Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1343 Robe Woman

time flies.

Ten years, I have passed the nine years.

There is only the last year.

At the end of the third floor, in that tray, the sword was unparalleled, but he opened his eyes.

"Under this consciousness, I am going to cultivate Wan Dao, just nine years, my soul is even more than one time!" The sword flashed in a strong light.

"Sword is unparalleled, your power of your current soul, is the strength of consciousness, has truly reached the three heavens and gods." The voice of Kings sounded.

"In just nine years, the progress is so big, the advantage of this tiang Yuan is really big enough, no wonder the genius of the snowpower to follow the Tempse of the Temple of the Temple, I want to enter this secret." The sword is unparalleled, and the spin is his look. It is a move, "I am now the power of the soul, the consciousness of the third floor, the impact of the thoughts on my oppression is not that huge, there is still a year ... Maybe I can try to see the fourth floor Look."

Fourth floor!

The most wonderful layer of the talent secret.

If there is an opportunity, the sword is unparalleled naturally, I want to go to the fourth layer.

Immediately, the sword stood up and stood up and then slowly walked toward the fourth floor.

He moved this, the neighboring nine three heaven gods that have been in the surrounding have been alarmed by him.

"This sword is unparalleled, what do you want?"

These three heavenly gods stare at the swords and unparalleled, and they quickly saw the sword unparalleled purpose.

"This kid, I want to go to the fourth layer !!!"

"Fourth floor, even if we are in our three heavens, the morning maple has passed, this sword is unparalleled with a heavy heaven, I also want to go? What to joking!"

These three heaven gods are full of incredible.

Under their gaze, the pace of swords and unparalleled steps will be stepped out step forward, soon come to the third floor and the fourth floor connection point, here there is a simple barrier, and the sword has no double sucking tone, Then it is directly cross-zone in the barrier.

In an instant of the half-footed into the barrier, the stock has always existed, and this is not aware of the impact of consciousness, and the moment is big!

"Booming ~~~"

The sword is unparalleled, only a roaring in his mind, and his eyes become scarlet, but there is a madness under the scarlet, he bites his lips, hard to bear the amazing consciousness attack, the next moment The body did not enter the barrier.

"Cross the past?"

"It's actually successful?"

"This this……"

The nine three heaven gods are stupid.

They have a three-day peak of the gods, and they are all the geniuses that are carefully cultivated by the flying snow farm. As a result, they can only stay at the end of this third floor, but the sword is unparalleled with a heavy heaven, but enter the fourth floor. ?

Suddenly, this nine three heavens gods feel their own full of hot pain.

The fourth floor of the Tianyuan Middle!

The sword just crossing the heavy barrier is unparalleled, but it is standing there, but it doesn't hurry again.

At this moment, the face is terrible. Under that consciousness, the fire of the soul in the sea is crazy, as if it is going to collapse.

"The sword is unparalleled, stick to it, just insist on the moment, there is no collapse, your soul is naturally able to adapt to this consciousness." The low sink of Kings said in the sword.

The sword is unparalleled with hands, and the mouth is a low graze. "I have been over, the district consciousness is impacted, what?"

He is deadly supported, but just a moment of success, under the impact of the amazing consciousness, the power of the soul in the sea is under great oppression, slowly improved.

Just because of this, there is a lot of pressure to weaken immediately, and it is possible to hurry at any time. Now it is stable.

"Fortunately, come over."

The sword is not born in the binochang, but the bottom is relaxed.

"The sword is unparalleled, continue to cultivate, you will practice in this fourth layer, the benefits you get in the third floor should be bigger." Said the King said.

"Well." The sword nodded, and he took him with a long to sit down and then continued to practice Wan Dao.

When the sword is unparalled to enter the fourth layer, in the secret of the Tianyuan, the most central core of the Tianguan secret, there is a mountain range made entirely of white polish, which exudes a strange breath, obviously Quite precious.

In the mountain range made of this white spar, there is a large cave house.

In the depths of the Dongfu, a woman wearing a robe sat there and a long time was always moving.

But at this moment, this robe woman suddenly opened his eyes, and a purple ray flashed.

This purple light hole worn the mountains, and the hole wearing endless voids, he was actually clearing the scenes of hundreds of millions of swords unparalleled in the cultivation scene.

She saw the sword unparalleled moment, her eyes were slightly rising.

Task, this time, the thirty genius in the secret of the Tianyuan, there is a sword unparalleled, and there is also the morning maple to enter the fourth floor, and the sword is unparalleled to reach the edge of the fourth floor, the morning maple It is a long distance from the fourth floor, and the consciousness is much better than the sword.

Morning Maple stepped into the fourth floor, including many genius in the history of the Flying Snow Road, this robes were not awakened, let alone seeing the opposite side.

Only sword is unparalleled ... not only makes this robe woman awakened, but also caught her attention.

"The power of the soul?"

The two words were spit out in the population of the robe.

And these four words are to let the swords are unparalleled or the kings will be shocked.

The power of the soul, that is the high-end force that swords are unparalleled. These years he have repeatedly showed the soul attack. Many times they were under the eyes of human eye, but no one can find out what they come, they think that is just Consciousness attack, including the Lone Lord, who has been over the world, is also thinking.

But now, this robe is not seen that the sword is unparalleled to show the soul attack. It is only the moment of the sword where the sword is unparalled, she sees.

"Only a heavy heaven, ignite the fire of the soul?"

Reversive! "

"And his blood at the blood, should be the blood of the ancient god, and the blood is extremely pure, among the ancient gods, it should be very noble!"

"A reverse repair with a pure and pure ancient gods, and has passed the first heavy renrore robbery, and there is a bit of this secret, but it is a bit mean!"

The robe woman immediately understood that the sword was unparalleled, and she started to stand up.


PS: Today, six!

Brothers, today's still six, everyone's enthusiasm is coming out, I will still be more than six tomorrow!

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