Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1410 Golden God

"Three strongest swords? Isn't that the same as me?" The sword was unparalleled.

He is because of the integration of three strongest swords, and therefore his strength broke out than the same order, it is necessary to have a hundred times more than enough.

And this Lingfei, although it is not reversible, it is really a contest of three strongest swords, and his power is more than dozens of times in the same level.

In other words, he has a second day of the peak of the peak, just on the explosion of Shenli, it is enough to compete with the three heavens.

Coupled with the secrets he cultivated, and the treasures owned by the treasure ...

"We can't fight for a thousand years ago, I can fight with the three days of the peak of the world. Now I have passed the millennium, and his strength is definitely stronger!" The sword is unparalleled, "so strong strength, it seems that I don't show some means I am afraid that it is not qualified for his opponent. "

"In this case, let's let go!"

The sword has a strong essence, and the next moment from his vast soul of the soul.

The degree of pounds of this soul is much more than he to show many soul attacks.

~~~~ The power of the soul is crazy, and it is actually turned into a full body in the eyes of many disciples. It has a huge giant god of hundreds of feet. The two majors were also overwhelming, and there was an emergence of a roar, and the horrible theme was madly oppressed in all directions.

One time, the sky is discolored!

In the sky, the disciples of many watching were found to be the power of this golden gods, and they showed a horror.

And on the endless star river, those law enforcement elders are also sharp.

"That is ... is God?"

"First is a mysterious turtle, and then the magic dragon. Now even the strongest gods appear. This sword is unparalleled. The consciousness of this sword is used to use the method. Is it a five beast control?"

"Yes, it is definitely, the mysterious turtle, the magic dragon is exactly the same as God, as for the Zihu and the blood, he just didn't show it."

"This kid, actually have that high-profile soul use method?"

These law enforcement elders are extraordinary. It is just that the magic dragon is just a magical dragon and the mysterious turtle. Now I am now out, and they immediately recognize the origin of the five beast control.

Of course, they can only recognize the method of the law, but it is impossible to see that the sword is unparalleled and the use is the power of the soul, not awareness.

"This five-beast-controlled spirit is that I gave him." The voice of the main hall suddenly sounded.

The surrounding law enforcement elders immediately looked at the Yuan Dynasty.

"This little guy is very good at consciousness, but the application of consciousness is too thick, so I will let the Lei Dynasty will come to the five-beast control spirit to hand over, of course, I am not white. He, he also paid a small price. "The main hall smiled, the price he said, in fact, the sword is unparalleled into two serious treatments in the stars.

If you hear the main words of the Yuan Dynasty, these law enforcement people have all.

"Hey, you can show God, not only representing this sword unparalleled sense of consciousness reached a three-day peak, and his mastery of the five-and-beast control will inevitably reach great. Now God is coming, Yes, this god can definitely focus on the true three-day peak, so it seems that the Lingfei wants to win this round of the first, but it is not too easy to be too easy. "A one The law enforcement is eager to sigh.

On the champion, the golden god of Baizhang has appeared in the world, and the sword is unparalleled in the center of the golden god. It also takes a light golden eyes, and the Ling Fei, who is in front, and a battle Ideal, straight!

"This is a bit mean."

Lingfei also shifted a variety of light, the next moment, his figure appeared in front of the golden gods, and the purple soft sword in the hands.

A purple sword, directly plundered, in the process of brushing the void, the swords and shadow will continue to increase, the volume is constantly increasing, it becomes extremely narrow, eventually appearing in front of the golden god.

I saw the purple swords and the swords, the swords in the golden gods were unhappy in the hands of the blood and swords.

With his sword, the huge golden gods also made a golden sword, followed by a sword, a sword.


The horrible golden sword light, collided with the long purple sword shadow, after a shocking attack, two swords and light were dissipated.


Lingfei white eyebrows, with a laughter, "Yes, simple theory of power, not weaker than the three days of the three days, but I don't know how other respects."

call out!

On a sprint, a sprint, a sprint, a scorpion.



Among the mist, a purple sword light is like a meteor, and the huge body of the golden gods.

"So fast!"

The sword is unparalleled, and even the sword resists those purple stream.

However, in the huge body of golden gods, I want to completely block those small, and the flow of purple swords with meteor is obviously impossible. The top can only block one-third.

The remaining two-thirds of the sword is not hindered, and the impact is impacted on the huge body of the golden god.

call out! call out! call out! call out!

Some parts of the golden gods were done by the purple sword light, and there was a hole in the part of the hole.

However, these voids have been swallowed in the power of the soul, and the golden gods have not been affected.

"The gods consisting of consciousness, even if it is worn by the body, can it be restored immediately?" Lingfei is slightly smiling, but it is grinned, "that is ..."


Lingfei white figure is like transient, appearing on the side of the golden god, then the purple soft sword.

A sword who quietly, this sword is not hindered, and it passes through the sore throat from the golden gods. The huge head of the golden gods directly flew out.

However, although the head of the golden gods was pulled, it can only be taken, but it has recovered.

"Can I recover?"

Lingfei white brow wrinkled, but quickly stretched, "Although you can recover, you need to consume a lot of consciousness, your consciousness is strong, but if you have been consumed, you can How long does it take? "

Lingfei white voice spread, so that the sword in the golden gods was slightly changed.

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