Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1403 Supreme Building!

The disciples on the Cangwei stars were talking at the same time, and the sound did not cover up, and it was passed to the sword.

The sword is unbolded and indifferent, and the conversation of these people is ignorant, but the radius is straight into the space insect cave.


The radiant flashes, the sword is unparalleled in a dark palace.

This palace is extremely broad, simple, and can't see the end.

At the top of the palace, there are three burly shaped places where the three people are holding the knife.


The sword is unparalleled at the three burly shaped shapes in front of him.

The sword is unparalleled, the blood peak sword has appeared in his hand.


The three strange shapes were moved simultaneously, they all appeared in front of the sword, and then fell.

Foot-footed three-way knife, at the same time.

The sword is unparalleled, and it has never swing to the sword. It can be a soul of the soul. The mysterious turtle shows amazing defense.

clang! clang! clang!

The three knives are all on the front of the turtle turtle shell. At the same time, the anti-voissing force will also have the shape of the three warfare.

"The attack of these three warfare is so weak?" The sword was unparalleled.

After just a moment, the sword is unparalleled but frown.

"No, their strength is constantly improving!"

"It turns out that this battle is constantly improving over time, it is no wonder that the longer the time in this supreme building, the stronger the strength."

The sword is unparalleled, and the force of his soul is swept away, and the three soul spines are formed directly to these three battle.

These three soul spines did not hinder the incompetence of the war, but they did not bring any impact on these three battle.

This three battle is still in an amazing speed.

"The opponent is a battle, and the war is a dead, it is not aware of it, my soul attack is nothing to do." The sword is unfolded.

What he is best at now is not a sword, but the soul attack.

However, in this supreme building, the opponent is the premise of the war, he is obviously losing, and it is a big loss.

"My illusion, and any attack on the spirit, the impact of the impact, there is no effect, only relying on the five-beast-controlled spirit, and the essence attack." The sword is unparalleled, but the hands are at the same time. ~~~

The roaring of the earthquake sounded, and I saw that the three-headed purple tiger lightning shines like the three battle.


On the stars, many disciples stay quietly.

Within the distance in the distance, the main and more than ten law enforcement are here, and their eyes are concentrated in the supreme building.

Although there is no picture, these law enforcement can be very clear to see the scene in the supreme building.

At this moment, these law enforcement long exposed a surprised color.

"Consciousness attack? Very strong consciousness attack!"

"I am in the third day of the two heavy Tianjie Shen, and there is a consciousness?"

"He has a sense of consciousness, and it is also very good."

These law enforcement elders are all powerful and strong, and one of the eyes are extraordinary.

However, they can't recognize the five beast control.

"This little guy is that the sword of the Lei, you haven't long before it comes back?" These law enforcement elders look at the Lei Dynasty.

"It is him." Lei Dynasty nodded.

"It's not that this little guy is extremely weak. Is it not qualified to become a disciple of Xingchen Palace? Can now ..."

These law enforcement elders are quite quiteer.

The sword has caught a wind wave before the Star, and many law enforcement is surprised, and even the law enforcement is elder and personally commented.

In the face of questioning, the main hall did not explain too much, only to say that everything is subject to the results of the battle, the matter will not.

But now, the sword is unparalleled in the supreme building, but it is completely exceeded their expectations.

"You may not know, just a few days ago, this sword was unparalleled to the 19th floor of the Disease Hai." The Yuan Dynasty smiled.

"19th floor?"

"Isn't it said that his consciousness has reached the peak of the three heavens?"

These law enforcement elders are all, follow them, and they understand why swords are unparalleled and have become a disciple of Xingchen Palace.

Time passed, very fast sword unparalleled, from the supreme building.

When he appeared on the championship, the disciples around him looked at his gaze, but it took a surprised.

"Seventeen breathing?"

"This sword is unparalleled, it actually stayed in the supreme building time?"

"Seventeen breathing, has exceeded the vast majority of disciples, the time in the supreme building, he should be able to rank first!"

"For 800 years ago, he was the top of our ordinary disciples, but now you can be ranked 11th?"

These disciples feel uncomfortable.

Of course, some people don't think about it.

For example, the four stars and brothers, such as Luo Quan, Lu Han, who is standing in the top ordinary disciples, all don't put it on my heart.

"Seventeen breathing, no bad, unfortunately, single grade, even the opportunity to participate in the second round is not." Luo Quan smiled.

"This sword is unparalleled, in just eight hundred years, the progress is quite big?" Lu Han looked at the sword and was unparalleled. "However, it only stayed for seventeen breathing, but I was taking 18 breathing time in the supreme building. I stronger than him, and now there are tenth disciples, I am in the tenth, not accident, participate in the second round of ten disciples I have me, as for this sword is unparalleled ... The eleventh, but it is just excluded. "

Participate in the ten disciples of the second round of backcomes, can generally see the time from the supreme building.

And he stayed is more than the sword, and naturally, it is sure that he must be more opportunities to participate in the second round of round.

After the sword is unparalleled, there are several disciples to go to the respected building, and the fifty-two two heaven disciples have passed over.

Next, it is the master of the Yuan Dynasty in the endless star river and the law enforcement elderly, and then announced the result.


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