Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1381 encounters!

"I have seen the spiritual teacher." The black girl is busy with respect.

"Adult, this is my little girl, she is also a spirit teacher, although she has not received the recognition of Lingshi Hall, but in strength, it has also barely reaches a star level." Blood Feng said.

The sword is unparalleled to read the black girl, and did not speak.

"Look at the appearance, should you prepare to return to the city?" Blood Feng asked again.

"Yes." The sword is not a hyperbidden point.

"Our brigade is also, it is better to let us talk to us?" Blood Maple said casually, but the sword is unparalleled, but it seems that this blood maple has a fanatic fever.

And the black girls next to the black teenagers are also desirable.

The sword is unparalleled to understand this blood maple.

"He let me return to the city with them, I want to create a chance for his little girl on the way, let me point to her?" The sword smiled in the heart.

Er Sheng Pefei, this is not very common in the entire Tianling mainland (the secret) of the Tianling, and it is possible to determine a second star peak master, especially for the blood, it can get a second star peak. Good point, even just free guidance, there is a great benefit to her.

"Okay, let's go together."

Although I have seen my mind, the sword is unparalleled or directly agreed.

After all, he also wants to know some more detailed information about Tianling continent from the blood maple.

The only sword is unparalleled with this blood maple team.

On the way, there is really like a sword, there is no one, and the blood is a chance to ask him to ask some consciousness to control the problem.

At first, this blood is still incomparable, but she found that the sword was more than a good speech, and her patience was also big, and she became a big sword almost wrapped in the sword almost, and the sword was also as always.

Only in the guidance process, the sword is often very bitter.

Don't look at him guilty, you can actually have some things in his point, are some of the essentials from the Wuyu Control Lingqi, some use techniques.

And those things, he can only talk about it, you really want him to show it, it is difficult.

The most sword is unparalleled. He found this little girl who has been looking for himself. In fact, in terms of consciousness, it is better than he!

"The spirit of this Tiande is from the beginning to cultivate. In order to become a spiritual teacher, they are constantly working hard. They have a very amount of consciousness, but they have never had a high-profile impact like me. To put it, it is actually this bloody, I am not right. "The sword is unparalleled.

At the same time, he pointed to the bloody, a lot of useful techniques, including some experience, which also benefited himself.

Five days later.

"Unparalleled, we can leave this forest immediately. If there is a day away from the forest, you can reach the nearest city nearby." Blood Feng said.

The sword is not a hyper point.

In these five days, he also told the blood maple and bloody two people.

at this time……

"Well?" The sword has no double look.

"Unparalleled big brother, what happened?" The blood next to it came over.

"Someone is coming, and people are very much." The sword is unparalleled.

Blood maple frowned, "Is it like us, come to this forest?"

"No." The sword is unparalleled, "watching them look, not rushing to those murder."

The sword is unparalleled, at the end of the front, but there have been dozens of black spots. Ten blacks are constantly enlarged, and they have come to everyone in front of them.

These people are all in black, and the face is also a black mask, one is a suffocating sky.

"This is ... Hungry wolf!" Blood maple has changed.

Others of the Blood Maple Squad also reveal the color of horror.

"Hungry Wolf?" The sword is unparalleled to reveal the color of doubts.

"Hungry Wolf, is a pirate force in this forest, they specialize in killing the strong team of the people, this for hundreds of years, people who die in them don't know how much." Blood maple is cold "I didn't expect our team to be unlucky, will encounter Hungry wolf, this is big!"

It is indeed a lot of trouble.

At least to the blood collasses, they can't resist this hungry helmet.

"Little girl, if you come together, you have quickly escaped with unparalleled adults, I will find ways to create opportunities for you." Bloodferen low.

"Big Brother." The bloody face has become extremely unceumered.

In front, tens of tens of figurines with a black horses standing in that, one of the headed people with a golden mask, he overlooks the following swords.

"My german, these people's realm can be clear?" Golden mask men asked.

"Well, a total of nine people, the strongest three levels will, others are just a first-class god, and there is a more even God will not reach, but her consciousness is good, it seems to be a Lingche, but it is just a star. "One person next to the golden mask man issued a crisp.

In the Tianling continent, the level of cultivator is completely different from the ancient chaotic world.

The warrior of the Tianling Continental is three levels, the gods, God, the real god!

Among them, God will correspond to the world of chaotic world, and the first-class god will correspond to a heavy heaven, and the second level will correspond to the second day of the world.

As for the submissile, a star spirit teacher is equivalent to a sense of consciousness of a heavy height.

"There is still a master?" The golden mask man is cold and smiled. "It is not necessary to talk nonsense with them, directly, full!"

When I heard the golden mask, after him, the dozens of dozens with black hunters were immediately shot.

Seeing this scene, the blood of the blood squad became paleble!


Blood Maple has made a scargent roar in the first time. He let other people escape, and he himself is directly toward the hungry helpers rushed over.

However, blood maple is just a second-level god will be, and the group of hungry wolves in front of him will exceed ten, and there are several second-order peak gods, as for the head. The golden mask man is a three-level god, but he never has worked.

With the strength of blood maple, you want to stop them, it is a luxury.

"so troublesome!"

The sword with the blood maple team standing together, the eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, the next moment of the vast soul is in an instant.

~~~ The power of the majestic soul is actually formed a scarlet bloody phoenix in the void.

This bloody phoenix is ​​incomparable, and after a mold, it will rush to slap the wings.

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