord, I don't think about it, I want to go to the top ten cultivation, that is because I have already had a teacher, so I just want to arrive as soon as possible." The sword has no pair.

"There is already a teacher?" The main brow is a wrinkle, and I shook my head. "In this case, it will be."

The Lonely Museum is no longer barely sword, but a waving takes out a trick, "This is the road map to the top ten cultivation holy land, but I only have to go to a big holy place, so I only go The road map of the holy place. "

"Top Ten cultivation holy land, connected to each other, is not too far apart, as long as you can find one, the other can be found." The voice of the King was in the sword.

"Thank you." The sword is unparalleled, and I am busy thank you.

"Ten days later, the Tianyuan secret will open, and that thirty places are largely you win, so you will go." The Lord is the Lord.

The sword is unparalleled, and after coming again, he left.

Out of the palace, the sword is unparalleled to immediately take it out, starting to browse, Kings are also browsing.

"Sality, like me guess, the position of this Flying Snow, is the most edge of the chaotic world, is a very small corner of the vast chaos world, which is equivalent to a unknown blind star area. I don't have heard that I haven't heard of this snow before I haven't heard of this snow. "

"The sword is unparalleled, the road to the top ten cultivation, you have now gotten it, but you want to rush to the country from this snow ... Just as you said, it is not easy. "

"How is it it is not easy?" The sword was unparalleled.

"You don't have to know this first. Since I already know the location of this snow, there is no need to go to the road map given to the Lonely Hall. I will give you a good study. Wait for you from the tiang When I came out, when I was ready to leave the snow, I told you again. "

"Good." The sword is not a hyper point.

The sword is unparalleled back to his residence and started a cultivation as always.

Ten days later, thirty geniuses went to the secret of Tianyuan, and the sword was in these thirty people.

In the first deacon, it is the leader of the Qing people, and the sword is unparalleled and other thirty people come to the entrance to the secret of the Tianyuan.

Waiting for a moment, the entrance to the secret of the day is open, and the sword is unparalleled and others naturally enter the secret of the Tianyuan.

After coming to the secret of Tianyuan, the sword is unparalleled, but it is a white void.

The four sides were surrounded by the white fog, and these fog looked with a virtual.

And when he appeared in this white vain, he immediately pericated a concealed force to swept him.

"This is ..." The sword has no double eyeline.

"The sword is unparalleled, should you notice it?" The Dragon, the sword next to him.

Ten days ago, the tasting battle ended. When I learned that the sword was unparalleled to twisted the Qiankun. After the flying snow farm won the winner, the genius of the flying snowfield is quite polite to the sword. Humility, especially today's twenty-nine geniuses that come to this day.

They are more grateful to swords.

After all, if there is no sword, they have no chance to come to this day.

Like this dragon, there is no pair of swords.

"Notice it, it is a conscious attack." The sword is unparalleled.

"Yes, it is awareness attack, and in our people, the awareness attack, you are the best at one, you feel more clearly." Long Hao smiled, "awareness, is the fundamental, importance It is also especially important to be lower than the life of the nucleus, and natural! "

"Like in the mountain stone world, the genius of the Trenders' gangster encountered your consciousness, if their awareness can be more powerful, that is not so miserable."

"And this day is the secret, in fact, it is a secret that has been used to abrasive consciousness!"

"Wrap the awareness?" The sword has no double look.

Long Hao continued to say, "There is always a natural consciousness impact in Tianyuan, and this consciousness is more forward, the stronger, we have just entered the secrets of Tianyuan, just in the first floor of the Tianyuan Middle The most edge of this consciousness is still very weak, but if you have been going forward, go to the first floor, go to the first floor, or go to the second floor, the sense of consciousness will greatly improve!

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