Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1378 Five Beast Control

The star has been controlled by the four secrets, and the nine honey palace.

Among them, the nine huge gangs are purely aim, but the four secrets are accompanied by the opportunity and crisis.

The huge cave house constructed entirely of special polish.

"The sword is unparalleled, you just arrived until the stars, the strength is still too strong, now go to the four major secrets, is it too early?" Yuan Temple frowned to watch the sword.

"My strength is now in a bottleneck, continue to stay in the stars, and the effect is not big." The sword said unparalleled.

"Which secret is you planning?" Yuan Dynasty queried.

"Tiansheng Middle Achievement." The sword is unparalleled.

"That's better." The brow of the main temple was slowly stretched. "The four secrets of my star controlled by the star have a great danger, but the row of unity, this day is just the last Take your strength, although there is still danger, but the possibility of living is still very big. "

"The sword is unparalleled, if I have not guess, what is the reason why you choose to go to the spirit, is it to improve your soul?"

"Yes." The sword is unparalleled.

The four major secrets, each has its own characteristics and danger, and the secret of the Tianling is the most suitable for the awareness of consciousness, soul attack.

Just because so, the sword is unparalleled to choose this secret.

"When you enter the stars, your strength is no weak, now there is still a lot of time in the house, the power of the soul is definitely, but you have the power of the soul. The use means, but some are too tender. "Said the Yuan Dynasty.

Wen said, the sword is unparalleled secret.

Indeed, his method of use of the soul is really very young.

Under normal circumstances, he only knows the soul attack to join his swords, accompany the swordsmanship.

Alternatively, directly use the heavenly secret to show the attack of the horizontal soul.

However, secret surgery is just an attack means, but it is not a basic method of use.

"The sword is unparalleled, if you don't need an urgent, you will be in the stars for two years, you will start again two years later." Yuan Temple laughed.

"How many more than two years? Why?" The sword was unparalleled.

"You will know when you come." Yuan Dynasty is mysterious and smiled and did not explain the original committee.

The sword is unparalleled, but only two years, he is not bad.

And in these two years, he has been staying in the star river, constantly grasping the beast, extracting the Yuan force.

After all, he is about to go to the midst of the secret, and I don't know how long it takes, I will prepare some yuan for moisturizing the soul. It is also good.

Two years later, the sword was unparalleled again, and this time he saw in addition to the main hall of Yuan Dynasty, there were Lei Dynasties.

"The sword is unparalleled, this is given you."

The Lei is a waving, and a trick is directly thrown into the sword.

"Is this?" The sword didn't have double consciousness, but the completion is quite confused.

"This is the control method of the power of the soul, I spent a turning time with energy, specializing in your hand." Lei Dao.

"Specially prepared for me?" The sword was unparalleled.

"I have given you more than two years before, it is waiting for the Lei Dynasty." The laughter of the main hall sounded. "You have the power of the soul, but you don't know how to control the way of the soul. One advantage, and the control of the soul, I also have the best in my star, but I am quite deep, I'm very hard to get the entrance, so I will let the Lei will help you to help you. Controlling the hand. "

"This, this ..." The sword is unparalleled, but some don't know what it is.

"Why, is it a little stunned?" Yuan Temple smiled.

"Is some." The sword has no double heart.

The stars have a lot of ordinary disciples, including those stars, have always been able to compete for resources in their stars.

As for the gift of Stars ... Unless you are the other's pro-disciples, otherwise, some people can give you a treasure or a chair.

But now, the Yuan Dynasty mainly told Lei Dynasty to spend a few years, specializing in him to help him.

This treatment, of course, the sword is unparalleled.

"In fact, I do this, it is also fair."

The Yuan Dynasty looked over. "You are just a heavy heaven, but you have to disguise into a two-day god, and even have to participate in the competition for the two-day gods. This is for you, It's really too unfair, so I will now give you this way, and some compensation for you, as for the competition for hundreds of years, can you keep your disciples of our stars, just look Your own. "

"It turned out." The sword is unparalleled. "

"This five-beast-controlled spirit has given you, you will take a hard to study. After you have prepared, you will go to the secretary of the day. In addition, my disciples in our stars go to the four secrets to sway, all arrange The task, you can't avoid it, and the task in the secret of the Tiaolian is to collect the Tianling Crystal! "Yuan Dynasty continued.

"Under normal circumstances, a common disciple of a two-day heroic god of the stars, must collected three Tianling crystals to complete the task!"

"And you are a disciple of Xingchen Palace, the task is difficult to improve, you must collect ten Tianling crystals to complete the task."

"Understand." The sword didn't have a little bit, he had heard of the four major secrets, so he had a mission, so he was prepared in his heart.


The main hall waved, and the sword was unparalleled.

After leaving, the sword is unparalleled, not immediately anxious to go to the mission, but returned to the sword star, and began to study the five beast control.

"Five beast control, derive the power of the soul into five other beasts, form balance and opponents!" Good unique method! "

The sword is unparalleled just to study a moment, and he felt the power of this method.

"The sword is unparalleled, this fifthly beast control is just a maximum of the best soul, it is not too precious. It is much more gap with the sky, but Tianyuan Secrets. It is secret, and it is not easy to show, and the power of this soul basically uses the method of the law. For now, it is the most missing. "The sound of the Kings sounded.

"You have been drilled in a few days, and after some simple use, go to the secret practice of the Tiaolian secret, and be familiar with this method."

"I know." The sword is unparalleled.

He stayed in Jianxing for a month. After a month, after he had a certain master of the five-beast control, he went directly to the mission of the day.

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