Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1366, two days

"Just just a normal disciple?" The sword has set off a huge waves.

Just just ordinary disciples, the strength is so strong, the stars, the disciples, how much is it?

"What is this disciple to catch the Yuan beast?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Yuanyuan is the singular existence of this Star River, which is extremely spiritual, and there is a lot of metaples in the Yuanzi body. The use of the element is very broad, which can be used to refine, refiners, and help cultivate some. Special secrets, in addition, Yuan Li also has a great moisturizing effect on his awareness. "Lei Dao.

Because of this, the disciples of my star will often come to the star Hanoi to catch these beasts, and the yuan in their body is used as cultivation, and after extracting the Yuan Force, it will put these Yuanyuan, and then After a while, the elements of these chaos are restored. "

"It turns out." The sword is unparalleled.

"Let's go, it is within the old nest of my star."

The Ray will be able to flip in front of the sword, and there is no longer a sword to come to the old nest of the star.

Seeing this piece in front of the stars between the stars, there is a large number of buildings in a stars, and the sword is unhealthy.

Grand! atmosphere!

This is definitely the most fascinating sect that the sword has been seen.

After all, in the whole of the ancient chaotic world, how many of the people are able to place their nest within the Star River?

"The sword is unparalleled, you come with me."

Lei is in the sword, there is no double, one of the stars. He also deliberately bypass the architectural groups on the way. It seems that he does not want others to see the sword unparalleled with his existence.

There is a huge cave house that is completely constructed by special sparson.

The Lei Dynasty and the sword walked into the cave.

I entered the cave, and the sword was unparalleled to see the front stone bed, which is like a sculpture haircut in the long hair middle age.

The long-haired middle-aged feeling is very ethereal, very free.

"Yuan!" Lei Dynasty faintly opened.

It's like a sculptural long-haired middle-aged slow open eye, a violet is immediately shouting, it is like a purple gem.

"came back?"

Long-haired middle-aged Lei Dynasty, followed by the sword without double, "This is the test of the palace owner to be in person, becoming the little guy sword of my star palace disciple."

"Well." Thunder nodded, and introduced: "The sword is unparalleled, you are one of the three temples in front of the star, you can call him the main hall, in my star, the palace owner and In addition, the two palats are closed all year round, and the size is determined by the main Temple. "

"See the main hall." The sword is unparalleled and also busy.

"Little guy, you don't have to be polite." Changfa Middle-aged Temple smiled, "Your business, I have already sent me before, and I have already told the palace master, the palace master , Waiting for you to return to my star, take you directly to see him, come with me. "

"See the palace master?" The sword is unparalleled.

The palace owner of the stars, that is the founder of the Star, the Outdoor Chaotic World Station is in the top existence of the most peak.

This super existence is to see him?

"The sword is unparalleled, you have a good thing, you can get the summary of the founders of the Star, don't have a lot of real gods. I have no chance to see a big energy in a lifetime, and you just arrived on the top ten I can see the holy place, you can see it, hey ... "The voice of the king sounded.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is still with the Yuan Temple.

As for the Lei Dynasty, but still in this cave, did not follow.

In the deepest place in this endless star, there is a cave house. This Dongfu is fully integrated. If you don't take the initiative, anyone can't find the existence of this cave, and this is the main hall The sword is unparalleled to the cave.

The two did not entered the Dongfu, but standing outside the Dongfu, the Yuan Dynasty mainly Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty, and the opening: "The palace master, the little guy brought."


The voice of ancient and thick sounds suddenly sounded, and the sound was ethereal, as if from Jiuyi Cloud.

"Little guy, you have passed the test of my stay in the stars in the stars." Stars and the founder.

"Yes." The sword was unparalleled.

"Sure enough ..." The sound of the star founder of the star, "Stars, the sea, things many years!"

"I didn't start the star in the sea, I lost it in that place, I thought I would never find it, and some people can't think of the test inside. I didn't expect you to succeed. And you can find a star of the stars alone, yes. "

When I heard the founder of the star, the sword was unparalleled, "" That place? "

"That star, is you staying on your hometown, or staying in your hometown?" Xingchen's founder asked.

"I stayed in my hometown." The sword has no double.

"Well ...." The founder of Star is sinking for a moment, and the spin is once again, "I have known the identity, I have known, reverse repair ... I am indeed very rare, since I creating a star, now, still Never accounted for a reverse disciple, you are the first! "

"Reversal, great potential, once the triple retroactory is robbed, is destined to become a top becoming, and even become a large energy."

"But the road to reverse repair is not good!"

"After I got the message, I have been arranged for you. You refused to repair the identity. In you become a big energy, I really stand in front of the world of chaotic world, I can't expose or open."

The sword is unparalleled.

Can you publicly reverse the identity before becoming a big energy?

"I refined a treasure for you in the past few days, you took it."

From the Dongfu, a quiet black is bursting out, the sword is unparalleled, and the stall is in the palm of his hand. This is a black bead that exudes mysterious.

"This bead is just refining, I haven't gotten the name, you can get it yourself, you will refine it, it will integrate into your body, then your breath will have a substantial change, you are just a heavy The heavens, but after refining this bead, your breath will increase to the second heaven, it seems that it is quite equivalent to normal two heavens! "

"In addition, this bead can also cover your soul. When you fight with people, you can still use soul attacks. There is this beads, even if it is a big energy, as long as I have not reached my step, or there The big energy of purely drilling the soul, can't see your virtuality! "

"From today, you have to remember, you are not a heavy heaven, but ... two days!

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