Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1347 Blood Knife


The purple floods will cover the spaceship, only to hear a harsh scream, and a lot of purple sky mad shocks the ban on the spaceship.

This is replaced, and it is immediately shakes.

"not good!"

The young people in the green robe changed, and even the road: "All the two days of the world are shot, and they have not broken the ban, find out their leaders, then kill!"

The voice falls, this Yushan is the first straight to the ban.

Many of the many two-day gods on the spaceship, they have not hesitated, and one is instantly riped.

"Yuer, Xiaohai!"

"You two, hurry to the cabin."

That Ling Feng said, then the body is also out of the moment.

Luo Yu and Luo Hai sien's two people naturally entered the cabin according to the instructions of Duan Lingfeng.


Outside the spaceship, a killing moment broke out.

The three three heavens are gods, and they rushed out of the spacecraft with nearly 20 second heavens, with those purple battle, terrible roars.

Can be disrespectful ...

call out!

The purple light flashed, and the head of the three two heaven and the head of the two, and was opened by the hole.



Everyone was shocked, and then they saw that the foot and five-headed volume from the purple floods were obviously larger than a lot of purple sky.

There are three golden patterns on these five purple days.

"Three lines of purple sky, there is five heads?" Nushan was immediately angry.

The purple sky is distinguished from the golden grain on the back of their volume.

A striped Zi Tianqi is a heavy heaven.

Diwi, comparable to two days!

Three ripples, nature is comparable to three days!

Five-year-old three-striped purple sky, it is equivalent to the strong people of five three heavens!

In addition to these five-headed purple sky, this purple flood is there, and there is still a few ten-legged purple sky, as for a texture of purple sky.



Such a terrible quantity is not the more than 20 bounds in Yushan, the ban on the spaceship, and the ban on the spaceship, but only only maintain a solution, it is completely smashed.

If the ban is broken, everyone on the spacecraft immediately exposed in front of those purple.

"Be careful!"


With a excitement and shouting, there are many heavy heavens in the deck, including the sword unparalleled, and instantly took out their own gods, and kill it with the purple sky.

The sword has no double eyeline, with a murder, the blood peak sword is like a tide of the moisture, and a stripes in front of it.

This purple is pulled out, but also wants to kill the sword without double, but when the sword is hit, it feels that there are all around the world.


This purple body is directly torn, but it is still not disappearing like a tidal sword light, but continues to kill the trend toward the rear.

laugh! laugh!

There are two purple sky, and they are swept by this sword, and they are also killed in an instant.

A sword killed three purple sky, and then relative to the large amount of purple sky, it was insignificant.

at this time……


The cabin of the big ship suddenly broke out, at least 10 Zi Tianzi was rushing in the cabin.

This scene, next to those bounds, there is nothing.

Duan Lingfeng with two three striped purple days in the distance, but the face is a dramatic.

"not good!"

Duan Shanfeng's cold face was distorted, he desperately roaring, and he could not yet.

He has seen the color of Luo Yu and Luohai.

The foot of the foot is 10th, the purple sky rushes to Luo Yu with Luohai, and the world has no ability to save.


A sword is suddenly lit, it is like a hot autumn wind, with a cool, suddenly passed on the spaceship, but did not leave a slight trace.

laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh!

Rushing to Luo Yu and Luohai's numerous purple sky, his body is instantly solidified in the void, but the next moment is a silent start fall.


An appearance in front of Luo Yu and Luohai.

"Unparalleled big brother?" Luohai looked at the sword with his eyes.

"If you follow my body, don't run, don't you run, do you know?" The sword didn't look at Luohai and Luo Yu.

"Well." Luo Yu is busy with Luohai.

In addition to the spaceship, the crazy Duan Lingfeng, saw Luo Yu and Luohai were saved by swords, and immediately touched, and followed him, suddenly turned, seeing the five-year-old three tattoo in front of the front. Purple sky.

"It's almost, Yu Chi is dead with the small sea!"

"Only a little!"

Duan Lingfeng scratched his hands, but there was a shocking killing in a condensed.

"You, you will die!"

One of the blood came out from Duan Lifeng, and Duan Lingfeng had a span and appeared in front of his nearest three-striped purple sky.

Subsequently, he broke out.


A bloody knife, suddenly.

No sound!

The knife did not produce any sound, and it was so thin that when the knife appeared, the neighboring the big battlefield was completely quiet, and there was no slight sound.

"That is?"

Yushan and the other three heavens gods turned their head, and Dynasty Lingfeng saw the past.


The sword standing on the spaceship is unparalleled. At this moment, he also looked up at this moment. He was also attracted by the knife on Duan Lingfeng.

The knife is silent, as if it is empty.

But this knife is Yushan and the three heaven gods are shocked from the heart.

At the same time, the sword has no double exposes a shock.

The void is completely suffocating, and only this knife is still slowly.


Without slightly, this bloody knife passed from the three-striped purple sky.

Three-shaped purple sky, enough to compare the three heaven and god of human beings, but there is no ability to respond to the ability.

Subsequently, Duan Lingfeng stepped forward again and appeared in front of the second three-striped purple sky.


The same bloody knife is bright.

It is still quiet!

laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh!

Connected five times step, five times, the same knife, which is completed in just a moment.

After the five knives, this purple day is the first five-headed three-striped purple sky, and they have been killed.

Five knives, kill five-headed three-striped purple sky, a knife!

On the battlefield, all human cultivars were shocked.


Those two patterns, a texture purple sky is an angry crazy scream, and the five leaders have been killed in an instant, and they are also scared.

There is no way to stop, a lot of purple sky crazy, this huge purple torrents instantly leave the range of spaceships.

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