Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1388 Samsung Peak Master!

"The sword is unparalleled, I will send the results of your assessment first, you are waiting for us." Feng Tao said.

"Good." The sword is not a hyper point.

Feng Tao walked with Huo Yichain, the huge palace group, and the sword was unparalleled to stand quietly.

Inside the palace, sitting on the three stars on the throne.

These three have a strong breath, and it is a strong person in the real god.

At the center of the palace, there is a mirror picture, of course, is a process of sword unparalleled participation assessment.

"Deep purple rays, his consciousness has reached Samsung peak, this is unquestionable!"

"Maximum turtle? This mysterious turtle defending ability is so amazing, and the magic dragon is also, it is really crazy, even Feng Tao's cyan giants are easily defeated."

"Well, the use of consciousness is not bad."

Just a moment, these three true gods have already had results.

"Go, give this armband to him, start today, he is also a member of my Lingshi Hall." One of the true gods thrown an armband to Feng Tao.

After Feng Tao took a look, it flashed a singularity in his eyes.


"The sword is unparalleled, congratulations."

Feng Tao and Huo Yi have once again appeared in front of the sword, Feng Tao handed the armband to the sword.

"This is ... Samsung Peak Master?" The sword didn't have a double look.

"Your consciousness has reached the Samsung peak level, of course, Samsung Peak Master." Feng Tao smiled, but he revealed the color. Not much. "

The sword is unparalleled, but it doesn't matter.

"It's two, in this Ling Island, is there often a tribe?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Of course, and very frequent." Feng Tao smiled, "How, do you want to fight with people?"

"I have been cultivating the awareness strength in the deep mountain, but I have almost never played with others. Now I have a chance to have an opportunity. Of course, I have to communicate with other spirits." The sword is unparalleled. "

"This is simple, there is a special battlefield on the island. Many of the Muchi is exchanged in the battle. I will take you to it."

Feng Tao immediately took the sword without double Dynasties.


Ling Island, a palace.


The door of the secret room was suddenly opened, a red, naked upper body and the evil charm youth of the feet came out of the secret room.

Some mates who have already waited outside the room immediately, wear our clothes for this evil.

"This time, it has been a thousand eight hundred years, and the time is very long." The evil charm young is tender, "But, although it is more time, the time I finally be able to display it. If the mother knows, it will be very happy! "

"Adults, already wear it." The maid next to it whispered.

The evil charm youth looks into your own raise, but the arrogance is the palace.

"I have never stretched a bones before one hundred and eight years ago, first go to the spiritual field."

This evil charm youth go directly to the Towel Island's fighting spirit.

After a while, the evil charm youna has come to the Fighting Field. He just appeared, many of the pilots in the fighting spirit have discovered him.

"Northern Hugh!"

"I have seen Northern Hugh!"

Many of the scholars, including some Samsung Probes, are very humble, and the evil spirits.

Even the two real gods that are not far away, and they also put goodwill.

And the faintness has been focused on the spot, but it is just a place where everyone is around, and it comes to an incompetent place to sit down. It is overlooking the battlefield below.

In that battlefield, there are four feet four people who are fighting, and it is still one.

"Oh, mysterious?"

This north is eye-catching to the young people who have been covered by a huge mysterious turtle.

This bloody gown is in the armband of Samsung Peak, the breath is especially strong, and the three people around him are three Samsung first class, at this moment, these three people are doing their best to play one, all kinds The awareness attack means has been displayed, and there is a consciousness to form a huge war knife, and there is also a big python, there is a one-eyed giant.

It can be armed by these awareness attacks, and the mysterious turtle of the bloody gown is unlikely, almost no effect.

"The strength is good." Northern Zhu is interested in seeing the scene below.

"Northern Hugh, this person is called the sword and is unparalleled. It was yesterday to the island, and he chose to come to the spirit of the game, until now, it has continued to carry out more than ten games. I have never waved, soon, Golden people personally shot, but they did not defeat him. "A purple clothes next to Beitun smiled.

"Jin Yang shot, can not beat him?" Northern Feng's brow wrinkled.

Jin Yen, is a strong Samsung peak master in Ling Island, and the strength is not much more than him.

"Mainly, this child's defense ability is extremely strong. He uses the mysterious turtle formed by consciousness. It can be said to be impeccable. Although Jin Yang is strong than him in the attack, it is very difficult, Because that battle is no longer. "Ziyi old man.

"It turned out to be only a turtle shell." Northern Remote Head This is only awkward.

At the moment, the sword is no longer passive defense, but directly out of the battlefield.


I saw a huge bloody phoenix felted the wings, swept it.

Amazing momentum formed a wave of waves sweeping.

"Blood Phoenix?" North Repair Head took a pick, still never care.

But after the blood phoenix, it is a roar. This sword is unparalleled to form a few purple tigers with the power of the soul.

"Zihu?" Northern Remaining is a position.

If it is just a mysterious turtle with the blood, he still doesn't care, then the appearance of Zihu now makes him surprised.

And follow ...!

Three feet have emerged in the battlefield with endless magic dragons.

"Dragon !!!"

The sideways sitting on the edge of the battlefield look at the end of the stage, but his eyes have become shocked.

"Mysterious turtle, blood phoenix, Zihu, magic dragon!"

"It's still one, the last one, the last one should be God !!"

In the northern fragments, the northern fragrance flashed in the unprecedented light, staring at the sword on the battlefield, and he is looking forward to the sword where the sword can be displayed.

Unfortunately, the next battle is even fierce, but he still does not see the sword without double.

"Is it not enough for him, can't show God?"

"It is definitely!"

"Mystery turtle, blood phoenix, Zihu, magic dragon, these four beasts have come out, and the way to show is like this, even if it is coincidence, it is impossible to make this!"

"Five beast control, this is the mother said, she has seen the five beast control of the vast world!"


PS: Severe Card Wen, five more today!

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