Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1364 is broken!


A dramatic roaring screams, and after the roar, he saw a frettering of the wolf. The body shape was still rolling on the way, and the sound of the sound was reconfied.

"It's really strong enough!"

The sword is unbrored, and the blood of the roll angle overflows is secretly amazed.

He has went all out to show the dragon magic, but it is still rushing forward by Nabin.

"He is too much more than me, hard to touch, I'm not his opponent, I can only rely on that trick."

The sword is not double-finished, and the blood is rolling in the body. The next moment is suddenly exploding, and the blood peak sword in his hand is also crazy tremble.

"Blood Night!"

The long sword galloped, while showing a horror of war, the power of a vast soul is also exploded.

"It's useless!"

Chen Bin was cold, and the purple rifle in his hand turned around, and then it was a good job.

Rumble ~~~ Simple action, but in an internet, it has once again burst out the powerful power, and it is also a third-order higher education.

And this time collides ...


The sword is unparalleled, and a big mouth donated blood, the face is also pale, and the shape is suddenly arrested.

As for that Chenbin, he easily defeated the sword unparalleled sword, but the strong soul attack contained in the sword surgery, but he didn't work.

However, Chen Bin is the real genius. He has created a third-order higher school. Its awareness is not weak, and it is equally comparable to the general three-day high contest. Although it is a slap in hand, the soul attack, but it is just just Let him face a white, soon recovering.

See this, the sword is unparalleled.

"It is the first day of the white flaming palace. Even the consciousness is also very horizontal, even if I go all out to show Tianyuan secret surgery, I am afraid that I may not kill him, and I can seriously hurt him more." The sword is unparalleled. "

And it is empty, that has been quietly suspended in the Lei Dynasty, but the eyes are secretly covered.

"Just, conscious attack?"

"No, not aware, but ..."

Lei Tongmu is a flash, but it will soon recover as usual.


The figure of the Lei Dynasty appeared in the center of the battlefield. He glanced like Chen Bin. "You saved yourself, and saved the White Flammates."

Chen Bin is a.

The Lei Dao is still looking at the Lord of Thunder. "The crisis of thunder is already resolved, I will say it."

"The sword is unparalleled, let's go!"


The sword is not a hyperbidden year, and then there is no need to react around the people, the two will leave directly.


After leaving the thunderstanding, the Raytaro and the sword have no double one road, but there is not long until there is a unmanned hill.

"The sword is unparalleled." Lei Jing looked at the sword and unparalleled. "Where is the blood in your body, where is it?"

The sword is unparalleled.

He has been a bloody will have been a long time, but this is the first time they are directly recognized.

However, the sword is unparalleled, and after all, it is very high as the top power of Lei Dynasty. It is definitely very high. I just gave a battle with Chen Bin, and the bloody will be a show, and the Lei Chao is directly recognized. .

The sword is unparalpted: "This bloody will be got from the world of my own hometown."

"Directive?" Lei Dynasty frowned.

"At the beginning, he said that he was only bound to respect the battle, but it was also that he was impaired." The sword did not say two: "His name is called the downton, and it should be a strong man from the vital chaotic world. I don't know if it is Because of why, he came to my hometown, and it was a major array to show a big battle. The big array seems to be called the blood of the spirits. He wants to rely on this big array to make all the country in my hometown.

"But in the end he was killed by me, all of his treasures fell into my hand, including this bloody will armor."

The sword is unparalleled is the fact, and the mine is secretly nod, nor is it.

"Yes, you kill the talent to win this treasure, this bloody will continue to use, but you have to remember, don't talk to the blood of the people, otherwise you will It is the top ten cultivation holy land, and all the cultivators of the ancient chaotic world are enemies! "Lei Dynasty.

When I heard this, the sword was unparalleled.

He learned from the King of Kings, the bloody door is over the volt-chaotic world, and everyone shouted.

But he didn't expect the strong people in the chaotic world, will he hate it like this?

As long as it is a bit of relationship with the bloody door, it is the enemy of all practitioners?

"Hey." The sword is unparalleled, secretly praised.

"There is still something." Lei Dynasty was once again seen in the sword.

"Reversal!" Lei Dynasty pitted two words.

And I heard these two words, the color of the sword is suddenly changed, and the heart is also immediately set off.

"Why, very strange why I can see your retroactive identity?" Lei said indifferent.

"Yes." The sword nodded without double.

His heart is really shocking.

Because he has become rebounded to the present, including the ever chaotic world, it is the first time, it is the identity that is broken in the face.

Of course, in the secret of Tianyuan, the strong who will give him the secret of his tiang to him should see his retroactive identity, but that strong is never showed.

Now, this Lei is in front of his face, saying this, the sword is unparalleled.

"In fact, it is not only me, in the top ten cultivation holy land, but there are some drillas in the soul, there is a little accomplishment, such as those who ignite the soul of the soul or the strong who is ready to ignite the fire of the soul. It seems that you have just shown when you have time to make your hand, it is a soul attack! "Said Lei.

The sword is unparalleled.

Lei Dynasty said this also shows that he has some drilled in the soul.

"You a heavy heaven, but know how to show the soul attack? Adding your strength is much more powerful than a heavy heaven, how is the unusual cultivator? Only in the vast chaotic world is extremely rare reversal, in the road The respected situation ignited the fire of the soul of the soul, and it was likely to do it, so I was willing to identify, you are a reverse! "Lei Dao.

Wen said, swords are unparalleled.

Reversible identity, he has been hidden, and at the beginning of the Dagu City, it was because of the reverse repair, there was no way, so the Dagu Palace was able to recognize his retrieval, but he It came to actively told people until I finally.

But he didn't expect that there were so many people who could recognize his renovation with his soul.

"Reversal, very rare, especially the reversal of rebelling, is even more than 100 million years."

Lei continued.

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