Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1411 is out!

On the stars.


A ghost-like figure is in a hurry, and the light is not able to capture his existence.

The Sword Musou's Soul has long covered it, but it can be very clear that you should go to Lingfei white, but you can think of inductive, he will not be able to keep up with the speed.

I saw that Lingfei was shuttle while the void is shuttle, and the sword is continuously applied. When the sword is worn, the golden gods are worn, and sometimes the golden gods, the head, although the sword is unparalleled can immediately use the soul to use the soul It is very huge to recover, but the consumption of the power of the soul is extremely huge.

"I have to do way to limit his speed!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the palm is turned, and a golden gourd appears in the air.

As the sword is unparalleled, the golden gourd plug is open, and there is a lot of parasites.

In an instant, the parasites are covered with the entire Clear Star Battlefield, and naturally, the Lingfei is covered, and the field of sand is also in the field of sand, and Lingfei has also been influenced.

"Area treasures?" Lingfei's white mouth is a good one, "I want to limit my speed with this area?"

"Also!" The sword is unparalleled, and there is a lot of blood color flames in the surroundings of his body. It has formed a bloody and sea of ​​blood, and he is this blood color. The master.

Secrets, hematology!

This is the secret of the sword unparalleled from the bloody, creating its people's strength is not in general. Before the sword is unparalleled, only the hematology of the protagonist is only the first heavy secret, which makes his overall strength to increase 70%. There are many, and now, this hematology is that he can display the second constipation.

The second immigration show, his overall strength has increased more than double, and the most important thing is that this bloody country is not small to his speed.

The speed of the Bemago Sand is suppressed, and the hematology can improve his speed.

Between this, the sword is unparalleled with Lingfei white.

Seeing this scene, Lingfei white also nodded, "said the means is a lot, but unfortunately, it is useless!"

When the voice came, he saw that Lingfei's white body is a slap, and then the large flam of the large piece is swept away. It also covers the entire vast star, and it has formed a heavy spray field in the first time. This wave field is immediately crazy. Striving for the initiative.

However, it may be that Lingfei white will be stronger and stronger, and the sword is unparalleled in the field of sand.

"The treasures of the domain, how do he actually?" The sword has no double-colored slight change, but it can also be understood.

He can get a treasure treasure yourself, and this Ling fly into the arrogance of the stars, in the stars, so many years, it is also normal to get some treasures in a sub-risk.

There is no suppression in the field of paralysis, the speed of Lingfei is still unscrupulous, which makes the sword unparalleled, and his strength is also consumed at amazing speed.

"Single to show the gods, it has made my soul's strength is extremely hard. Now this Lingfei relies on the speed of the speed, I have to constantly repair, I have to fix it, this is more powerful for the soul, how long does it take? My soul is afraid that I have to spend light. "The sword was unbolded.

On the wheel, every time you have experienced a decent, you have a certain time to restore the power of the soul that consumes, and the sword is unparalleled.

Otherway, in this way, he is now the soul intensity, and it is not possible to show this trick for too long.

"There is no way, I have to take the effort to take advantage of the power of the soul!"

"If this fight is able to beat Ling Fei, it is natural, if you can't defeat, I will directly accept it."

The sword has a decision.

When he turned to see him, the hand was suddenly a black mysterious spear.

This long spear diffuses the incomplete breath, which is the slightener that the sword is unparalleled after killing the Northern Rest. ,

Its name, calling the gods!

"Conscious attack treasure?"

"And the level seems to be not low."

Those law enforcement in the Xinghe suddenly performed the extraordinary of this black spear.

"Lingfei white, you are careful!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the mysterious dramatic laminated will then slowly floating, and the gods are hidden in the hands of the golden gods.

Lingfei white body is also stopped in the void, he stared at the gods in the golden gods, and his eyes were slightly rising.

The golden gods, the sword is unbolded.

"With the strength of the remaining soul, just let me show these two attacks!"

"I am in terms of power, I just can show that trick!"

"Since this ..."

The sword is unparalleled, and the next moment suddenly looks up.

"Tianyuan secret ... Eternal light!"


A invisible beam suddenly broke out.

Tianyuan secret is the first heavy light!

The second weight is the eternal light!

Stars have eight hundred years old, especially the strength of the sword is unparalleled, the strength of the Soul has reached the peak peak of the three heavens, and the sword is unparalleled. It is eligible to show this eternal light.

The eternal light, but the power is strong than the light of the unsteady.

Moreover, while the eternal light is taken out, the golden gods of Baizhang also makes a roar, the arm has burst into a strong power, throws the sterling spear in the hand, throwing the moment. The eternal light is also incorporated into the midst of the demonstration speaking.

This is already unparalleled, the eternal light, and then the gods, completely broke out.

It seems that it is aware of the terrible offensive of this spear, and the white face of Lingfei has also become unbachable, followed by the purple soft sword in his hand.

"Sunset day!"


The horror sword is burst, single power, will make the many disciples around you.

In the endless star river, those law enforcement elders are moments to see the level of the sword in Lingfei.

"Third-order strongest learning!"

"Good guy, a two-day heaven, there is actually three-order strongest learning!"

However, when this horror sword is hit by the front of the gods.


A big sound, the death of the gods were all flying directly, and they were scattered with the golden gods.

However, the eternal light carried in the god lapers did not enter the god of Lingfei white, and the impact of the impact is within the sea of ​​Lingfei.


A stuffy, Lingfei white face became pale.

But at this time ...

Among the crazy swords shadings, there is no golden gods, and there is no mysterious turtle. The sword is unparalleled.


PS: Today is still six!

Brothers, invites, ask for each other, and the two old books I have already added "Wuji Cang" "Rebirth of my beast" is very good, very hot, the written short friend can go see .

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