Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1382 Samsung!


The harsh humility is rumored, and the bloody phoenix is ​​more faster than the blood maple in front of the hungry helper.

Subsequently ... The feathers on the bloody phoenix are actually turned into a bloody stream, with the amazing speed, did not enter the body of those hungry helpers.

Dozens of hungry wolves are all in the void, and then there is a supreme person who has fallen down.


"This is ... awareness attack!"

"It's a spirit teacher, there is a submiss teacher!"

All the hungry wolves were all screamed, but the pace did no longer dare to travel.

The leader of the hungry helper, the golden mask man is also shrinking, and even the person next to him, asked: "Mei, what is going on?"

"I didn't expect this team to have two submissions, and this spiritual teacher didn't even be induced?" This is called Mei's black robes, "But I can't induce him." The existence, but his awareness attack is not strong. He just tricks, but only kills the first-class god, and the second-level god will kill him, obviously his conscious level is not Too high, the top is just a second star spirit, and it has just been grounded soon. "

"E-Star Master? That is handed to you." Golden mask man.

"No problem." This is called Meier's black robe nodded and spanned.

On the other side, the sword in the blood maple brigade is unparalleled, but it is quite cold.

"Finally, it is too far away, so that I just have to break it on the way, otherwise ... this stroke, these hungry people are afraid that there are not a few people can live." The sword is unparalleled.

Task, his current soul intensity is unlimited, the soul of the three days, the soul palace, the three heavens gods can't resist, even if it is a group attack, it is not the second-level God of Tianling mainland. It is possible to block, but just the bloody phoenix, the result is killed, and the first level will be.

"Well?" The sword didn't look up, he had seen the black robe called Meier, I got over him.

"I didn't expect that your team also has a two-star spiritual teacher? I don't know what this second star spirit is called?" Meer asked.

"The sword is unparalleled." The sword was unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled," Mei Ge sneaked, but I shook his head. "In this forest, I know that there is a famous second-star spirit teacher, but I have never heard of you, it seems that you just broke the second star Soon, this way, I will give you a chance, join me hungry, so you can keep a life. "

When I heard this, the sword is unparalleled, "If you are always in front of me, I will give you a life."

"court death!"

The eyes that are leaking out are flashing in a cold, next moment, ! A huge black shadow that is constructed from consciousness is completely constructed, and the black shadow is a huge python.

This python is not only huge, but also is very flexible.

"Good guy, this person controls the consciousness, more strong than the bloody." The sword was unparalleled, but the scorpion was awkward.


The power of the soul suddenly broke out, this sword was unparalleled, and the five beast-controlled spirit, but the soul was crushed directly with the special means.

It is already close to the soul of the three-day peak. It is like a heavy hammer to smash the flushing python, and then continue to sweep in Mei Chi.

"How can it be?"

When the black mask wearing a fizzing, it was shocked, and her eyes were rolled.


"Samsung Master!"

The scorpion sound is issued from the mouth of Mei, but it is dull.


This kind of body shape is unable to fall down.

This scene, but all people present included blood maple, blood and sisters were completely stunned.

"Samsung Master?" All people can't help but muttered.

In the Tianling Continent, if the second star spirit is extremely rare, then the Samsung is even more rare.

Like this forest near the forest, known Samsung Primary, will never exceed five!

Such a big figure, the surrounding territory is trembled.

And now, there is more than one in front of them.


The hungry wolf helped the leader, the golden mask man roared, and his eyes were dead and stared at the sword.

In the Tianyuan continent, the spirit is extremely horrible, and it has always been the strongest in the same level.

For example, a second star spirit is compared with the second-level god of the same level, it is definitely a stronger of the second star.

That Samsung is naturally stronger than the general three-level god.

"let's go!"

Although the golden mask man is extremely unllowed, it can only choose to leave.

With him, the rest of the hungry wolves will be released by one by one, and then quickly choose to arouse.

They don't have courage, go with a Samsung Principal.

However, just on the golden mask man turned and prepared to leave ...

"I want to come, I want to go, you will not be too comfortable." The sword did not have a double voice sounded, followed by seeing the bloody sword behind him appeared in his hands.


The sword is unparalleled and the shape is moved.

"This speed!"

Blood maple, the blood of the blood, the blood of the blood squad, let the sword are unparalleled to be shocked at this moment.

This speed is obviously more faster than all of them.

And the golden mask man saw the sword without double direct killing, but it was not angry.

"Kid, you a spirit teacher, dare to kill me?"

Golden mask men have a murder.

Samsung Primer, it is really terrible, but this kind of terrible, it is only limited to a certain distance between the other side, choosing the strength of the soul to fight with him.

But now, the sword is unparalleled, 'Silly' is directly toward him, and he is smashed with him?

Is this not looking for death?

On the Tianling Continental, what kind of spirit, dare to fight with the same parameters?


The golden mask man immediately took out a big ax and carrying a pound of power, pretty horizon.

The sword is unparalleled, and the strength of its own strength has reached the extreme, and directly applied to school!


The vast and endless swords and light swept, and it was overlapping with the amazing speed, as if it was completely concentrated in the power of thousands of swords.

Subsequent sword light power out.


A loud noise, the terrible power is crazy swept around.

After the loud sound, the metal mask man's figure was actually returned after connecting.

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