Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1385 Chapter!

This is the first spirit of Baiyang City, and the awareness of drilling is so many years.

In the process of just handarding, he clearly saw the use means of swords and unparalleled consciousness, and it was very unfavorable.

"I have been in the deep mountain, I have worked hard, but I rarely communicated myself, so the use of consciousness is a bit rough." The sword is unparalleled and also admitted.

"It turns out." He Lingshi smiled, "" With your strength of your current consciousness, it has reached the standard of Samsung Primary, but the little friend wants to pass the Samsung Principal, become a real Samsung. , But still lack? "

"Oh? What should this be aware of consciousness?" The sword has no double.

"Yes." He Lingshi nodded, "As far as I know, Samsung's assessment standards are not only needed to conscious strength, but also have high requirements for consciousness, and also have high requirements, at this point, The little friend is indeed lacking some, so, even if the old man is sent to the headquarters, let them send people to come, and ultimately can only come back! "

The sword is unparalleled.

The people in the hall heard this, but secretly screamed.

"This adult, has reached the requirements of Samsung Primary in the strength of consciousness, just just awareness of the application!"

"Unfortunately, you can see a real Samsung Primary."

"The strength of consciousness has been required. As for the consciousness of consciousness, it is just a skill, and it is a good time, this sword is unparalleled to become a Samsung, and it is also a morning and evening."

Some people who have already quietly discuss it.

"The sword is unparalleled, and the old man has a suggestion. I don't know if the small friend is willing to listen." He Lingri also looked over.

"Talk." The sword has no double.

"The use of consciousness is to continue to be skilled, and there are still many submissors in the Lingshi Hall of Baiyang City, including a few second stars."

"If Xiaoyi is willing, it can be the guest of the Baiyang City Lingxiao, leaving, and can communicate with these spirits on weekdays, even learn, used to use, wait for a while, small The use of friend's consciousness is very proficient, I will send it to the headquarters, let them send people to arrange the Samsung's assessment, how? "He Lingri smiled.

"Gu Qing?" The sword did not have a double look, but it nodded directly. "Yes."

For swords, there is a Samsung Master, he doesn't care, he cares that he is a means to consciously use it too much, lacking practice and proficiency, and this Baiyang City Lingshi Hall, although not too powerful Probes, but let him be able to use it, it is enough.

"In this case, then from this day, the little friend is the Gaoyang, which is the Baiyang City Lingxiao, its status, quite with me." He Lingri smiled.

The sword is unparalleled.

"Yes, He Lingshi, this little girl came with me, you can see if she can stay in the Lingshi Hall and arrange a spiritual teacher to teach her." Sword is not a double pointing Tao.

When I heard the sword, the bloody figure was shackled, and it flashed out a variety of light.

He Lingri looked at the blood and smiled: "Since the child personally tells himself, it is natural that the old man will arrange a second star spirit. If she is really talented in the consciousness, I am in my spirit. The teacher will naturally be buried. "

"That's good." The sword smiled smiled.

The blood is secretly grateful.

Next, the sword is unparalleled to stay in this Baiyang City.

What is said, the number of the lack in this spiritual teacher has a lot, although it is a star alien level, the sense of consciousness is far from the sword, and the use of awareness, these aest, two stars The spirit is much stronger than him.

"Tianling mainland, there is so many cultivators in the end of the year, they have a sense of understanding and application of consciousness, indecent!" The sword has no double dark and sighs, "the opposite, the warrior of this Tianling Continent is too much, but This should also be related to their cultivation system! "

The Tianling Continent is a secret, and the evergain's chaotic world is not in, both of them are completely different.

Even the cultivation system is also completely different.

The main thing is that in the Tianling continent, there is no gratitude at all!

For the gods of the Tianling Continent, it is not necessary to kneel the gods, which is completely refined and accumulated.

Without the god robber, he did not get the gods of robbery, which led to the warrior of the Tianling continent, the strength is much weaker than the world of chaotic world.

"The awareness of consciousness, I use five beast-controlled spirit, even if it is extremely precious in the world of the chaotic world, this Tianling continent should be better than a few priests, I am lacking, just proficiency However, as long as the five beast control is slowly skilled, my soul attack can truly play the power. "

"Since you have to be skilled, you must constantly act!"

"There are many spirits of this Lingshi, just use them to give me the object of practiced temper!"

The sword is unparalleled, and after, he will come to the Lingshi Hall.

By showing it once, it will enhance your mastery of the five-beast control.

Time passed, a sway, thirty years passed.

During the Lingshi Hall, the two spirits were talked over.

"I heard it, today's sword is unparalleled with Luo Xiangling, Luo Xiangling, is actually defeated, and it is very fast."

"Of course, I have heard that the sword is unparalleled with Luo Xiangli's sense of consciousness of ordinary Er Xingli. The two people are purely better than the skills of spelling."

"Hey, I remember that when the sword didn't have a pair of people just came to the Lingshi Hall, his use of consciousness is very sparse, just in just short time, progress is so big, even Luo Sheng people are not His opponent. "

"In fact, if the ideology is used to use, Luo Xian people must be proficient than the sword, but unparalleled the use of the swords and the use of the techniques are very deep, and the far-reaching law is much better."

"Well, it is indeed."

The whole spiritual teacher is talking about the battle of swords and unparalleled Today.

Among the independent rooms inside the Lingshi Hall, the swords were sitting in that, but in his hands, there was a substance of a substantive soul to gather, and with the sword unparalleled, the soul in his hands The power, in an instant, in order to make a skylark, followed by a rabbit, ... ... ... ...

The foundation is lifelike, just like it.

"With the spirit of soul, this five-beast control, I am finally introduced!"


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