Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1342 Consciousness under the Immacity

"The impact of the awareness of the secrets of Tianyuan, according to the strength of the weak!"

"The first layer of consciousness, generally a heavy heaven can resist, and the sense of consciousness in the second layer, the strength of the two heavens will be able to resist, the third layer corresponds to the three heavens!"

"As for the fourth floor ..."

"The fourth layer is quite mysterious. I have a lot of days in the history of the snow, there are many consequences of this Tianyuan, including some of the enchanting three heavens, but can get into the fourth floor, but less There are few days! "

"In addition, in the fourth floor, there will be some other opportunities, such as 100,000 years ago, there is a three-day god in the Flying Snow Road, I have got a quite in the fourth floor. The secret. "

"Of course, the fourth floor is too far away from these heavy heaven, we can do it in the first floor. It will rely on this consciousness in the second floor, and we have a lot of consciousness. Just, the sword is unparalleled, your consciousness is so strong, maybe you can try to go to the second floor of the most ended. "Dragon said.

Listening to Long Hao, the sword is unparalleled to this day the secret secret.

"It turned out to have a secret to hood improvement of consciousness." The sword is unhappy.

"The sword is unparalleled, the strength wants to improve is not easy, and the place like this is quite rare, although you are already in the power of the soul, but you can also use the awareness of this Tianyuan secret to improve the impact This can be a rare opportunity, not to be missed. "The voice of the King sounded.

"So a chamber, I certainly won't miss it." The sword has no double response.

"The sword is unparalleled, we can only wait for ten years in this day, and the Tianyuan secret will be closed after ten years, we must also leave, so you have to hurry, hurry." The Long Hao next to it reminded.

"Well." The sword didn't have a double nodding, nor hesitated, when it was slowly played.

Other geniuses entering the secret of Tianyuan, have also begun to play in front.

If you want to use awareness shock to harm your own consciousness, you must make the consciousness to achieve the limit of your consciousness, and now just the first floor of the most edge consciousness, weak, natural nor people will choose to practice .

There is no double one road in the sword, and he will also feel the impact of the awareness of the front, but this intensity is not in the heart, just a moment, he went to the first floor. Here, his pace is still not affected.

But he is next to a heavy heaven, the gods are clearly exposed, but they can also stick to it.

The genius of the flying snow farm, since it is a genius, consciousness is naturally stronger than the same order.

The first floor, almost everyone spans the past.

It can be one to the second floor, after the awareness of the impact reaches the two heavens, the ten heavy heavens are in the sky, and there is also a sword. There is another person who can stick to it. The other seven people have paused. It is apparent that this kind of consciousness is already for them to bear the limit.

After a moment, Long Hao paused with another genius in the middle area of ​​the second floor, and the sword was unparalleled, and there was still no stalls to go forward.

He walked to the end of the second floor, and it was still not paused, but directly across the third floor.

At the third floor, the consciousness impact has reached the three heavenly gods, but the sword is not blessed, but it is not very effective.

"Although the impact of this third floor is strong, it is still impossible to affect me?" The sword is also quite quite weird, but the thunder is secretly asked: "Kings, you know what I am now, what is it? level?"

"Consciousness strength?"

The king smiled, "You have always cultivated your Master to enhance the way, improve the power of the soul, plus many experience, and direct cross-repair, the tempering of the robbery, this makes your consciousness far away Far beyond your class, now you, if it is the strength of the real sense, it should have reached the most limit of the two heavens, even close to the three heavens! "

"But because your awareness has already become a power of the soul, the power of the soul is extremely high-end, so even if the strength is weak, it is very unusually attacked, but it is very good, like now you have cross The third floor of this Tianyuan secret is still not affected. "

"I estimate that you will only feel effort to get to the third floor, as for your limit, it should be at the end of the third floor."

Wen Yan, the sword is unparalleled and nodded.

Sure enough, when he walked to the third floor of the middle area, the impact of the awareness has made him faintly cause some tingling, which makes him have some effort.

Here, the sword is unparalleled, but continues to go forward, soon he walked to the end of the third floor, the pace is finally stopped.

And I also walked to the end of the third floor, and there were nine three heaven gods from the flying snowfield.

The three-day gods of the original Flying Snow Road entered the secret of this day have ten, but they have the most dazzling morning maple in the ten people, but they have already entered the fourth layer.

At this moment, this nine three heavens gods gains, and they also have noticed the arrival of swords, and they are incredible one by one.

"Junny? One heavy heaven, I went to the end of the third floor? Focusing with us?"

"Before the qualifying battle, he saw that this sword is unparalleled, and its awareness will inevitably go, but I never thought about his consciousness, enough to follow us for these three days of peak Ping? "

"A heavy heaven, conscious to this extent, how?"

This nine three heavens God will see me, I will see you, and I can't say anything.

However, the sword is unparalleled, but after he walks into the end of the third floor, he sat down directly.

Subsequently, he began to cultivate "Wan Dao Jing" under the oppression of the consciousness impact.

Wan Dao, enhance the way of lifting the power of the soul.

When the power of the soul reaches the limit of oppression, cultivate this method, which is definitely the best shortcut to improve the power of the soul.

"The opportunity is rare, I only have ten years, I can't miss it." The sword is unparalleled with hands, but the heart is very calm.

His full body and mind have been put into the cultivation of Wan Dao.

As for those three heaven gods next to the gods, they have also been recovered from shocking, and they also put into consciousness and improvement.

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