Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1379 Tianstrong Secrets

The secret of the Tianling, although it is one of the four secrets of the Stars, but the spatial insect cave leading to the Tiaolian secret, but is not in the old nest, but in Yun island.

Yun island is controlled by the Stars, and there is a star continent and the most widely connected space insect cave.

The spatial worm hole can not only go to the corner of the Yue Yue, and even some important places in other cultivation holy sites.

And such an important transfer land, it has taken a huge profit for the star.

Above the vast islands, about thousands of cultivars gathered there, these cultivators have strong strength, strong even God has a few, and weaker is also the world.

"Master, we have been waiting for half a year, how long is it?" A man wearing purple wars and tall men whispered, next to him, and another four men and women surrounded by the central Brunette old man.

These six people, where the brunette old is a true god, and the remaining five disciples are only the gods.

"Now we gather in this, and try to go to Tianda mainland, only thousands of people, real God only only three, and open a cost to Tianda Mainland Space, which is more expensive than me. I have to come out more, even if we are all shackled now, but the price is still too big, or wait, wait for the collection of practicers, or more of the real God, you can leave. " The brunette is sigh.

"Just just from the Star Mainland to Tiande Mainland, the price is actually big, this star is really black." The purple war armor said.

"Shut up!" The brown and old people immediately drunk, "Don't you live?"

The purple battleman also realized that he was wrong, when he was afraid to see around, when he saw that there were no one to pay attention to him, he was easily tone.

The brunette old man also swept around, and then he only looked: "Star has a true hegemony of the Star Mainland, angered them, can't protect you, then say, you think that you have to open once The space of the mainland is so easy? The cost of consumption is not much lower than a true God, and the star is all earned. "

I heard the words, and the purplefa armor did not say much to other disciples.


The shape is directly empty from above, and the brown veteran will look at the past with a few disciples.

I saw a black robe man before that spatial wormhole, and then he quickly paid the fee, and then opened the space insect hole left.

See this, the brunette old people can't help but envy. "This true God is also to another continent, but he can pay for the transfer of the mainland, but it is really powerful."

at this time……


A large number of figure is rushing from the top of the most upon palace in Yun Island, and there are hundreds of people.

This is the most weak, the strength is the three heavens, and the first is four people. These four people are true gods, and three of them are wearing silver robes, and one is wearing a golden robe.

"Is the people of the star, the four people headed, the deacon of the stars!"

"Three silver robots, a gold robe deacon."

"What are they doing?"

Many practitioners in Yundion are exposed to the color of doubts.

But just a moment, they saw a bloody gown of a long sword slowly stepped.

Those three heavens and gods of the stars, including the four true gods, and they are all towards the blood robes.


"The true God is actually a two-day gods?"

"Who is this young woman? Is it difficult to be a disciple of a starry core layer?"

"80% is a star of Star Palace!"

Those cultivars on Yundao are amazed.

The five disciples next to the brown veteran were also shocked.

"Two heaven? It's not like me, but he can make the gornets of the stars and even the gorgeous gorges, this is the treatment of the core disciple of Stars?" The purple war armor is even more Face a horror.

Without the collection of these practitioners on Yun Island, the sword is unparalleled in the leadership of the four deacons, came to the palace group.

"The sword is unparalleled, your heart, the Yuan Dynasty master has already told it, and we will open the spatial insect hole to the Tiaolian secret." The golden robe was humble.

"I have been working." The sword was unparalleled.

In the stars, you can live in the interior of the river for a long time, such as those disciples, law enforcement, etc., all of which are the true core layers of the star.

However, the star of the stars, there are also external powerful, such as the atriation of the many three heavens of the Yun island, and these four deacons.

These four deacons, although they are true gods, but the status, even not as good as the stars, a common disciple, and the sword is unparalleled, the disciple of Xingchen Palace, these four deacons faced the sword and is very humble.

Soon, the spatial insect cave leading to the secret of the Tiaolian is open.

"The sword is unparalleled, this enumeration you are holding, waiting for you to come out from the secret of the Tiaolian, you will find a unmanned place to crush this enumeration." The golden robe said.

"Well." The sword is not a hyperbidden point. After picking up, it will directly enter the space insect cave.


The Tianstrian Middle Achievement is on the empty.


The space is distorted, and in the twisted space, the body shape directly, then the space is restored to calm.

The sword is unbentered in high out, and the eyes overlooks.

"Good Forest!" The sword is unparalleled.

At his foot, it is a very vast forest. Even if the power of the sword is unparalleled, you can't feel the edge of this forest.

In this forest, there is still some of the existence of some creatures.

Those gods, there are people, and there are murderous beasts.

"The secret of the Tianling, although it has been controlled by the star, but the star has never interdered anything in the secret state, all the evolutionary development, according to the message I get, this secret cultural practice is numerous. There are also many strong people! "

"I just went to the secret of Tiaolian, or I was first familiar with the environment here, and then slowly think about it to improve your strength."

"As for the day of Lingjing, it is said that it is also very rare in the secret of the sky, and the unusual strong is not able to have it, I can only come slowly."

The sword is unparalleled for a while, but the body shape is a sudden movement, and the whole person will go to the endless forest.

Soon, the sword is unparalleled, and it is truly above the earth's secret land.


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