Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1393 is the strongest trick


The blood and robust man who was hit by the unsteady, immediately called, his face was also twisted, his hands closed his head, and his body was crazy, and his tall behind him. Consciousness' is also immediately rushing.


The sword is unparalleled, and the soul is moving. Nowadays, there are four magic dragons swept, these four magic dragons are entangled in the two swords of the 'conscious giants', and the two respective' consciousness The segment of the giant 'is defeated.


"All is the Samsung Peak Master, two playing one, it is pressed by the other party?"

Beitun, there is, in the eyes of everything in front, but can't help but secretly, and follow him, but I took out a black mysterious spear.


The sword is unparalleled, also noticed that the spear taken out of Northern Renewal is a shrinkage.

He can see that the spear is unusual.

"That should be awareness attack treasure, sword is unparalleled, you have to be careful."

"Well." The sword is not a hyperbidden point, and the completion is very lifting.

"go with."

Bengjiu wrist, put the spear directly forward, bomb! The black spear immediately broke out the thrill, and easily pulverized the front.

The sword is unparalleled to see his own face, there is a huge space black hole, and in the heart of this space, a gongbruster is straight.


The power of the vast soul rises, once again forming a mysterious turtle in the sword without double body table, the mysterious turtle also issued a low scream, and the turtle shell was used before the black spear.


A big sound, the mysterious turtle that has just been formed is actually landing again.

"We can enhance this?" The sword was unpaladed, but the black spear of the mysterious turtle was roughly bombarded above his body.

Strong power broke out, this power has weakened the resistance of the mysterious tortoise, but it can still be a three-day high context in the chaotic world.

In the face of such an impact, even if the sword is unparalleled, it is immediately sprayed out a big blood, and the body shape is like the shells to shoot out.

Half-rang, he returned to the body, and he became a little pale.

"Strong!" The sword was unparalleled secretly.

He can see that this black long spear, the power of the peak period has been able to compare with the peak of the three days, this is completely formed by consciousness, material power attack!

"Fortunately, fortunately, there is a lot of mysterious turtle to weaken a lot of power. I have a bloody armor, otherwise, I will die, I will die." The sword is unanimous.

"The sword is unparalleled, this northern break is very strong, you don't hide the pinch, otherwise, I don't know how to die." The voice of the King was unhealthy in the sword.

"I know."

The sword has no double Zheng, he has seen the two Samsung Peaks who have seen the Northern Remaining Samsung has recovered, at this moment, you can take your hand with North Remail and to deal with him.

"Star secret!"

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no more reservation, the stars secret surgery, the power of the stars all over his body.

"I only have ten breathing time!"

"Can't delay!"

"Speed ​​speed!"

The sword is not too cold, and the body is turned into the front of the northern break in front of the ghost.

"court death!"

Seeing the sword is unparalling, Northern Remail is cold and cold, and his black spear in his hand has a heavy procurement, followed by tapping again.


The void once again appeared a huge void.

The sword has no buddhism to flash a crazy, and the power of the sea is crazy.

"Non-desirable light!"

call out!

Sneaky beams and attacked again.

However, the difference is that this sword is unparalleled, but the trick is displayed in the premise of showing the stars.

With the strength of the stars, the power of this beam has increased the foot and ten times!

"The spear of this North Shi, Wei Neng is equivalent to the hit of the three days of peak, and I am going to the light of the light, and then with the strength of the stars, it will not be more than three days. The hit of the world is weak, the front collision, you can spend him! "

The sword has no double eyed is cold, and the blood peak sword in hand appears in the hands.

Blood Peak Sword ... After him entered the Lingshi Hall, he took the bloody sword to the Qiankun ring. In these years, he has always attacked his fight with his own soul, but never took out the blood peak sword. To show any swordsmanship.

Natural, no one knows, in addition to being a spiritual teacher, it is a powerful warrior!

And now, he has to use his own soldiers.


A low voice sounded, and the sound is not big, and it is accompanied by a large amount of energy crazy squeezed collision. The whole battlefield is falling into a huge sense of consciousness. It is incomparable.

But at this moment, from the conscious storm, !

A figure, galloping.


The north is slightly changed, "" I took my spear on my front. "

But followed by the face of Northern Remail, "In this case, let you taste this stroke!"

Northern Remote, "This is still the first time, the first time, you ... also have a fortunate."

When the voice came, he saw that the scorpion of Nortears had burst into a rich blood. This blood is like a scarlet blood sun, and it is extremely eye-catching. beginning.

In the moment he looked up, a small force has been role.


The sword is unparalleled, but it is cold and cold, "I really ridiculously!"

The thickness of the sword is not influenced, and it is still galloping.

"What?" Northern Remaining Snooked.

His trick, but his biggest base card, he spends a long time, but now it is displayed now, but there is no need for swords?

How can it be?

He doesn't know that the sword is unparalleled, but the power of the soul is now very powerful, and it is not limited to the three-day peak. It is like this kind of illusion, and those like awareness The means unless it is displayed by the true God, it is difficult to affect him.

He is not afraid of illusion, and he is afraid of a consciousness of the material attack.

The spear before the North Remail, although it is also conscious, but it has formed a substantive, and its power is equivalent to a hit of a three-day peak, which can cause harm to the sword.

The strongest trick is unparalleled with the sword, but the Northern Huner has seen the sword in the sword in the hands of the sword.



Northern Remaining.


PS: Today is still five more!

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