Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1386 Assessment!

The five beast control is the use of the method of the power of the soul.

This method is divided into entry, smashed, large, and a complete four levels.

After the sword is unparalleled, it is just a simple understanding of the mission to come to this day, and when he is very sparse, he can't play this method, but even show this method. It is better to weaken his soul attack.

He has been in the thirty years of Baiyang City Lingshi Tang, has always been practiced with other spirits, and constantly hys this method, which makes him getting higher and higher in this manual. Now, he has introduced this method.

Although it is just a entry, it is still a lot of soul attacks than before, especially the attack measures ...

It is just a single, pure soul, but now he can use the soul attack means there are a lot.

"Now I, with the power of the soul, it should be enough to fight with a three-day high context, and even win the possibility is not low!"

"This is just getting started, if it is cultivated to Dacheng ..."

"To continue to be skilled, strive to cultivate this method to Da Cheng before the battle of Star Palace disciples!"

The sword is unparalleled.

"Unparalleled little friends."

The sound came from the room.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is even outside the secret chamber.

"He Lingshi." The sword is unparalleled to show the smile and look at the He Lingshi in front of him.

"Little Friends, the people of Lingshi Hall is here." He Lingri said.

"Oh?" The sword is unparalleled.

As early as one month ago, He Lingri saw that the use of swords and unparalleled consciousness enhanced huge, and it had barely reached the requirements of Samsung Primary, so he sent it to Lingshi Hall headquarters, let them send strong people to come over the sword. Unparalleled Samsung Probesteet.

Under the leadership of He Ling, the sword is unparalleled to the Lingshi Hall.

In the middle of the hall, there are two shapes standing there. The two faces are very indifferent, and there are many people around you to see them from time to time, but they have a fear.

"Samsung Master?" The sword is unbenhed.

He has seen the arm of the two people in front of the dress that represents the armband of Samsung.

"Unparalleled little friends, I will introduce you, these two are Feng Tao from the headquarters and Huo Yigong." He Ling said.

"Two have a gift." The sword is unparalleled.

"You are swords and no pairs?"

Feng Tao and Huo Yi stare with the sword unparalleled. As for He Lingri, it has been ignored by them.

"If you are excess, let's start the certification assessment." The fire of the fire robe said.

"Yes." The sword nodded.

Feng Tao quickly waved, took out a transparent crystal.

"This is specially used to test crystals with the strength of Samsung Primary." You will try it. "Feng Tao will hand it on the crystal to the sword.

After the sword is unparalleled, I don't hesitate. I saw a pound of the soul of the soul.

With the pour of the soul, the transparent crystal immediately broke out the dazzling deep purple rays.

"Deep Purple?"

Feng Tao is a surprise with Huo Yifan.

Under normal circumstances, as long as the crystal releases purple rays, it has reached the strength of the Samsung Primary, and the deep purple, that should be the Samsung Peak Master is eligible.

"Samsung Peak Master?"

Feng Tao and Huo Yi look at the sword without a double gaze.

After all, although they are Samsung Primary, but only Samsung first, while Samsung's peak, it can be different.

And the sword is unparalleled.

After all, his consciousness is actually just Samsung, close to the peak level, did not truly reached the peak of Samsung, the reason why the crystal released deep purple light, the sword was unparalleled to be a relationship of the power of the soul.

"Two, this step should be no problem?" The sword didn't ask.

"Of course, there is no problem." Feng Tao immediately responded immediately, and Feng Tao is more humble: "You're awareness strength has reached the level of Samsung's peak, and it can be directly a Samsung master. However, the rule is still the rule, so you have to show the use of the consciousness. "

"How to show?" The sword was unparalleled.

"It's very simple, you and I only use the normal Samsung Primary Samsung's consciousness, take a game, and judge whether you can become a Samsung Master with Huang Ji." Feng Tao said.

"Is this simple?" The sword is unbeded, "then start."

"You, we go to a spacious place." Feng Tao Road.

When the sword is unparalleled, I came to the Lingshi Hall, and I was in a vast play.

"You, be careful!"

Feng Tao reminded a sentence that the strong awareness of the next moment has been ventilated.

! ! !

It is entirely entirely of a large substitute formed by consciousness.

This is a cyan giant that is more than ten meters high. This cyan giant is still holding a wolf tooth stick.

"Single awareness, form such a huge cyan giant? Samsung Primary, really is not average." The sword is unhealthy.


The cyan giant is a fierce, and the ground is shred in an instant, and its body shape is a huge cyan phantom to appear in front of the sword.


Granules, the wolf tooth sticks in the hands of the cyan giants carry a great power directly.

I saw the wolf tooth sticks, but the sword was still never moved, but the power of the pounds has been surrounded by his whisper.


The ancient and low snoring echoed, the soul of the sword was unparalleled, and there was a huge mysterious turtle in the incident, this mysterious turtle included the sword without pairs, using the hard and incomparable turtle shell, hard students Blocks before the wolf.


A big rang, formed a horrible wind swept, and those cultivars around the battlefield, were swept by this strength, all of which were blown up.

This amazing power is far more than the two three-level gods, but also strong.

Lingshi, although the main awareness, but by consciousness, it can burst the killing means of the warrior, and the power is equally horizontal.

The waves of the cyan giants like Feng Tao, their power has been hit by the three-day high context.

After a confrontation, the cyan giant made a gratefulness, and the wolf stick in his hand was waving.


The succession, everything is heavy and strong, carrying a great power to bombardment on the turtle shell of the mysterious turtle, so that the mysterious turtle shell is dim, but it is not scattered.

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