Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1377 Tiger does not send

In the Star River, the two figures are holding, the atmosphere seems to be completely solidified.

Quyang. "

The sword is unparalleled, directly looking at each other, "If you want the beast, be a brother, let you, but your attitude, it makes me very uncomfortable."

"Don't you feel uncomfortable? You think that now the stars, someone asked you as a star of the palace?" Qu Yang smiled.

The sword is unparalleled, he is just cold and looked at Qu Yang, but there is a dramatic flash.


The vast soul is in an instant, and it is completely ejected in an instant to completely agglomerated by the strength of the soul.

This beam did not leave slit marks in the void, and the speed is even more unparalleled. After the hair, it will come to the front of Qu Yang.


Although Qu Yang has reacted, but the soul attacks, he couldn't resist it, only hard to bear.


Qu Yang only felt that the entire mind was bombarded by hundreds of millions of Thunder, his consciousness fell directly into the pause.

And the sword has already appeared in front of him, and a big hand did not hinder, directly snapped on his face.


The crisp slap is within the Star River, and the whole person of Qu Yang has been flying out. On the way, he also spurt a blood, and the long time will re-station.

The Qu Yang, which can be stabilized, clear awareness has been restored, but his whole person is still there, and there is a scarlet five fingerprint in his left side, hot!


Just also have a high high-quality Qu Yang, completely dumbful!

At this time, the sword is unparalleled, even with a faint killing sound is slowly sound.

"Qu Yang, you should be fortunate, you are a star disciple, it is my brother, and this star river is still the old nest, otherwise ... you are dead!"

The sound is falling, the sword is unparalleled, but it will pay attention to this Quyang and turn it directly.

Until the sword is unhappy, it has disappeared in his sight. Qu Yangfang finally returned to God.

Feel the hot and spicy pain coming on the face, Qu Yang has fallen into the shock.

"How can it be?"

"His conscious attack, how can it be strong?"

"One hundred and twenty years ago, his consciousness attacked, not so strong!"


Among the Star Rivers, the sword is unhappy.

"I have been in low-key hidden in this twelfth year, and I have never been handed over with people. Even if the strength is greatly improved, no one knows!"

"And this Quyang, but I thought I was a soft mortal?"

"Tiger does not make hair, really do I am a sick cat?"

The sword is unparalleled.

One hundred and twenty years ago, the 13 disciples came to challenge him. Although he struggled to fight, but still defeated!

At that time, he was indeed a soft mortal, just a general disciple, there were the strength of defeating his strength.

It can be done at all after 120 years later.

This one hundred and twenty years, his strength improvement is huge.

The first is above the scholastic and swords, he has passed the first floor of the Star Tower, which has been flat with the general disciples.

However, in this twenty-decade, his fastest is not a sword, but it is ... the power of the soul!

That is one of the most precious cultivation resources of the star, the help of the sword is unparalleled, the help is too big!

In addition, he has a moisturizing role in a moisturizing role in a moisturizing effect.

And really the most important, but it is still from the Master of Master!

Wan Dao is a cultivation method that enhances the power of the soul, and it is extremely high!

At the beginning of the Tianyuan secret, he hit the awareness of the awareness of the Tianguan, and the effect was not significant.

And the palace is helpless, the secret of the sword is much more than the Tiandong, in the home of the palace, the soul of the sword is unparalleled, absolutely can be described with the word 'terror'.

In just one hundred and twenty years, his strength of his soul has not only reached a three-day high-level spirit, and even unlimited to close the peak of the three heavens!

The power of such a strong soul, a soul attack, even if it is just a casual soul attack, it is not a general three-day god to compete.

Not to mention, just the sword is unparalleled to the Qu Yang, but the tacit secrets!

With his power of his current soul, directly show the first heavy light of Tianyuan Secrets, even if it is a sense of consciousness of the three-day high context, it is difficult to resist.

The awareness of That Qu Yang is also like a three-day god of the three heavens, and it can't live at all, and it will fall into a stable state in an instant.

When I caught in a sluggish, the sword was unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, your current soul is greatly improved, showing this day, the secret surgery is not as difficult as before." The voice of the King sounded.

"Well, I can continue to show five times of heavenly secrets in a short time in a short time." The sword laughed.

Task, one hundred and twenty years ago, he did his best, and he could only show it once.

"Continue to improve, let the strength of the soul reach the three-day peak of the gods, when you arrive, you can show the second weight of the heavens, such as your soul attack is the real terrible, in Na Xingchen Palace On the battle of the disciple, it will never be bullied again. "King said.

"Of course." The sword smiled and smiled.

With the Quyang photo, the sword is unparalleled, and it is not interested in caught the beast in the Star River, but directly returns to the palace.

In the palace, the sword is unparalleled to continue to assist in the morality, enhance your strength.

As for the Qu Yang, he was sword in the star river, and he was unparalleled by the sword. This is definitely a shame. When you have no double lesson, there is no other person around him, even if you return to the Stars, the nest. I met other stars, I didn't mention this matter.

Therefore, in the case of the stars, in addition to Qu Yang, no one knows that the strength of the sword has been greatly improved.

It is also six years.

In the palace, the sword is unparalleled to open again.

"Yuan Li has been expensive, but my soul is still in the level of the three-day high context, and I didn't get a breakthrough. It seems that it is in a bottleneck." The sword is unparalleled, he is in return The strength of the palace is fast, but some bottlenecks, even if there is a consciousness of the palace, it is not so easy to break through.

"Next ... also went to the four secret memories."

The sword is unwinding.

PS: Brothers, today is still six!

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