Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1369 Star Tower

On the Sword, the sword is unparalleled to continue to ask the Queen Moon some things about the stars, so they went to the built-in group.

There are many cultivation resources in the stars, these cultivation resources, of course, have to take a look.

The sword is unparalleled, naturally the two major censions, and the two major disciples who have the right to return to the palace.

Palace group.

"The brother." The sword called one person.

This is a thin young man who is thin, this young man is obviously the disciple of the Star, but it is just a general disciple.

I heard the sword unparalleled yell, the young man could not help but turn it.

"Star Chensong disciple?" The young man immediately induced the existence of the sword unparalleled.

"Qu Yang, I have seen the brothers." Young man is unparalleled.

"Brother?" The sword was unparalleled.

"The brother should be the star of the stars?" The young man looked at the sword.

"Yes." The sword is not a hyperbidden point.

"That is." Qu Yang smiled, "said the brother, in the stars, regardless of strength, no matter how long it is joining the star, as long as it is a common disciple to see Xingchen Palace disciples, you have to call each other is a brother. of."

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled.

"I don't know what the brother is?" Asked Qu Yang asked.

"I want to go to Tibetan Classic Pavilion to follow the palace, but I don't know how to go, so I want you to take the way." The sword is unparalleled.

"This is simple." Qu Yang is refreshing, "brother, please come with me."

Now, Qu Yang began to take the way, just a moment of Jung Fu, Qu Yang took the sword unparalleled to the Tibetan Golden Pavilion.

"Brother, this is the Tibetan Golden Pavilion. There are four secrets of my star in the Golden Pavilion. You go in and see, I am waiting for you outside." Qu Yang smiled.

"Thank you." The sword has no double road, and then step into the Tibetan Pavilion.

When I entered the Golden Pavilion, the sword is unparalleled, and there is no existence of any book and the giving, and some are just four rooms.

And before that four secret rooms, there was a whitening hair to sit and sit there. I found that the sword was unparalleled. This white-haired old man looked up, the strange scorpion swept the sword, the sword was unparalleled.

"New come?" White hair is inquiry.

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point.

"According to the rules of the Tibetan Pavilion, every star brother who just arrived in Tibet, it can cultivate one secret, but I want to cultivate the second secret, but I need a certain condition, and you, although it is The first time I came to the Jinge, but I can feel the existence of your stars, you should have cultivated the stars secret, so the three major secrets of the goldge, you can't practice it now. " White-haired old man directly.

The sword has no double, and you will be relieved.

"I don't know what conditions do you need to cultivate the second secretation?" The sword is unparalleled.

"It's very simple, I have three major trials in my star, and the Star Tower is a six-storey test for the test, Xingchen Palace, and you only need to pass the third layer. Second door secret. "White hair is said.

"Star Tower?"

The sword has no double nodded, and after the white-headed old man took a gift, he turned and left.

After the Tibetan Golden Pavilion, the sword was unparalleled to see Qu Yang has been waiting.

"Brother, how is it?" Qu Yang greeted.

"I have cultivated the stars secret before coming to stop the star, so I have to pass the third floor of Star Tower now to practice the second door." The sword said.

"Is this?" Qu Yang nodded and said: "That Star Tower, just near the Golden Pavilion, or I will bring you brothers now?"

"Well, it is good." The sword is unparalleled.

Immediately, Qu Yang took the sword and went to the Star Tower.

Star Tower is a very odorous purple gold giant tower, a total of six layers.

"Brother, let's try it." Qu Yang said.

There is no double nodding, but the bottom is sinking. "According to the Lei Dynasty adult, the nature of this star tower is like the Jiujie Building that I have previously passed, but the hierarchy is higher. I have passed the tenth of the Jiujie Building. Four layers, but I don't know this star tower, and I can pass the second layer. "

With a silk expectation, the sword is unparalleled in the first floor of the Star Tower.

In the first floor, the sword was unparalleled to see his opponent, a long-standing cold middle age.

After the cold middle-aged saw the sword, there was no double appearance, and the eyes were light, and there was a long gun in his hand. He said in the sword without Shuangyao Yao. "You are good at Keyway, so I also use swords!"

The sword is unparalared, and the blood peak sword is also taken. The faint sword sounds, and his eyes are immediately exciting.

"it has started!"

That long must be cold in middle age, a low drink, the figure is in front of the sword, and then a sword suddenly waved.

This sword, ice is cold, and it is creepy.

The sword has no double power, and the blood peak sword in his hand suddenly broke out.

"Dragon Devil!"

Strong swords, immediately burst out.

Can both touch.


The sword is unparalleled, and the sword in the hand is straight.

And that long, the middle-aged wrist, a sword is not hindered, directly bombards on the sword.


The sword is not straight out.

At the beginning of the Star Tower, the Qu Yang still waited quietly.

"I don't know this brother, I can get the first few layers of this star tower!" Qu Yangxin is still sinking.

"Although this brother is just arrived at the stars, I haven't come to grow up and have to grow with the resources of the stars, but it is possible to become a disciple of Xingchen Palace. It is inevitable to decide the enchanting, and the facts are certainly almost, this six-storey star tower, How can he also have the second floor? "

"Well, you should be able to pass the second floor, but the third floor, it is estimated that hanging, waiting for a while, the strength is once again improved, maybe there is still a chance to pass the third floor!"

Qu Yang is thinking, but it is not easy to stand in front of him, and it is a sword where he is in front of him.

"how come?"

Qu Yang did not help but mistaken.

"He just entered the Star Tower, how did it be bombed?"

"So fast?"

Fast, it is really too fast.

The sword is unparalleled, just entered the Star Tower, before and after adding less than ten breaths, this is so bombard.

The sword after standing stabilizes is unparalleled, and it is also surprised.

"It's just the first floor, it is strong to be such?" The sword is quite horrified.

Just, he and the long man who had a cold middle-aged hand, the other side of the sword fell, and then the sword was picking up, he defeated him.

Just a photo, he lost, it was very thorough.

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