"In addition to the most precious true God of the Temple, Tibetan Basic Pavilion, outside the palace, there are four secrets, nine gods, and even three major trials!"

"It is a star of the stars, and the cultivation resources are really much, but what will the effects will be?" The sword is unparalleled secretly.

However, there is not long, and the Raytage is unparalleled with a sword. It has a star in front of him.

"In my stars, all the disciples of Xingchen Palace can directly occupy a star as a cultivation, swords, you can now pick one now." Lei Dao.

"Is the Star as a cultivation of the cave?" The sword did not have a pair of darkness, but did not hesitate, the soul was swept and quickly valued a star.

"That's it." The sword did not point to the stadium.

"Walking." Lei is in the sword without double directly toward that star.

That star, the volume is not big, and in the stars, there is a palace with a continuous palace. The most central is a very exquisite cave.

When the Lei Dynasty and the sword appeared in the cave, it was a strong person who had a dense Ma Ma before.

Most of these people are women, and they are beautiful, they are also the same, which is also a hot, beautiful woman.

This beautiful woman is temperament, leaking with a taste of a peerless family, and her breath is quite strong, and has reached the three heavens.

When I saw the sword, the people before, including the beautiful women headed by the head, shouted in the mouth: "See the master!"

"Master?" The sword was unparalleled.

These people in front of me are all bounds, which is the beautiful woman headed by the three heavens, but now it is called him.

"These are giving you a maid, servant, they will take care of your living, and you can practice it with your heart." Lei said.

"This ..." The sword is unparalleled, and it is said: "These maids, the servants don't need it, I will practice alone."

"The sword is unparalleled."

Lei Dynasty looked over, "These maids, servants are voluntarily arrived in my star, they do things for my star, take care of our stars, I am also good, you are not more than hearts, and For them, it is absolutely a good worse. The more benefits they get, and if you don't agree, it is a great loss for them. "

The sword is unparalleled, and I have seen those maids around. Sure enough, those maids, the servants have exposed the color of concern, obviously worried that the sword will drive them.

See this, the sword is unparalleled, "Okay, let them stay."

Those maids, the servants are immediately exposed.

"In this case, then you will practice it, this is my message. If you have encountered any problems, you can find me." Lei will hand over.

"Thank you." The sword is unbolded, and the connection is connected.

Subsequently, the Lei is directly left.

The sword is unparalleled in the cave house in the surroundings of those maids and servants.

The Dongfu is up to the top, on a stone bench, the sword is unparalleled, and the eyes overlook the many maids, servants who stand respectfully.

"In addition to you, everyone else will be returned." The sword didn't say a hot and beautiful woman.

After listening to the sword, those maids, the servants immediately told, leaving only the beautiful woman still standing there.

"What is your name?" The sword watched the beautiful woman.

"Back to the master, slave autumn months!" The beautiful woman won the road.

"Autumn month, in the future, you don't need to call me the master, nor do you have a slave, I listen to it." The sword said.

It is important to know that he is just a heavy heaven, and the stand is just the second day of the world.

And this autumn month, but the triple day of the truth of the price, the strength is better than him!

A person who is stronger than him is so respectful, he is so respectable, and his sword is unparalleled.

"This ..." Qiu Yue Shen gave a while, and immediately nodded. "After that, I will call your son."

"That is ok." The sword has no double smile, "Qiuyue, I asked you, before the big people said, you are really voluntarily coming to the star, the woman is a woman?"

"Of course." Qiu Moon smiled: "Star has a true ruler, whether it is the heritage or strength, in the vast chaotic world is the top, such a zone, naturally thousands of days I am eager to join, but unfortunately the threshold of the stars is too high, it must be genius in genius, and like me, although it is a three heavens, but the talent is not too high, it is not qualified to become a disciple of Stars. "

"Since I can't build my disciple, I have only one way to enter the stars, that is, come to this maid, slave!"

"Although it is a maid, the servant is a low person, and it will be considered wronged, but it can get the cultivation of the star, and the stars have a woman's maid, the servants are also good. Under normal circumstances, as long as in the stars I stayed up for 10,000 years in a pulse, we can get an opportunity to enter the nine huge palace! "

"After 10,000 years, you can pick a secret to practice in the first floor of the secret, the first floor of the temple!"

"I have a chance to go to the four major secrets in the four major secrets!"

"This treatment, the core disciple of a lot of weak small Zongmen in the Star Continental!"

"Moreover, if it is good, the owner of service is better to talk, and can still go to the owner to point for one or two. What a chair is?"

The autumn moon obviously did not have any complaints in the stars, and they were very active.

"It turns out." The sword is unparalleled.

He understands that there is no great talent like Qiuyue, but it is not willing to be a strong cultivator. Since they can't get a good cultivation in some paramenions, then they have become a maid of the Star. This may not be a big machine.

"Right, you are the owner of this star, then you can take a name for this star, so in the stars in the stars, we can say a woman, and you can say it." Said Qiu Yue said .

"first name?"

The sword is unparalleled. After a moment, I laughed: "My name is the sword is unparalleled, the sword is called, the only guild is also the sword. In this case, this star is called Sword!"


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