Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1351 Strong Hengshing

The black robe monster is obviously the strength of Duan Lingfeng.


The knife is ruthless, and the half palm of the black robe monsters directly, then the knife is not reduced, and continue to flush to the latter's head.


The black robe monster man reacted when he was in the palm of his hand, and immediately gave him a dream.

The black robe demon man was stabilized on the side, and he looked at the palm of his cut, his brow could not help but wrinkle.

Duan Lingfeng handheld the knife and stands on the void.


A low drinking from Duan Lingfeng mouth, "If I don't have to return to 60%, you just die!"

When I heard this, the black robe monster man was suddenly sinking.

The sword is unparalleled is secretly shocked.

He listened to King said that the real strength of Ling Feng was extremely terrible. Once his thorough recovery and the power of Shen Li, his war is in the three heavens, it is called invincible, but now it is, or can't help but launched.

You must know that Duan Lingfeng's strength will recover 60%.

Just 60% of the combat power, even a knife cut off the swallowing Herd Herd palm.

"Look, before the prey is going to hand, I have to solve the people who will be in the case. I am ~~" The black robe monster is laughing, the half-palm, and it has been recovered in an instant. Following his shape, the horrible breath suddenly broke out, and the Duan Lingfeng was directly covered.

Duan Lingfeng is indifferent.

At that moment, the body shape of the black robe is about to emerge, he stepped away.

"Seventh style!"

Duan Lingfeng's war knife is once again.

It is still a bloody, silent and unscistered knife.


A loud noise, Duan Lingfeng's figure is in a burst to go, it is hard to stop standing.

"Little son, just isn't it very mad? But now, your strength is alright?" The black robe monster man is laughing.

At that time, he did not put Duan Ling Feng in his heart. After all, he saw that the breath of Duan Lingfeng was not strong. It was obviously that he had just been robbed, which led him to Duan Lingfeng half a palm.

But now, he is all right.

Duan Lingfeng after returning to the body, but there is no slight loss, but the opposite of his scorpion also burst into a highlight of the scene.

"Try again!"

"Eighth style!"

Duan Lingfeng once again sword.

The bloody knife is coming again.

The world is completely dark.

The monster of the black robe is cold, and it also gave up.


It is another big ring.

This time, Duan Lingfeng and the body shape of the black robe monsters were shocked.

Duan Lingfeng after returning body shape, the entire face has been replaced by a strong excitement.

From his body, there is also a shocking war.


"You have to be strong than the three-day peaks you encountered before I have!"

"In this case, you will pick me up again."

"Ninth style!"

Duan Lingfeng's sound shock.

At the same time, the war knife in his hands will be held once, and a creepy power begins to condense.

"What? Is there any?" The black robe is a man with a man, and there is no descent.

In just twice, he has clearly felt that the breath on this Ling Feng is not strong, but it is really strength, but it is unusually strong, not weaker than him.

Now Duan Lingfeng is about to show the knife method, which is obviously better than just two knives.


Blood color knife is coming.

The whole world seems to be empty, and the time and space is solidified.

A suffocation.

There is a bloody, a man in the black robe, and his blood is completely explosing, and its body has skyrocketed and directly is directly.

The body of this black robe is a little similar to the giant, the body is high, extremely, the most important thing is that he has a bloody mouth.

On the body, it is directly erupted to explode.


It is also a dramatic roaring, and the result ... Although the black robes have a young man showed the swallowing taste, it can still be taken out directly from the earth.

While being exploded, his body is still rolling, it is obviously an absolute disadvantage.

As for Duan Lingfeng, it is a step that is not refundable.


The sword in the eyes is unparalleled in the eyes, and the heart is shocking.

"I have said early, this Lingfeng's talent is terrible, as for which level is terrible, you still don't know, I can only tell you, he has already stepped out." The voice of Kings in the sword There is no double heart.

"Take out that step?" The sword is not a double.

He didn't know what the step mentioned by King said, but he knew that since the King did not tell him, it would inevitably because of him, it is not qualified to touch it.


A horrible suffering from a horrible, and the black robe monster is obviously completely angry.

I saw that he had a swallowing rooted body, a burst of blood was crazy, making his breath are constantly enhanced, followed by seeing his huge body.

~~~ A blood ripple spread out, all the world seems to fall into a storm.

The sword has no double-finish, and he obviously feels that the pressure of the black robes will have increased significantly.

"Good guy, this Swallow is afraid there is a good background, and the secrets he present now are very uncommon."

The King said, "Although Duan Ling Feng is amazing, his strength is not restored to the peak, and the top can have a high front of the temple, and Duan Lingfeng is more than this roof peak. Not to mention that there is also the poisonous moments in the body affect him, continue to kill, Duan Lifeng is afraid of an enemy, sword is unparalleled, you have to find a way. "

When I heard the king, the sword was unparalleled, and I asked: "" Dynasty king, the people of the swallowing, is not conscious, don't be good at? "

"Consciousness?" , , " Praze, not to practice it on a step by step, so their foundation is not strong, as for the consciousness, it is indeed their weaknesses. "

"However, even if it is weak, he is ending is a three-day peak, and it is very difficult to attack. With your soul attack, go to the swallowing of the temple before you, afraid it is a bit unreal! "

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