Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1350 Segment Lingfeng's Choice

"Swallowing a nutami ... is one of the top groups in the top group, with a variety of alba, and there is almost no natural enemy!"

"And the pure blood of the swallow, naturally have strong sense of physical ability to some blood, I estimate that the swallowing strong in front of you is induced by the blood of the royal gods, this is deliberately rushing."

"The blood of the royal family, the attraction of the swallowing nuts, very huge, so he is now to kill you, smoother your ancient blood!" The solemn sound of the King.

The sword has no double eyes, he also saw the fanaticism and greed from the madman of the black robe.

On the spaceship, see that the black robe is so beautiful, there is no reaction, Yushan looks cold, low and drink: "You, if you don't let it open, let me wait for me?"

"You are welcome? Hey ~~ I really want to see, how do you have a good time?"

The monster of the black robe smiled. While making a laughter, on him, a very horrible breath suddenly broke out, this breath of the breath beyond the category of ordinary three heavens, eventually climbing In the point of the peak of the three days.

"Three days of peaks?"

The numerous cultivars on the spacecraft suck a breath.

The color of the sword is more ugly.

The land of the world, every small level gap is very incomparable, and the common three heavens, with the three days of peak, it is totally two different concepts.

What's more, this black robe is a man, it is a swallowing, and with the power of the blood, it is absolutely the most horrible.

The sword is unparalleled, and the strength of this black robe demon man is afraid that the first day of the three heavens in the snow farm, even if there are some gaps, it is absolutely not far.

This is the strong, with the current sword, no parallelism, but it can't be credited.

Even if they are their squad, even if they are in the peak, they are afraid that they are still unable to cope with the power of this level.

", human cultivator." The black robe monsters smiled, and the voice spread. "I only interested in you, give me the person, so that others can leave."

"He just as long as one o?"

"He is not too interested in us?"

"Is it difficult to be him who is our enemies? All the way to kill this?"

I immediately sounded on the spacecraft.

Yushan took a deep breath, and asked the opening: "Which person is you doing?"

"It is him." The black robe monster man is angry.

The people immediately saw the sword unparalleled in the direction of the black robe.

"It's sword!"

"It's him?"

"The three heavens are coming!"

The surrounding worlds look at the sword unparalleled eyes immediately.

"Unparalleled Big Brother." Luohai has exposed the color of the two people with Luo Yu.

As the leader of this team, Yoshan also gained the sword unparalleled, then he opened, the voice is indifferent: "The sword is unparalleled, sorry, please leave the spaceship."

The people around the people have become extremely cold.

At this way, almost everyone made a decision.

Hand over the sword!

"It's really warm." The sword didn't see this, secretly self-deprecated, but did not feel unexpected.

The ancient chaotic world, this is very cruel and indifferent.

Previously, the sword was unparalleled to show a good fight, and this team of the team is of course happy to accept him.

It can be a strong enemy strikes, indicating that it is not a sword where it is unparalleled, and these trends are unheedited to get rid of him without hesitation.

After all, they didn't make too much feelings with the sword, just to spend this ancient star sea, this is temporarily set up.

These horizons are reluctant to be desperately desperate, very normal.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is too lazy to blame them.

When the sword is unparalleled, the sword is slowly stepped away, and go outside the spaceship.

At the same time as he stepped, his heart is in a hurry with the king. Therefore, it is extremely good at speed, but the swallowing Tuo I have now encountered, maybe he is extremely strong, but the speed is not good at? "

"This is the case." The king responded.

"That is to say, with my current strength, after leaving the spacecraft, I will directly show the madness of many basement methods, and there should be a chance to escape." The sword is unhealthy. "

"If it is else in other places, but in this ancient star, there is indeed a line of life." .

"That's good!" The sword was unparalleled, and it also had a heavy concentration.

"The sword is unparalleled." The voice suddenly sounded.

"Well?" The sword has turned over.

I saw that Ling Feng was in the same way, after Luo Yu and Luohai, he was slowly, "I went out with you."

"You are with me?" The sword was unparalleled.

Although he is drinking wine, he is not a friend, but the latter can treat him as others.

"You have saved Yu Chi and Xiaohai, and now, I will save you once, we are two clear." Duan Lingfeng's face is indifferent, "the man outside, gave it to me!"

The sword is unparalleled.

The many trends on the spaceship also saw the Dynasty Dynasty Lingfeng.

"Do you have to grasp him?" The sword is unparalleled.

Duan Lingfeng is very strong, but now his body is not completely cleared, the combat power has not reached its peak, and his power has just begun to transform, and the outer black robe is a man, but it is real Three days of peaks, but also swallowing a root!

Can I have a definition?

"You can try it." Duan Lingfeng sound is cold, and it is simple.

"Yuer, Xiaohai, you stay in this boat."

The voice is dropped, this Lingfeng's figure is directly bloused out of the ban.

The sword has no double-finish, and it also came to the spacecraft.

Seeing the sword is unparalleled from the spacecraft, the black robe monster is a big man.

"Haha, come, my prey is coming!" The black robe demon young people are falling into the madness, and their body shape is the sword without double floating.


Duan Lingfeng snorted, but it was a step, and the war knife behind him was instantly out of sheath.


A bloody knife, quietly waving.

The same knife method is exactly the same as that of the five-headed three-striped purple sky, the difference is that this knife is more than before!

The blood-colored knife is directly attracted toward the black robe.

"Where is the idiot, I have no effort to play with you, roll it."

The black robes have not been placed in the eyes at all, and the big hand is full of vignette.

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