Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1406 does not sound, it's amazing!

The surroundings of the Cangwei, many disciples are all in a state of stagnation and horror.

A gaze is dead and solidified in Luoquan, and the ear is still echoed by Luoquan's screaming roar.

"The illusion is a illusion!" A disciple opened.

Suddenly, everyone is going.

This appearance in front of you, this Luo Quan is clearly in the mood of the sword, unparalleled, can't break free, and can not be self-extricted, can only withstand the torture in the illusion.

"The terrible illusion, even Luo Quan couldn't break away!"

"He has experienced something in the illusion, how can it be painful?"

Many disciples around the surrounding disciples are all right.

They don't know, the 18th Monozoi secret surgery created by the magic rain, this is a means of a torture, torture people's consciousness.

Eighteen Shuo Hell, the 18th floor of the foot, every layer of illusion is a miserable torture.

And the sword is unparalleled, and it is a top six layers of illusion.

Luo Quan is in the six-layer illusion, naturally it is so bitter.

"no no!"

The screaming roar is still continuing, but just a moment, Luo Quan seems to be that the tongue is pulled out. The voice is blocked. It can only hear him through the sound from the nose. This sound seems to be Say……

"Forgive, forgive!"

"Let me, ask you to let me go!"

This scene is even more inner sham.

Many disciples are imagining, what a terrible illusion is it, so that this Luo Quan is directly open?

In the star river, the Yuan Dynasty was standing with more than ten law enforcement, and it will also see the following scenes, even if these law enforcement, the elderies are also a shower.

"Before the supreme building, facing the battle, his many consciousness attacks can not be displayed, but now he faces human cultivators, many means he can show, single singles now, It's very good! "

"Indeed, Luo Quan is the genius disciple of my star, and I have a great hope to enter the main star Palace. Although he is not too good at consciousness, it can also achieve the three-day high-level commanding level. Now, in the sword unparalleled illusion, they will be directly opened. To do this, don't just want the sword where the unparalleled consciousness is more stronger than him, but also a terrible illusion means! "

"I am curious now that Luo Quan has experienced what is in the illusion."

These law enforcement will talk freely.

Since it is only to one person, only the person can experience the scenes in the illusion. Others can only see Luo Quan's incomparable pain, seem to have suffered endless torture, but he encountered something in the illusion, but Unattended.

On the champion, those disciples saw Luoquan's painful appearance. One of them couldn't help but blind the throat. In the crowd, the Qu Yang was in the heart.

"This Luo Quan, I reminded him that he wants him to be carefully attacked, but he is still a trick." Qu Yang shook his head.

At the beginning, he encountered a sword in the Star River. He had a conflict with the sword. It was also unparallorated by the sword. Therefore, only the whole star will only know that the strength of the sword is not on the surface, especially Consciousness attack.

So he just specially reminded Luo Quan.

However, even if there is a reminder, Luoquan is still falling into the sword and unparalleled illusion, and cannot be self-extricted.

On the other side, that cold is as dead as a gray.

By now, he finally knows that the Yuan Dynasty will be unanimous to think that the strength of the sword is stronger than him.

Even Luoquan can't resist, the illusion of instantly, if it is replaced with him, it will not be able to resist it.

"Do you want to leave the star?"

The inner suffering of Luhan.

The center of the battlefield, the Luoquan is still in the forehead, and the greens on the arm are completely burst, and the whole people are terrible.

He is still in that illusion, and now him is still in the third layer of illusion, and the iron tree hell is suffering.

And the sword is unparalleled is there.

"Autumn months, are you see?" The sword asked without a double message.

"I saw the son, we all saw it." The sound of the autumn is clearly excited.

"That is," the sword is unparalleled, but it is too lazy to see Luo Quan, but the presidency of the host, the law enforcement, "Can you announce the result?"

This law enforcement is old, and it is immediately reacted immediately.

"I announced that this battle, swords are unparalleled!"

The law enforcement is directly announced.

Of course, even if he does not announce that people present can also see.

Luo Quan's consciousness was in a illusion, and he could not break free, and this time the sword is unparalleled, it can easily kill Luo Quan.

See the results announced that the sword will turn around to go to the rear.

"Sword is unparalleled, this Luoquan's illusion ..." The law enforcement is not old.

"After a while, he will naturally come out from the illusion." The sword was unparalleled, but he did not return.

Sure enough, there is not long, and Luo Quan, who has experienced six layers of illusion, and its consciousness gradually recovers.

It can be even if the consciousness has been restored, but his whole person is still in the endless panic.

"Sword, sword is unparalleled !!!"

Luo Quan stared at the sword. There is no unwind, and some is just a deep fear.

No one knows, just a moment of work, he has suffered from the miserable torture in the illusion, and that the torture is a painful picture, it is like a true, so that he can't forget him, this is the most terrible thing he encountered so far. The illusion!

Such illusion, he absolutely don't want to experience the second time.

Therefore, he did not dare to have any provocative psychology for swords, and only in the support of the two disciples, slowly retreat.

The first battle of the round, the sword has no win-win!

This result, naturally attracting those disciples around, a piece of exclamation.

"The sword is unparalleled, and there is actually defeated Luo Quan? And he moved, just to show a heavy mood secret, let Luo Quan defeated, and lost this miserable?"

"How can this be? Is this sword unparalleled strength constantly very weak?"

"For 800 years ago, when he just arrived at the stars, we casually a general disciple, you can easily lick him?"

"This sword is unparalleled, in this eight hundred years, the strength must have a huge improvement, but he clearly improves so much, but never emerges, even if all of us question his strength, think he is not qualified. Become a disciple of Xingchen Palace, he doesn't justify himself, but in this battle, he demonstrates himself, this endurance, it is true! "

"No, it's amazing!"

"This sword is unparalleled, powerful!"


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