Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1392 Accidentals

"First Tian Lingjing!"

Looking at the ink green spar in the hand, the sword is not bored on his face.

"The sword is unparalleled, this day is really a good treasure, and there is a certain help for improving your soul. If it is possible, you have to get some more." The voice of the King was unhealthy in the sword.

"Know it." The sword is not a hyper point.

at this time……

"The sword is unparalleled, fast, come to save me!"

Unparalleled rescue messaging, so that the sword is not double-faced.

"Is Huo Yi, who is saving?" The sword is unparalleled to Huo Yi's direction, "Hurry over!"

There is no hesitation, the sword is unparalleled directly to the rescue.

On the way, he immediately submitted to Feng Tao, but Feng Tao did not respond.

"What is going on? Feng Tao did not send back?"

The sword is unparalleled, but the time is urgent, he doesn't come to think so much, you can only get to Huo Yi's position with the fastest speed.

Huo Yi's position is not far from him, with his speed, only a few breathing time have arrived.


The sword is unparalleled on the top of a big tree, but it is a glance.

"Huo Yi, what are you doing?"

The sword is unparalleled in front of him, and Huo Yisheng standing on the air.

This Huo Yai is standing there. When you stand, when you see the sword, the corner of his mouth also shows a strange smile.

This is like this, don't say that it is a life crisis, even a little wolf is like.

"The sword is unparalleled, don't blame me, it is really tempting the conditions given by the Northern Hugh, I am completely unreasonable." Huo Yi smiled.

"Northern Huanner?" The sword was unbeded.

"Hey, swords are unparalleled, let's meet again." With a few sorrows of the laughter, a man is slowly floating from the front of the mirror, it is Northern Hunt.

In the moment of Northern Rem, there are two body shapes to gallop from nearby void, stop the sword unparalleled road, and the sword is unparalleled from the armband of these two people. These two people are also the Samsung Peak.

Seeing this scene in front of you, the sword is unparalleled, and it will also react.

"Be counted!"

"The practice of cultivation is fake, and it is also a false thing. His purpose is to introduce me to this wilderness, giving the north to create opportunities!"

The sword has no double eyed.

"The sword is unparalleled. It seems that no one is like you, can resist the temptation of Fengling's ." Northern evil smiled.

He is to buy Huo Yi with that Fengling, this has a present scene.

"What about Feng Tao?" The sword was unparalleled at Naji.

"Don't worry, I will naturally take care of him." Huo Yi smiled.

"The sword is unparalleled, and I am worried about others, you are not as good as worried about yourself." Northern Remaining smiles, "I didn't have a way in the island, I didn't have a way now, but now this is like this ... In danger, I die here, it is normal. "

"Oh?" The sword has no double eyes, but the arrogance is smirk. "Are you not afraid of killing me, you can't get my consciousness to use the method?"

"Of course, I don't want to kill you at all, I just want to ... I will blew you, as long as I can hold you, I have a way to get what I want in your head." Northern Remaining is cold and cold, but There is no more non-tweet with the sword.

"Do it."


Two strong consciousness came directly to explode.

The two Samsung peaks in the North Take a murderous killing, followed by the two giants that were completely conscious, and the two giants appeared, slap ~~ them Immediately there is a war armor, and the boots are also carrying the helmet, both hands, one hand holding a shield, and the vast breath is emitted from these two giants.

"The two people use awareness to be the same?" The sword was not a feet.

Strusted, the two volunteers, fierce rivers, fastness, fastness, in an instant, in front of the sword, and the long sword in the two people suddenly suddenly Fall.


The strength of the sword is unparalleled, and it has been a huge mysterious turtle in an instant.


The two giants' swords bombarded on the mysterious turtle shell, so that the light of the mysterious turtle shell was dark. The body of the mysterious turtle was also crazy. It seems that it is possible to collapse, but finally is still hard studies. Resist.


I walked cold, one of the Samsung peaks, swayed deep in the soul, after him, actually there was a tall and incomparable 'conscious giant, this giant wearing a war helmet, but It doesn't have a long sword shield in his hand, some is a big bow.

At this moment, this high giant has already opened the big bow to open the big bow. Hey ~~~ The vast power condenses in the bow.

call out!

A stream of flow is flashing out.

This streamer penetrates the void and directly appears in front of the sword, and the first time she bombards above the turtle shell.

! ! !

The amazing penetration power came, in addition, two giants who wear the armor, and waved the long sword again, so that the sword had no double pressure.


The slight sound sounded, but the sword was unparalleled, and I saw the mysterious turtle that covered in his body's meter, and finally heard the bombardment of the three major 'conscious giants', straight and huge. The power of the earthquake, the sword, no double, the wolf is incomparable.

call out!

It is also a stream, then the 'conscious giant' of Zhang Big arch is another sword again.

The sword is unparalleled.

"Non-desirable light!"

The sword is unlikely to show the secret of Tianyuan!

Tianyuan secret can be different from the five-must-beast, the latter is just the means of use of the power of the soul, just the foundation.

And Tianyuan secret, but the real soul attack secret, it is absolutely only the soul is crushing!

This trick, even now, he is not easy, and his year in the island, although he fought with many of the Migrators, he never showed it until now, this The recruit is directly displayed.

I saw a beam that completely condensed entirely from the strength of the soul, quietly shot.

It seems that there is no sound, it is uncomfortable, but it can be collided with the one of the arrows raised by this beam.


Like the sorrow, the stream of the arrows that the 'conscious giant' reflected in the "conscious giant '," said this quiet relationship, then the remaining storm does not reduce directly bombarding a Samsung Peak of the opposite Body.

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