"My star has created from the home of the palace to the present. There is a long-lasting, and the number of genius disciples that are accommodated, but they never have to hit a reverse!"

"You should be the first!"

"And you have also spent the first reverse robbery now, if you can get through the second heavy and third reincarnation, then your future achievements will be extraordinary."

Lei Chao is very clear and the potential of reversal.

An a reverse repair, if it is not a rebellion, it will be, it will become a true top power of the chaos world, even better than him.

"The sword is unparalleled, you just came to the top ten cultivation holy place from your own hometown, then you are the identity of the reverse repair, there should be no one in the top ten cultivation holy land?" Ray asked.

"No." The sword has no double.

"That's good." Lei Dynasty finally revealed a smile, before the Raytime can always be cold, the sword is unparalleled, and the first time I saw him laugh.

"You are the identity of the reverse, the less people know the better." Lei said, "This way, I will take you back to Xing Chen, wait until there, I will refurbish the matter to tell the palace master At that time, the palace will naturally be docue. "

"Well." The sword is not a hyperbidden point.

Soon the Ray and sword have set off again.

This time, Lei Dynasty finally didn't delay, but returned to the stars in the fastest speed.

From the East Huang Holy Land to the Purple Moon Holy Land, if it is rushing to the road, the time spent is too long, so you can use space insect caves.

Connecting the space of the two holy sites, only some great forces in the East Emperor Holy Land, the outsiders want to take a lot of time, but it takes great price.

However, this price is also acceptable to the Lei Dynasty.

Through the spatial worm hole, the sword is unparalleled with the Lei Dynasty.

The purple moon is different from the East Huang Holy Land.

There is a nine continent in the East Emperor, and there are countless powers in every continent.

The purple moon is only four mainland, but the territory area of ​​the purple moon is more vastness, and the number of strong people is more.

There is a picture of the four mainland China of the purple moon, there is a star continent!

Star continent, is the place where the stars are located.

When the sword is unparalleled, when he heard the star mainland, he can't help but hurt.

A continent is named with Stars, which fully illustrates the absolute dominance of Stars in the Star Continental continent.

The emperor in the Star Continent is the star.

"Directly occupy a big continent, this mainland's name is even famous, the star is a pulse," the sword is unhappy and dark.

"Of course, it is strong enough, don't forget, the founder of the star, that is, at the top of the world's top chaotic world, and it is the top, like Lu Zhen Wang, as an eight star ancient ancient ancient ancient ancient ancient ancient God, is also equivalent to the energy, but in strength, he still has a certain gap with the founders of the Stars. "

"The founder of the stars, it is said that he is the first to rule the star mainland, what is the strong horizontal?" The voice of the King is ringing in the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is not shocked.

Under the leadership of the Lei Dynasty, the sword is unparalleled to the old nest of the stars.

That is a huge vast star.

That star river is extremely embarrassing, and it contains endless stars and is abnormal.

"That is the old nest of the stars?" The sword was unparalleled.

The old nest of a forces is actually in a huge star river?

Is this caused by the means of shocking?

"The sword is unparalleled, I have heard that when I walked with Luo Zhenwang, I have heard of the old nest of the stars, and the huge star river is the founder of the Stars, and found in the dark voids of the chaotic world. After discovering, he transformed this star river with a great means, and transferred to the star mainland, and now this Star River has become a heavy skyrocket, which is said to be a big array of the stars, it is with this The star river is perfect. "Said the king said.

"Awesome!" The sword is unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, let's go." Lei Dynasty opened.

When the sword is unparalleled in the leadership of the Lei Dynasty, the huge and unbroken vast stars of the top.

In a star river, the sword is unparalleled, and the body's body is boiling now.

"This is ..." The sword is flashing in the eyes, "It's a good idea, good, endless, and these God seems to be absorbed?"

"Of course, you can absorb." Lei Jing came over, "This is the unique Shensihai in this star river. This Shenlihai is formed by the Star River, endless, in this star river, you can don't worry about the power Consumption, because you consume much, you can reap over the Shenli sea in the Star River around the absorption. "

"It's amazing." The sword was unreliable.

"The magic of this star river is far more than this, you look there." Lei pointed to a direction.

The sword is unparalleled.

I saw that he went to the front of him, and the Xinghe wrapped, a three-meter-high strange beast was random, it seems to be playing.

"That is?" The sword has no double eyes.

"That is the imperial beast of this star river, we call them beasts, these Yuan beasts are all good things." Lei said.

"good stuff?"

The sword is unparalleled, but at this time, he found a long-colored stream of flow in the distance. This red-colored flow rate is extremely fast, and it is obviously going to the beast that is playing.

"It is a cultivator!" The sword is unparalleled.

"It is my disciple of my star." Lei Dynasty is flat.

The next sword is unparalleled, and the beast of the play will see the arrival of the red gold, and it is shocked, and then she will open the hoof crazy to escape, and the speed is also amazing in this star.

At the end, it is still being lifted by the red gold, I saw a huge golden palm, and the beast was grabbed.

A red gold-colored streamer, revealing a look of a golden robe woman, and the golden robe woman grabbed the beast, and she laughed away.

"Good strength."

The sword is unparalleled, it is shocked the strength of the golden robe woman. "The same is the two heavens, but I can definitely, this woman is absolutely strong than the Chen Bin who is going to fight with me before!"

"Lei Dynasty adults, just that person should be a disciple of Xingchen Palace?" The sword asked.

"Star Chensong disciple? No, she is just the ordinary disciple of my star." Lei said.

The sword is unparalleled.


PS: Today, six!

The eleventh volume of the world!

The twelfth volume, start tomorrow, wonderful continuation!

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