Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1383 hatred!

"How can it be?"

The golden mask men's eyes are full of horror.

The people around the hungry wolf, and those people who have the blood column squad, are also shocked.

A Samsung Master that is already extremely terrible for them, which actually showed so awesome BRIC skills?

Whoever killing, the front is crushing a three-level god?

What joke is open?

Everyone can't help but blink, thinking that I have seen it wrong.

On the battlefield, when I saw my sword, I was very surprised when I shook the golden mask, but the sword was very surprised, but soon he understood it.

"No wonder!"

"We can't blame the sky, the spirit will be stronger than the fighters of the same order, it is not too strong, but the strength of these soldiers is too weak!"

One confrontation, the sword has been seen.

Although this golden mask is a third-order God, it can be equivalent to the level of the three heavens of the ancient chaos world, but no matter what the power broke out, still in the school, the three-level god will be far away and not over. The three heavens of the world.

"The power is too weak, but also the general two-day peak of the world, I am two or three times. As for the school, he is afraid that it doesn't know what to learn." The sword is unparalleled, followed by the body Kill out.


Golden mask men do not hesitate to choose crazy escape.

But this sword is unparalleled, but there is no chance to show the sword, and the sword is also attacked, and the soul attack makes the golden mask men at all.


Sword is penetrating the sore throat of the golden mask, directly killing it.

This golden mask man died, the rest of the book is already the hungry helper of the bird of the shock, but also the soul of the soul, and fleeing in a madness.

For these butterflaies, the sword is no longer chasing.

On the battlefield, everything sailed.

Blood maple, bloody and other people came to the sword unparalleled in front of him.

"Unparalleled." Blood Feng respects.

Others, except for blood, it is also low, and even don't even see the swords.

It is really the strength of the sword without a double show, so that they are too awesome.

"You have n'thing happened?" The sword asked without a smile.

"We are fine, but this time, if you don't save this time, we are afraid that no one can escape from the hungry hel hand." Blood maple is grateful, "and adults, you kill the hungry to help the leader, also for us In addition to a major harm, if this is spread, there are countless cultivars around the surroundings, they have to be grateful to adults. "

"I just smashed him, I can't do anything." The sword was unparalleled, "Okay, there is nothing, we will continue."


Blood maple nodded, and quickly packed up, the blood maple team continued to start.

But the next distance, the blood maple brigade people are silent, no one sentence, can be in the bottom of the heart, everyone has set off a huge waves.

Just when the team just left this forest, the silence of a long bloody blood, finally drums, but they didn't have a pair of swords, while respecting: "Unparalleled people, please receive me, blood In the future, I will serve you forever! "

Seeing this scene, the sword is unparalleled.

"There is no pair of big people, the little girl is quite well in the week, and there is also a certain talent in the consciousness. I hope that you can accept him, my blood maple team will be grateful!" Blood Feng also looked at the sound, the voice also took the sound Eager.

In the Tianling Continent, like a strong sword is unparalleled, it is too little.

It's hard to meet one, blood maple, the blood is of course not wanting to miss.

Looking at the two in front of you, the sword is unparalleled, and the blood is not from the autonomous standing.

"Unparalleled ..." The blood is looking forward to watching the sword.

"Is it still free of charge. The sword is unparalleled.

He can only refuse.

Don't say that he is not the people in this day, it will not take long.

Moreover, the most important thing is that he is not qualified as a master of blood.

He is not as good as the sense of consciousness, and in this case, what do he take?

Can you always use some other ways to use the five-and-beast control?

Seeing the sword and unparalleled refused, bloody can not help but lose.

The blood maple only had to sigh, but he raised his head again, asked: "There is no big man, since you don't want to collect a small girl, whether it knows other spirits, is it possible to let them ... "

Blood maple's words have not been finished, the sword is unbolded is a sink.

"Brother." The blood is also a bit dissatisfied.

The sword is unparalleled, but this blood maple is still not indominating. If the sword is unparalleled, other spirits are coming, this is indeed a bit too much.

After all, the sword is unparalleled without owes them two brothers. On the contrary, he has just saved the life of these two brothers.

"Sorry, there is a unparalleled person, I am talking about it." Blood Feng also realized that he said wrong, even quickly apologize, but the face was full.

"Blood Maple, why do you urge you to ask your sister under the door of the sister?" The sword asked without double.

Blood maple sinks a moment, : "There is no pair of people, I don't think about it, I hope that Xiaomei can be able to pay into a strong spirit teacher, that is because my brothers and sisters have a bloody sea, our parents, we The family, including all our loved ones, all killed overnight, only the whole brothers and sisters have escaped, these years, my brothers and sisters have always kept this hatred in my heart! "

"Unfortunately, I don't live, I can't become a real power, it is even more impossible to revenge, so I can only pin it on the little girl!"

"Xiaomei has a certain talent in the consciousness. If she can go into a strong master, it will definitely get the maximum cultivation, and it will be a strong spiritual teacher, and even Samsung. When she arrived, she had a revenge! "

Blood maple is holding hands, and the face is cold.

And the blood of the side, the eyes are also all over the endless hatred.

Seeing this scene, the sword is unparalleled, but it is a move.

Many years ago, when he stepped into the cultivator, he was also carrying the blood sea.

At that time, he is also eager to have a man who can kill the enemy in one day, just like this blood, blood brothers and sisters.

And there is such hatred, and his progress will be huge, and he will have now.


PS: Today is still six more, ask for support!

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