Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1349 is a strong enemy!

On the spaceship, Duan Lingfeng chatted with the sword and chatted for a long time.

The sword is unparalleled early, knowing that Duan Lingfeng is a real genius, willing to talk to Yan Fengfeng.

Duan Lingfeng, I also saw that the sword was unparalleled, so I would like to have no double intersect with the sword.

The next time, the spacecraft continued to flourish in the ancient star.

The ancient star is heavy, before the purple day, it is a great dangerous, but the ancient star sea is more terrible than the purple Tianzi, there are many.

However, because the sword is unparalleled, the team is not weak, plus the top of the top, the top of the top, and the next one is more dangerous, and it is relatively easy.

A sway, I have been in the past forty years.

Although the ancient star sea is huge, it relysted that the world's spacecraft has been flooded by more than 40 years, and the sword is unparalleled. They have finally rushed to the edge of the ancient star sea.

"It is already close to the edge of the ancient star sea, how long does it take? Top for more than one month, we can get out of this ancient star!

"I have to leave here, honestly say this, I can happen!"

"If you hang, more than you are alone, we are all the same!"

"Fortunately, there is a Duan Lingfeng in this way, or we can get out of the ancient star sea."

Many people in the spacecraft talked with each other, but a sense of mood was obviously very good.

When there is a sword, there has been a sword in their head, and now they will finally pass the ancient star sea, and the sword that has been suspended will be put down, they are natural.

When almost everyone in the spacecraft is relaxed, just in the forehead of this spaceship, a hustle mountain is sitting in the wilderness of the loose black robe, but sudden Open your eyes.

"This feeling, this kind of fanatic feeling ... is too strong, even if I discovered a bloody phoenix last time, then I didn't feel this strong!"

"Who is it? Who is actually» I feel like this! "

The black robe monster man slammed up, and the cold eyes smashed around.

"It is the direction." The black robe demon a man looked at the end of the direction, but it was a strong ecstatic color.

"Is the prey!"

"And still very delicious, enough to make me all the prey!"

"Haha, it seems that you can have a full star!"

With a mad, a laughter, this black robe monster man's figure is instantly turned to the front of the ghosts.

"Delicious prey!"

"I'm coming!"


The huge spaceship of the large world is still flipping, and suddenly I don't know if there is a fast approach.

On the deck, the sword is unparalleled with a hug, looking at a young man in front of exercise sword.

This young man is obscured in Luohai.

40 years, in this ancient sea, plus some Dan medicine that sword unparalleled with Duan Lifeng, plus Luohai's own talent is not weak, he is very easy to reach the road, distance from Tianzun, also Not far away.

call out!

A cold sword turns suddenly, and it is eye-catching.

Soon the swordsman, Luohai also stopped the action in his hand.

"Unparalleled big brother, how is the sword I created?" Luohai fir is not double.

"OK, but since you have opened up a sword, you can try to create swordsmanship with this sword, so swords can completely play the swords." The sword said.

"Is this?" Luo Hai, but immediately smiled: "Unparalleled big brother, in fact, these more than 40 years, you have always had point to my sword, I also benefit from your pointing, otherwise I will directly Worship you as a teacher? "

"Take the teacher?" The sword was unparalleled.

Luo Yu, next to Luo Yu, also seen it.

The sword is unparalleled, "I am not qualified as your master, I haven't received a disciple in my hometown, but I can't be responsible for that disciple, let alone you."

Luohai shrugged helpless, and it could not force it.


A consciousness is coming, and all people on the spaceship will be swept away in a way that is extremely overbearing.

The sword is unparalleled, Ling Feng frowned.

Many of the people who talk on the spaceship have also been alarmed, and I am looking at the source of the consciousness.


A black robe demon man suddenly appeared in front of the spaceship, stopping the road of the spacecraft, so that the spacecraft had to stop.

In the spacecraft, everyone has gathered to the bow, and all through the reunification of the monster youth.

"A person?"

"If a person dares to stop our way?"

"This person seems very strong?"

Some discussion sounds.

As the leader of this team, it is also the owner of this spacecraft. The first opening of Yushan, the voice is cool and spread, "I don't know why you want to stop our road?"

This Yushan is still polite, because he has already felt that the strength is not weak, and at least the same is true for him.


When I heard Yushan, the black robes were not said, but they just made a jealous laughter, and his scorpion was a person who was tightly killed to the spaceship.

And the whole person, it is a sword!

"Found, it is him!"

The black robes muttered, the scarlet tongue is deep, slowly licking, and lips.

His face is red, that is excited, and his eyes also have unprecedented fanatics.

His whole people are now in ecstasy.

"It's so wonderful, this feeling is too wonderful, I feel that my whole body and mind are floating!"

"This person, this prey ... The blood of him is too excited!"

The black robes muttered, his voice did not cover up, and it also passed to the spaceship.

The colors of many people in the spacecraft are not very beautiful.

And the sword is unparalleled.

He has noticed the fanaticism of this black robe monster, and the black robes have been staring at him in death.

Obviously, this black robe is a young man, it is coming.

"The sword is unparalleled, you have trouble." The voice of the king suddenly sounded, and his voice also had a solemnity. "If I have not mistisred, there is a person in front of your eyes, it is a swallow!"

"Swallowing the Tiantian!" The sword has no double, and I remembered the green circles in my hometown, and he was in the two swallowing descendants encountered in the mainland.

Bawen ancestors, and his son!

At that time, he listened to the swallow!

Swallowing the Tiantian, that is the overdoor hegemony *********** S: Today is still six!

Brothers, everyone recommended, reward to force!

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