Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1404 I don't accept!

In the endless star river, the Yuan Temple, the Lei Dynasty is gathered with other more than ten law enforcement.

"This is the list of disciples that I have developed in the second round of round, you have something to see, is there any problem." Yuan Demotian will take the list of his own to everyone.

In the eyes of the main hall of the Yuan Temple, the list of his proposed natural will not have any problems. These law enforcement is just just free to sweep away, and they will agree.

The list of their hearts, the list of the main hall, is also consistent.

"Since there is no problem, then I declare the result."

The main hall of the Yuan Dynasty took a step, and the sound of the voyed sounded on the whole hall.

"All ten disciples who read the name can participate in the second round of round!"

Many disciples in the stars are taking place.

"Lingfei white!"

Lingfei was named by the first one, no one was accidental, after all, was a recognized first day.

Subsequently, there are three other stars, including Xia Feng.

After that, Luo Quan is several people.

When the main hall of the Yuan Dynasty, he had nine names until he was tenth, his words were slightly toned.

And this name has not read from the main port of Yuan Dynasty, but many disciples on the stars can't help but see the land.

Before you get to Zuntai, everyone is very clear. On the time to wait for the Tower, Lu Han is tenth, that is, the name of this last person should be him.

"According to the time of the Supreme Tower, the last name is definitely mine." Lu Han himself is full of confidence.

The Yuan Dynasty is finally opened.

"The last person ... sword is unparalleled!"

The voice of the voice, the many disciples on the stars, immediately became stunned.

That is self-confident, the face is colorful.

"Sword is unparalleled? How can it be a sword?"

Lu Han lowered, and the scarlet's eyes were unlocked in the sword, but they saw that the latter was unparalleled. At all, he did not care about his eyes, and he did not care about the surrounding people.

"No, it's impossible!"

Lu Han directly roared, "According to the time to wait for the Tower, I obviously don't have one breath than the sword. I am also higher than him, and I will participate in the last quota of the second round of backcomes. Not me, but he? "


"I don't accept it!"

The roaring roaring in the sky came to the whole hall, and many disciples on the Cangwei stars frowned.

And most of these disciples also agree with the words of Lu Han.

When the sword was unparalleled to the star, when the strength was revealed, it caused a wind wave in the stars.

A disciple of a star palace, but the strength is far more than a common disciple.

At that time, most people in them felt some unfair.

However, because the battle is approaching, the wind waves gradually dissipate, and now, there are so many people in the eyes, whoever saw that the Than's time is longer than the sword, but the result of the last A place actually gave the sword unparalleled, don't say Lu Han, other disciples are very uncomfortable.

That cold is even dead and staring at the Yuan Temple of the endless star river. The voice continues to sound, "" Everyone acts unfair, Lu Han does not accept! "

Although even if you enter the second round of back, he can't get the quota of the disciple of the star, but he can try it.

But now, he even has no chance.

Moreover, if the sword is unparalleled, he is still rushing, the key is that the sword is unparalleled in the supreme building, and it is obviously not to him.

He is certainly uncomfortable.

Seeing the scene on the Cangwei star, the main point of the Yuan Dynasty is slightly, and the face of the law enforcement is a little ugly.

"The result is the result of the Yuan Dynasty and I have a common decision of many law enforcement, I will consider that the sword is unparalleled than you are more qualified to participate in the second round of back." One of the law enforcement .

"Consistently think?" The many disciples of Cangwei stars are all.

If the Yuan Dynasty is one person who is biased by the sword, it will be, but now so many law enforcement will agree with this result. It is always no longer biased by these law enforcement.


The indifference sounds, but the opening is the Lei Dynasty.

"Thunder, Lei Dynasty." The land is shaped, and the eyes flashed a fear.

"I know, you have time to stay in the supreme Tower is more than the sword, you think he is not as good as you, the heart is not good, but you can continue to look down, look at the second round of round-war battle, look Going to the Sword Wushuang, now, now ... Yuan Dynasty mainly announced the result, you have doubt, hey, good courage, do you think you are Lingfei White? "Lei Dynasty voice was cold.

When I heard this, Lu Han was a radiant, and his head was immediately awake.

Indeed, no matter what to say, he is only a common disciple in the stars, and there is a lot of ordinary disciples in the stars.

Now, he has a general disciple, actually questioned the main hall, as for the results of more than ten law enforcement elders?

"I, is I am crazy?" The land is shaking.

At this time, the main part of the Yuan Dynasty finally overlooks the trend, his voice is also very cold. "You stand it and look at it, if you will wait later, you will think that the sword is not as good as you, Then I will give you it, and I will pay for everyone to pay sin, admit that my unfair, but the strength of the sword is stronger than you, then you ... from where, let's go. "

As soon as this, everyone couldn't help but took a breath, followed by a vocabulary.

From where, go, this is to bring him a star!

"I, I ..." Lu Han was also very arrogant, and he murmured for a long time, but a word could not say it.

"Okay, prepare the second round of wheel to fight." Yuan Demon was in impatient waving.

With the command of the Yuan Dynasty, this battle continues.

However, after Lu Han, this is the strength of the people, the strength of the sword is questionable, but now no one dares to think so.

"Yuan Dian is unanimously believes that the sword is stronger than the land of the law."

"If it is only a person who is only one person, the key is that all law enforcement is always thinking, then it is not a pair of Yuan Dynasty, but the sword is unparalleled."

"There is definitely, otherwise the Yuan Dynasty will say that there is such a word, but also promise to compensate in the proclaims, according to my life, the main hall will definitely not pay sin, and this is to be ubiquitous."


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