Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1348 Real genius!

The purple sky has escaped it, and this crisis has also been released.

On the spaceship, everyone is still falling into a horror, and has not returned to God for a long time.

They were all scared by Duan Lingfeng just five amazing knives.

That five swords, it is terrible ...

"The sword is unparalleled, you have encountered the real genius." The voice of the king sounded in the sword.

"True genius? Duan Lingfeng?" The sword was unparalleled.

"It is him." The voice of Kings is also very solemn. "If I don't feel wrong, this Lingfeng should be seriously injured! It may be that there is a kind of highly toxic, leading to his strength. Play out, otherwise, he has already shot the five-year-old three-piece purple sky. "

"He is seriously injured?" The sword is unparalleled but it is shocked.

He is seriously injured, the strength is, but the results are still directly killed the five-headed purple sky.

"Don't be strange, this Lingfeng is really very powerful. If he is seriously injured, if he just passes the robbery, the body of the body is just beginning to transform, don't say that the five-year-old three-striped purple sky is in the district, even if it is the whole chaos The world, countless three-day peak, he is absolutely called invincible! "

"He, have such strength!" Said Shen Yun.

"In the world of chaotic world, countless three-day peaks, called the invincible?" The sword was shocking.

"He is a real genius. It belongs to the top super genius in the vast chaotic world. It is two things that are two things, the genius, the genius of the flying snow, the gods of the gods. He is only given to him to sell shoes. "King said.

"Of course, this Lingfeng although the real genius, you are not bad more than him."

The sword is unparalleled, and the heart has also set off a huge waves.

King saw a wide range of knowledge, and the king can make such comments, this Lingfeng's greatness, I would like to know.

In the eyes of everyone shocked, the Ling Feng has slowly recovered the war knife, and the figure has come to the spaceship, came to Luo Yu and Luohai.

"Yuer, Xiaohai, you are nothing?" Duan Lingfeng asked.

"Nothing." Luo Yu shook his head.

"It is unparalleled big brother to save us." Luohai said.

Duan Ling Feng also looked at the sword.

"Thank you." Duan Lingfeng is grateful.

"Just ramping the labor, let alone, if you kill the five-year-old three-striped purple sky, I am afraid that our team is afraid that no one can escape, and it should be that all of us should thank you." Sword is unpaired .

Duan Lingfeng nodded slightly, and did not say more.

The many people on the spacecraft have also returned to God, and they will start to recover.

Just a battle, their team also fell a lot of bounds, and many people were hurt.

In addition, the ban on the surrounding spaceship is also broken, and Yushan must also rehabilitate.

When the recovery is almost, the air boat continues to start.

In a corner of the spacecraft, the sword is unbearable from one person.


An aeer is directly in the sword without double throwing, the sword is not double immediately.

"Drink a cup with me." Duan Lingfeng also sat down directly, and his hands also took a pot of wine.

The sword is not a double brow, nor does it refuse.

"Fortunately, you will be in time to save Yuer and the small sea, otherwise I have no face to see Luoyan big brother." Duan Lingfeng is indifferent.

"Luo Yan brother?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Luo Yan's big brother is their father, is a friend who is fighting with me!" Duan Lifeng said: "Not long ago, when I was in the third lobby, my enemies suddenly found the door, Luo Yan brother in order to let them It doesn't hinder me, I know that it is still to stop the other three three heavens and I'm so powerful, and I finally spent the robbery, but Luo Yan brother was killed in my enemy! "

"It can be said that I owe the big brother!"

When I heard this, the sword was unparalleled, and I couldn't help but blind. I secretly admired the 'Luoyan Big Brother'.

I know that the enemy is not, but in order not to hinder your life and death, you will have the three three heavenly gods of the other side, until you die!

This friendship is very heavy!

"Luo Yan's big brother is over, I want to send Yuer to the Xiaohai back to his hometown dragon line area, I will do this life is not, I will inevitably send them back to hometown, but today ..." Duan Lingfeng secretly Shaking his head, a self-blame.

If it is not a sword to save today, Luo Yu is really dead with Luohai.

"If I haven't seen a wrong, should you be seriously injured?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Do you see it?" Duan Lingfeng exposed a surprised color.

"Your injury is definitely heavy, and it has a great impact on your war. Otherwise, you can kill the three-striped purple sky." The sword said.

"Indeed," Duan Ling Peak nodded. "I am a kind of high-purity of the enemy, the strength can't break out, today can kill the three-striped purple sky, and the risk of spelling the poison Explosive strength. "

"Is this?" The sword didn't have a double eyeliner, and he was said: "What is poison in you? Maybe I have a way to solve it for you."

On detoxification, swords and unparalleled big changes are indeed a good hand.

"No." Duan Lingfeng shook his head, "that the poison has been suppressed by me, as long as I give me some time, I haven't used it for a hundred years, I am enough to completely clear the poison."

"In this case, why don't you remove the poison?" Then there is no pair of doubts.

What is the dangerous?

There is no restoration of the peak, take two Zungui Guxing Sea?

Is this too reluctant?

"I have no way, because my enemies have been looking for home, I can only leave immediately." Duan Lingfeng said.

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled."

Duan Lingfeng suddenly came over, he also knew the name of the sword.

"Today, you will see that you have a sword to kill more than ten purple sky, your strength is quite strong." Duan Lifeng Road.

"I can't compare you." The sword is unparalleled but laughs.

"If I have not guess, what is the reason why you have to pass this ancient star, is it to go to the legendary top ten cultivation?" Duan Lingfeng asked.

"Yes." The sword is not a hyphenotype, nor does it deny.

"Top Ten Cultivation Holy Land ..." Duan Lingfeng appeared in a light spot, "The legend is like a cloud, the strong, but What monsters are there in the top ten cultivation holy? "

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