Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1346 Duan Lifeng

This bald man has a strange secret pattern on the face, and that boy is obviously staring at this secret pattern.

It seems to be aware of the appearance of the teenager, and I have been sitting in the cultivated bald man. The cold eyes swept the juvenile, and the fierce blessed in the eyes is a white, and the back of the frightened .

At this time, a woman went to the front and went into the arms. I apologized: "Sorry, my brother is not intentionally distinguished."


The bald man glanced at the woman, but there was a cold, but "who will bring the two ribbons to the boat? Does he don't know why there is a danger of the ancient star sea, but also bring two boundaries Housed tunnel? "

The voice of the bald man is very large, and everyone on the splint has seen it.

When these people see a woman, there is also the tiger head, but the face has changed.

They all see that this red woman is just a truth. As for the Tiger's head, the brain teenager is only 11 or two, only to start cultivation, there is no strength at all.

You must know that they have to cross the ancient star sea, the process is dangerous, so the threshold established by this team is a heavy heaven.

Now this red woman is obviously with the border battle with the teenager, and it has also ran to their team?

"Who is bringing up? Hurry up and stand up, otherwise Laozi will directly throw the boat directly." The head man is low, the sound sounds on the entire spaceship.

At this moment, the door of the cabin is open, and a figure is slowly coming out of the cabin.

This is a young woman who is carrying a knife. He has a brown long hair, a pair of eyes, long body shape, and indifference, looks like an angry, top.

The white robe's young trail came to the front of the bald man, and its eyes overlook, "They are all I brought up, do you have opinions?"

White robe young voice seems to be plain, but he didn't say a word, the breath of his body will be strong, the voice falls, his breath has reached an extremely horrible level, oppressed in the bald man, Make the head of the bald man distorted, the mouth opened for a long time, but it could not say a word.

"Duan Big Brother."

The red dress pulled the white robes, and the breath of the white robe is slowly reduced.


The white robe has snorted, and he went to the red woman with the teenager, "Let's go to the cabin."

The red woman nodded and then came into the cabin with the boy.

On the deck, it has been thoroughly discussion.

"Just that, is the three heavenly gods of our team?"

"The woman told him to be a big brother, that is, his surname, I don't know what the name is."

"I just got the adult, I know, he called Duan Lingfeng."

"Duan Lingfeng?"

Everyone immediately saw the past.

The idea of ​​saying the name of Duan Lingfeng is a paragraph. "This Duan Lingfeng is indeed a three-day god, but he has just been spent three days, and it is said that when he kills, Non-same, even, even have a strong person who has seen him to knew the loot of the gods said that this adult's triple God robbery is a heartbeat! "

"Heartbeat?" Everyone was shocked.

Even if it is a sword, there is no double, when you hear two words, looks at the words.

In the world of chaotic world, three kinds of robbery, the most terrible heart robbery, can not be qualified.

"Under normal circumstances, the Lingfeng adults have passed the heart robbery, and the strength will inevitably be very strong, but unfortunately he just faded, Shen Li just started to transform like the three heavens, so I won't be strong." The world said again.

"Is this?"

"That is a pity."

Everyone squatted, and after a moment, the deck was gradually added.

The sword is unparalleled to hear the discussion around these people, and secretly remember the name of Duan Lingfeng.

The boundary spacecraft is flusted in the ancient star, and the speed is not slow.

I have been three years.

For these three years, the sword is very calm, and there is no crisis in the middle, only two different beast harassments.


" " "

A sword is bright, and it is quite fierce.

Soon the swordsman drills have been completed.

"Unparalleled big brother, how do you see the swords of my drill?"

Three years, the teenagers of the Tiger's brain have also grown a lot. At this moment, I am laughing in front of the sword.

"Not bad, if the sword is better, it is better to improve." The sword was unhappy smiled.

For these three years, he is also good along the other people of this team, especially in front of this boy 'Luohai'.

At first, this Luohai practiced the sword alone on the deck, the sword was watching next to it. When Luohai's sword exercise was completed, he fell to a few words, but so that this Luo Hai is old, then this Luohai often came to find him pointed out.

"Luohai, your big brother is three heavens, you have always followed him, why don't you like to practice a knife, but prefer to practice the sword?" The sword was unparalleled.

"After you are born, I did always follow my brother, but the big brother didn't point to me with a knife, and I didn't like to use the knife. I like to use the sword, I will inevitably become a sword in the future. The swordsman in the world, just like my father. "Luohai said.

"Oh, your father is also using the sword?" The sword was unpaired, and his face also took a smile.

at this time……


The harsh screams sound.

On the spaceship, it was originally talking freely, or many cultivation in the cultivation of many cultivations were alarmed, and a look at the source of the screams.

I saw a purple torrent from the front of the spacecraft, and the speed was so fast, and the purple torrent was also closed with a harsh scream.

"That is……"

"It is a purple sky!"

"A lot, a lot of purple sky!"

"Fast, express the aircraft quickly change the direction."

A horizon sound sounded on the spaceship.

The purple sky is an extremely terrible one in many different animal groups.

And the purple sky, has always hate human cultivators, seeing human cultivars, generally do not know directly to kill.

Nowadays, it is a purple taste.

"No, it's too late."

The manipulated spaceship is the leader of this team. The young people of the Qingrobe are in the mountains, and he has changed in the fastest speed to change the direction of the spaceship, but it is not too late.

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