Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1407 Round!

If there is a lot of disciples before, the strength of the sword is full, thinking that the sword is unparalleled, there is no reason to become a disciple of Xingchen Palace, then the sword is unparalleled with Luo Quan, these questioning will be disappeared!

At the end, the sword is unparalleled to have done any arguments.

He is in this battle, proves himself with absolute strength.

Starting today, there will be no more people to question his disciples of this star.


Next, the wheel will continue.

The sword has no double retreats outside the villain, quietly looks quietly, and it is also recovering his strength.

And after a long time, his second turn came back.

"The next battle, the sword is unparalleled Xiao Yue." The voice of the law enforcement echoed in the stars.

The sword called the name is unparalleled with the Xiao Yue, and the two are holding the Yaoyao.

Xiao Yue, just a general disciple, in strength than that of Luoquan.

This battle, if there is no accident, it should be no suspense.

"The sword is unparalleled, and the trick to Luo Quan will be used." Xiao Yue is dignified, staring at the sword.

Before the prior to defeat Luo Quan, although she was very shocking, the illusion means of swords and unpaid showed that Xiao Yue did not compare.

However, she also talked the sword unparalleled illusion, as for other means, she believed that the sword was more than her.

"As long as I can resist his illusion, I will break away from his illusion, this battle, I will win!" Xiao Yue glared his hands.

If you can hear him, the sword is unparalleled, but "deals you, you don't have to show that trick."

"You are humiliating me?" Xiao Yue immediately became anger, "I have to see what you have!"


Xiao Yue took the hand directly, and her hands appeared in the hands of a purple gun. This purple gun appeared, and immediately had a huge power outbreak, and! Long tumbles for a scarlet purple beam, piercing the void appearing in front of the sword.

Not close, the sword is unparalleled, you have already felt the terrible stranded storms carried by the long gun.

It is still not seen that there is a lot of movements in the sword, but when the purple drum is about to stabbed on him, he is ~~~ The vast soul is awkward, and immediately formed a huge roof in the sword. Mysterious turtle.

The purple long gun thorn on the turtle shell of the mysterious turtle, and a low impact sounded, and the mysterious turtle did not move.

"What?" Xiao Yu was shocked.

At this moment, the sword was unbentered in the midst of a strong man.

"Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!"

The three roots sounded at the same time, and I saw the power of the soul formed three huge magic dragons on the huge dragon.

These three magic dragons are full of blackness, and they are surprised, as if from the boundless hell, it is biting.

Football three-headed magic dragon, while killing Xiao Yue, the power to carry on the magic dragon, also made Xiao Yue's heart.

She can feel that these three magic dragons, single one is uncomfortable, but now there is enough three!


Xiao Yue's smear, the purple gun in his hand moved, and the power broke out. In an instant, it turned into three lightning, suddenly stabbed the three magic dragons.

However, the three magic dragons are flexible in the void, which is very easy to avoid the long gun of Xiao Yue.

"It's still so flexible?"

Xiao Yue was shocked. The next moment, three magic dragons appeared on her side, biting directly, Xiao Yue did not persist, directly defeated.

On the endless star of the river, many law enforcement will see this scene and laugh.

"Sure enough, this sword is unparalleled in the supreme building."

"Yes, I will take this magic dragon. When he is giving to the building, he can only show a magic dragon, and this magic dragon has reluctantly compensated with the general three-day high context. Three sexications, that Xiao Yue can't stop very normal. "

"Xiao Yue also wants to force the sword and unparalleled to show Luo Quan's illusion, and the sword is unparalleled with the use of techniques to the consciousness."

The sword is unparalleled to defeat Xiao Yue, and it is naturally easy to accept in the expectations of everyone.

But the process of fighting the battle, but still surprised many disciples.

The sword is unparalleled to deal with Luoquan, which is a very terrible illusion secret.

It can be dealt with this Xiao Yue, but there is no way of illusion, but it has won simple relying on the use of consciousness. It is clear that the sword is unparalleled can not only illusion.

The turn is extremely fierce.

Everyone has to experience nine derivatives.

Just starting with Luo Quan with swords and swords with Xiao Yue, before it is only ordinary disciples, it is difficult to cause pressure on swords, but his third opponent is a disciple of Xingchen Palace.

"The next battle, the sword is unparalleled to Xia Feng!"


On the stars, the sword is unparalleled with Xia Feng standing face.

This summer, wearing a bloody, although young, but there is a silver white.

At this moment, this summer is a strong look of the sword. "I heard that in the Taiyuan star, do you teach me?"

"Yes." The sword is not a hyphenotype, nor does it deny.

"Those people are only a servant, and I don't have too much melon. They do something wrong. You are a disciple of Xingchen Palace, and you should teach them. It should be, this is not in the heart, but this battle, I But will not let you win. "Xia Feng Shen Sheng.

"That looks, do you have this strength." The sword was indifferent.

"Will you know." Xia Feng smiled, "Sword is unparalleled, I know your consciousness is extremely strong, especially the illusion, but I have different Luo Quan, Xiao Yue can be different, they are just ordinary disciples, no have The opportunity entered the belonging to returning a consciousness, and I have worked in the palace for a long time. My consciousness, I have already reached the limit of the three heavens and the world, and only one step from the peak of three days. It's, your illusion, what is it? "

"I don't know." The sword is unparalleled, there is no more to say, the slap is a turning, the blood peak sword has appeared in his hand.

Xia Feng also took out his god soldiers, then it was a pair of eyes that were very heavy, and the breath is also particularly strong.

"it has started."

Xia Feng grinned, and his body shape was a fierce, and he was so amazing, and the sword was unreliable.

The sword is not a bite, the moment of seeing Xia Feng's moving body, the strength of the pounds swept, and immediately formed three huge magic dragons again.

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