"This cyan giant, is indeed, but my mysterious fortune is stronger!" The sword was unhappy smiled.

Run, how to race, the wolf tooth stick is strong, covering the mysterious turtle in the sword unparalleled weighing, but it is not moving, as for the turtle shell on the light, with the strength of the sword Inmouring, it recovered immediately.

"Good strong defense!"

Feng Tao is sinking, but it is low, it is low: "The sword is unparalleled, this is a test for your test, if you only know the defense, this is not too good!"

The sword is unparalleled, but it is showing a smile. "In this case, then I will shoot."

The voice just fell, but he saw the sword without a double, "Dragon!"


It's enough to make the sky, as if the roar from Jiufang hell sounded, I saw a whole body, the size of the gods, the dragon that exuded the breath, appeared on the battlefield, this huge magic dragon appeared, Lightning is like the cyan giant, and the sharp foot claw directly grabs the green giant's body, then the dragon mouth is open, and the cyan giants are biting directly.

The cyan giants have a scream, and the shape is trembled. In the crazy battle, no matter how hard it is, it is unable to break away from the magic dragon port.

"Five beast controlling, this magic dragon is the most crazy in the five beasts!" The sword was unparalleled and laughed with everything in front.

The five beast control, the power of the soul is five major animals.

The five major beasts are the 'magic dragon' ' ' '' Blood Phoenix '' '' '.

The five major animals have their own characteristics, and the magic dragon, the attack is the most crazy.

Mysterious turtle, pay attention to defense.


The neck neck of the cyan giant was finally bitered by the magic dragon, and the head flying was refined to consciously dissipated in the void.

See this, the Feng Tao is changing, and the consciousness of him is crazy.


The three huge shapes appeared on the play of the field, and the three-head cyan giants, and the three-year cyan giants were not less than just dissipated.

"Three heads?" The sword has no double mouth. "You have three cyan giants, can I have three magic dragons?"

Roar! Roar!

It is also two roars, the soul of the sword is unparalleled in the void, and the two-headed and suffocated magic dragon, plus the previous one, and three.

Three magic dragons fight three blue giants, both sides instantly stood together.

The horrible prevailing was spread, and it took a while, and this playing field was recurred.

At this moment, the three cyan giants have all disappeared. As for the sword, the magical dragon has already rushing two, only the last one is still suspended there.

Feng Tao is a little pale, and the corner of the mouth also has a blood, but he lifted his head and smashing the magic dragon, not from low, "amazing!"

"Contracting." The sword is unparalleled but laughs.

This battle is what he won.

It has never kept the strength of the five beast control, but he still defeated Feng Tao with the strong horizontal of the five beast control.

"Huo Yi, we just have justified, you are documented?" Feng Tao looked at Huo Yi in the battlefield.

"All have been recorded with mirroring pictures, including before he will consciously enter the scene of crystal." Huo Yi nodded.

"That's good, we can go back to the intersection." Feng Tao smiled, then the sword didn't look at it, "The sword is unparalleled, I will bring your assessment process back to the headquarters, and the headquarters high-rise strong person can certify After the certification, we will bring you the result. "

"So trouble?" The sword was unparalleled.

"If you are troublesome, you can go back to our headquarters with us, so you can save a lot of time, and the powerful people in the headquarters count, you can also choose to stay at the headquarters, cultivate in the headquarters, the effect can be compared to this small Baiyang City is much better. "Feng Tao said.

"Go to Lingshi Tang's headquarters?" The sword didn't be bright.

He now has just started to master the five beast control, and there is a great improvement room.

He still needs constant actual combat, constantly hysterer, but there is too little in this Baiyang City, and the Samsung is even more than the Samsung, he wants to find a similar opponent, but if it goes to the spirit The headquarters of the teacher, it is completely different.

The teacher is the most expensive career in the Tianling Continent, and the headquarters of the Lingshi Tang, only the top forces on the Tianling continent, go there, the sword is unparalleled to find a lot of abrasive objects, he The mastery of the five-beast control can only get the best improvement.

"Well, go to the headquarters of Lingshi Hall." The sword is unparalleled.

"When did you start?" Feng Tao asked.

"Let's go." The sword was unparalleled.

He didn't have any good love for this Baiyang City. It simply explained a sentence. After instantly giving blood maple, the bloody brothers and sisters, they directly follow Feng Tao, Huo Yi two people Chao Lingtang Head of headquarters.

The headquarters of Lingteang, known as Ling Island!

That is a giant island, there is a lot of strong people.

It is a batch of true God like a rare world in the Tianling continent.

Of course, how strong the island is strong, but it doesn't matter if it is in the stars.

The star has been in the town, and this Tiantian continent has never been born over the world.

"The sword is unparalleled, here is the headquarters of my spiritual teacher."

Feng Tao with Huo Yi two people with swords and unparalleled arrivals.

He stepped on the foot island, and the sword was unparalleled immediately to induce an invisible force.

"Consciousness Shock?"

The sword is unparalleled, but he shakes his head. "Unfortunately, this consciousness is too weak. Don't say that it is right, even if it is the secret of the Tianyuan of the Snow God."

After coming to the Tao Tao, the sword is unparalleled, the soul is swept, and immediately can feel the breath of a lot of power in the island.

And Feng Tao next to Xu Xu, "Ling Island, is the founder of my spiritual teacher, the real god of the magic, and the magic rain is still recognized by my Tianling mainland," true to the high , By his secret surgery 'Eighteen Monozer', is also the strongest sense of consciousness attack in Tianling Continent! "

"The magic rain is true God? Eighteen Make Roose Hight?" The sword was unbeded.

"It is said that the god of the magic rain also went to the world outside the Tianling Continent." Feng Tao's small channel.

"Well?" The sword has no double.

Outside the Tianling Continent, isn't that the ancient chaotic world, the magic rain is really god, actually in the world of chaotic world?

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