Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1408 Eight Wars!

When I saw these three magic dragons, many disciples around them were a shrinkage.

Just sword is unparalleled with these three magic dragons to defeat Xiao Yue.

But now, the opponents of these three magic dragons are more stronger than Xiao Yue.


I only heard Xia Feng snorted, and then the gold in his hand flew out of the unparalleled golden light, with his hands and gold, the golden light-like glazing, the hole was directly appeared on the skull of three magic dragons.


The three-low roar sounded, and the horizontal power broke out, the three magic dragons were actually exploded at this moment, and the power of a lot of souls came.

Xia Feng's figure shakes, has already appeared in the sword unparalleled, there is no slightly fancy, and the two sorts are connected.

The sword has no double eyes, and does not dodge, but the mysterious turtle in his meat has fiercely burst into the light of the eye.

clang! clang!

Golden is on the mysterious turtle shell, the huge mysterious turtle is crazy, but there is no trace of collapse.

"This turtle shell, it is very hard."

Xia Feng couldn't help but praise a sentence, but he was surprised. He bought a golden light. It was just two arms. You can extend two thick arms in this moment. Four arms, each arm I have a golden hint.

"Break me!"

Xia Feng made a peak, four hands waved Qi Qi, four handles, golden, vendors, is a great power, and the lightning is like the mysterious turtle.


I only heard a dramatic impact sound continued to connect, and Jin Yu was hit by a huge hit on the mysterious turtle shell. Every time the turtle shell dramatically tremble.

With the number of times the mysterious turtle shell, the whole mysterious turtle began to swear.

"The strength of this summer is much stronger than that of Xiao Yue, is worthy of Xingchen Palace disciple." The sword was unparalleled, but it kept again with him.

"Xia Feng, don't you want to teach my illusion? I satisfy your request!"

While the sword is unparalleled, the eyes are smashed in the eyes.

This is like a huge bloody sun, scarlet is eye-catching, making people can't help but live.

Xia Feng naturally saw this 'blood color' sun, and he turned around with the surrounding picture, he has come to the first floor of the hell.

"It's a fantasy!"

"Give it to break, break !!!"

Xia Feng fiercely roaring, the consciousness of the sea was crazy, and wanted to break away from the illusion.

At the moment, the sword in the mysterious turtle is unparalleled, but a fierce ahead, the blood peak sword in the hands suddenly depleted.

"Broken !!!"

Xia Feng's whole body and mind are crazy, with a strong sense of perseverance, he finally broke away from the illusion.

"Eating it away!" Xia Feng just exposed the highlights, and it was a constant magnification in his eyes.

Too close, this is too close.

When he reacted, no means to remove any means.

call out!

Sword is suddenly paused from the place where his throat is less than one cent, and then a indifferent sound is passed.

"Xia Feng, you lose!"

The sound is indifferent without a slight emotion, but it is like a heavy bomb in the summer peak.

"How?" Xia Feng's figure was a little trembling, he was a little unwilling.

After all, he has already made away from the illusion, but the result is still defeated!

"Differently, it is worse!"

"If I can break away at the illusion later, I have to resist his sword!"

Xia Feng murmured, he has seen the reason why he was defeated to the sword.

At the end of the root, it is still a little bit, and I have not been able to break away.

After all, the sword is unparalleled to take him into the illusion, but he breaks free of illusion, but it is slightly slowly, and it is not easy to resist the swords of swords.

"Sword is unparalleled." Xia Feng looked up, re-looking to swords, "your consciousness, there is this magical attack, it is indeed very strong, no wonder you can defeat the Luoquan so easy. Enter this second round of round Other eight disciples in the war, except for that Lingfei, I am afraid that no one can block your trick, even if I am coming from the illusion, I will not be able to resist your sword. "

"As for that Lingfei, his consciousness has long reached the level of three days, with your illusion, you want to let him, it is impossible."

"Oh?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Okay, announce the result." Xia Feng looked at the law enforcement next to it.

The law enforcement will immediately announce the result, this battle, winning, still sword is unparalleled.

However, this war sword is unparalleled, but there is still a few disciples who have a pity for Xia Feng, because Xia Feng is clear from the illusion, but unfortunately, the speed is slightly slow, and it is easy to resist the sword. Swords, otherwise ... this recruits who will win, it is really not allowed.

Endless star river.

"Even Xia Feng has lost this sword. It seems that this round of the only way to defeat him, and it should only be one person."

"Hey, this summer is actually a pity. If his consciousness is stronger, it doesn't have much too much. As long as it is slightly strong, it is slightly in advance, and he has a unparalleled hope of defeating the sword. "

"It is a bit unfortunately, but it is not absolute, because I always feel that the sword is unparalleled, and some bottom cards or means."

"I also have this feeling."

"Haha, then continue to watch."

These law enforcement elders are all laughing, and the mood is very good.

They are very happy to see the fierce of the disciples.

On the championship, the wheel will continue.

The next battle, as the Sumprife said, the rest of the disciples, except that the five people in Lingfei can resist the fantasy of swords, even if they live, they will not be able to block the sword. Swords, finally can only be defeated in the hands of swords.

After the time passed, after half a day, this round of battle has been close to the end.

At this moment, the Sword is unparalleled, and it has been conducted eight games.

These eight battles, he met eight disciples, but the result was eight wins, only the last battle.

And his last opponent, but the same genius experienced Eight Wars, his name is Ling Fei Bai!

The star, the second heaven, the disciple of the two, the final round, the strongest two people, a winner!


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