Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1380 Ling Master!

In the ancient forest, the blood and robes carrying the long sword slowly moved forward.

"There is bloody, and it tastes very strong. It seems that this forest often bursts." The sword is unparalleled.

call out!

A bloody stream is easy to brush through the jungle, the sword is unparalleled in a big tree, but the scorpion is staring in front.

Just on the air in front of him, there was a huge thing that he was more than two meters.

"This is the murderous beast in the secret of the Tianling?" The sword was unparalleled.

This farewell beast in front of me, there is a big size, and there is a three huge skull, and it is also very scarlet, it looks an abnormally cruel.

When the sword is unparalleled, the three heads of the beasts have also reacted, and the two scarlet eyes are solidified in the sword.


The breathless breath is coming out of this fierce beast, and the lightning is like a sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and it does not pull the sword, but from him, there is a sharp soul of a pound of the soul.

The power of this soul is actually turned into a purple tiger, roaring.


A low impact sounded, the three headed frank beasts made a miserable scream, and the Pang Dado continued to flourish for a while, but eventually, it still fell.

"Zihu, which is formed by the strength of the soul, is that the impact is almost rushing?" The sword didn't have a brow.

Although killing this farewell beast, it is obvious that he is not satisfied with the just attack.

"The sword is unparalleled, the use of the soul, is a constant accumulation, the continuous practice is skilled, you just grasp the five-capped , use it is inevitable will be somewhat strange, but the number of times used in the future "Said the King said.

"Well." The sword nodded without a double point, and then continued.


In the Central Terrace of the forest, there is a strong opponent's opponent slowly.

"It's going to go to the territory of the King Lion, you are small, don't let it find out in advance." The black shirt head stared at a group of people behind him.

"Well." Those people norful, and a face is very unexpected.

"Little sister, the power of the king lion is very strong. With our top more, we can only barely kill him, but we can't divide people to protect you, so you will be able to show it, find a place directly. Hide, wait until we kill the King lion, you come out, understand? "The black shirt is staring at one person.

"Well." The name of the black girl who looked at the tender, but also shifted the color of excitement.

Soon, a group has come to the territory of the King Lion.

"It is there!"

Black shirts stared at the bottom of the big tree in front of the big tree, and the body grew more than three meters, and the eyes were bright.


There is no hesitation, it has been prepared, which specializes in this squad, the cultivator of this king.


Killing immediately broke out.

"Be careful!"

"Betting, the strength of this king lion is even more stronger than last?"

"Worse, it must escape!"

"Let's catch up!"

This squad with the King Lion, when it is a chasing battle in this forest.

At this moment, in the direction of the Yanlion's crazy escape, a stunned body is slowly moving.


The sword is unparalleled. His strength has been spreading, and naturally, the first time I feel that the front of the Yanlion in front of the front.

The King lion fled in his position, and it appeared in front of him in an instant.


When I saw the young people in front of him blocked his way, Yan Wang lion immediately sent out the horses of the anger, and they did not kill the sword.

"Be careful!"


In the black shirts, men and others who are rapidly chased behind Yan Wang Lion, they will send a burst.

The sword is unlocked, watching the Kings lion, as if it has been scared, but if you have a heart, you can see his scorpion, there is a strange light flashing, !

The invisible force is directly swept away, and instantly covers the body of the king lion.

Then, Wang Lion, is incomparably crazy, the sword is unparalleled, and the speed is also very fast, but it can be swept by this power, its speed begins slow down at an amazing speed, and quickly stopped down , Follow its body that is unable to fall.


The rapid chasing black shirts and others came to the corpse of Yan Qingshi, and it was shocked by the corpse of the underground.

"Yan Wangshi is the second-class murderer that is strong, it is comparable to normal Ethixi, but this person will be killed."


"And the very terrible submissions, at least in the peak of Er Stars!"

The black shirt is tightly staring at the sword and is unparalleled. The next moment is a busy ritual: "The blood maple squad leader blood maple, I have seen the spiritual teacher," Thank you, the adult, the big man, solved this, Wang Lion. "

"Lingshi?" The sword was unbeded.

He learned about some of the information in this Tianshun, and also known that there were only two cultural practitioners in the Tianshun, and one of the other soldiers said that the black shirt said Master.

The teacher, specializing in drilling and the soul.

In the secret of the secret, the teacher is more rare than the warrior, and there is also a much noble.

Any of the spiritual division, even the lowest first star spirit, is very respectful.

"Your squad is special for this king lion?" The sword asked without a pair.

"Yes." Black shirt men's blood nodded, "our team has met with this king lion, but unfortunately, we didn't prepare, so let it escape, even it is Kill a brother, so this trip is deliberately come to find a revenge! "

"It turns out." The sword is unparalleled. "The value of the king of the king lion should be not small, you take it."

"The body is given to us?" Blood Feng and his brigade's cultivator are all, but they will be at the next moment.

"The value of Yan Qiong's body is indeed, but the minimum is also a master of Er Xingfeng, I am afraid that it is nothing to do." Blood maple sighed, , directly put the King Lion The corpse has incorporated in the Qiankun ring.

At this time, the black girl who has been following the rear.

"Big Brother." Black girl came to blood maple, worried: "You are nothing?"

"Nothing, fortunately, this adult is shot." Blood Feng smiled, said: "Little sister, come to see this spiritual teacher."

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