Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1412 of the winning!


Ling Fei's white, but just saw the bloody sun whitewashed the sword that was rushing toward him.

"Is it a fantasy?"

"I said, you are useless to me."

Lingfei is a low drink, and the strong sense of consciousness, and I will break away in the illusion.

Of course, although it is broken from the illusion, it still spends some time.

At the moment, the sword is unparalleled, and it is a unprecedented light.

"I know this trick is useless, but as long as you can give you a little more affected, it is enough!"

The sword is unparalleled to the whole star river, and in the eyes of many disciples around the stars, it has been close to the sword of Lingfei, and the whole body will roll through its right hand finger. The next moment, this convergence endless Shenli broke out the index finger of the dark golden rays and waved.

"The fourth point of the ancient gods, the robbery!"

Booming ~~~

One pointing out, the sky is broken.

The entire star river is completely dark.

In this no darkness, a dark golden giant referred to ancient extension from ancient times.

This dark golden giant finger, the terrible and gentle of the carrier destroyed the earth, after the appearance, many disciples in the surroundings become paleble.

Even those law enforcements in the Star River are also a little horrified to look at the scene.

"The force of blood!"

"This sword is unparalleled, but it is still a powerful blood!"

"This blood, should it be the blood of the ancient god?"

Ancient gods, in the world of chaotic world, it is definitely standing on the high blood veins, the strong horizontal of the ancient gods, and these law enforcement is deeply apparent.

Now, the sword is unparalleled to rely on his own power, and the ancient gods of the whole force is also learning, which is also the fourth point of the ancient god!

This fourth refer, is that he has become a heavy heaven, once again awakening the memory, this trick, this trick, only the five-star ancient gods are eligible, and even if it is the current sword, it is very reluctant. .

It has been displayed, and one is shocked.


The dark gold giant finger bombards directly to the white body, and the horrible power is crushing the air, and the Lingfei is also a bit of a bit.

And he suffered from the sword and unparalleled illusion, he just broke away from the horror of the sword. He said that he would be slow to shoot, he is too late to avoid, only to immediately apply swordsmanship to want to want to This dark gold giant refers to splits.


The eye-catching sword light suddenly broke out.

Lingfei is not asked to show his own school, but even if he waved a sword, it still has a great power, especially the strong torn strength.


The dark gold giant refers to the front of the sword, but a big sound is accompanied by it ~~~ A lot of power is in the sound of the collision, the That-looking sword is also crazy wants to The root dark gold giant refers to the torn, however, Lingfei is finally a small dedication of the fourth referring to this ancient god.

As the unparthable school of the ancient god, the sword has no double episodes of the whole ancient gods, and the party is reluctant to display.

If Lingfei can show the cross-school, it can also resist even give this giant finger to the torn, but just just a sword, can't stop this dark gold giant, let alone to tear the dark gold giant Cracked.

I saw that the dark gold giant broke out the strong power, and the sword was completely defeated, and this giant referred to the body to cover the body of Lingfei.

"Not good." Lingfei was shocked.

! ! !

The terrible roar of the earth, resounded throughout the champion, and also resounded throughout the Star River.

The dark gold giant refers to the complete outbreak, forming a dark golden power storm, and Lingfei has fallen into the power storm.


"Ling Fei white, is it to lose?"

Surroundings around the stars, a lot of disciples looked at this scene.

The sword is unparalleled in the void, and the big mouth is panting, but the eyes are closely staring in the inside of the power storm.

It is at this time ...

boom! ! !

A terrible breath is surrounded by the Shensi storm, this breath is very violent, it is easy to completely stir the trend.

"What?" The sword suddenly changed, but it was smirk.

Around the star, many disciples are also horrified.

They saw that after the sudden rise of the thrilling storm, after the power storm was blown, a high-profile scales were covered with purple scales, and they looked very unpispentible purple ** God now, this purple ** The god hand holds a purple soft sword, although the body has changed, but the appearance is still not changed.

This purple ** God, it is Lingfei white.


"This Lingfei, actually uses the sky to be used out, and it seems that he is also forced to have no way."

"Haha, you can forced Lingfei to this step, it is very good."

On the Xinghe's law enforcement, the lifelongs were talking, they all knew that Lingfei made a means of showing at this moment, and this means should be the strongest base card of Lingfei.

On the stars, the sword is unparalleled to stand there, and it is bitter.

And Lingfei whitening purple ** god, although the breath rushed, but his look was awkward, he had a little apologetic unparalleled view, "Sorry, just too excited, the next consciousness will use this trick In this competition, this trick is used to use this trick, which is a little unfair, so ... this battle, counting me. "

I heard the words of Lingfei, those disciples around them were stunned.

"Lingfei white, actually admitted?"

"He clearly won?"

The sword is unparalleled, deeply looking at Ling Fei, said: "The loss is lost, can only blame my own strength, not to mention the rules of this battle, just unscrupulous disciples are swallowing the medicinal medicine or Show stars secret surgery, and you now show the secrets, not stars secret, should it be another secret surgery from Tibetan Basic Pavilion? "

"Yes, this secret is called Tianzhi." Lingfei white nodded.

"That is." The sword is unparalleled: "The four secrets of the Tibetan Scriptures, the stars secret motives are the most basic, as long as the disciples of Xingchen Palace can practice, but the other three secrets, but must pass the stars The third floor of the tower is qualified to practice one. You can practice the supreme this day, inevitably, the third floor of the Star Tower, this is what you got by your own, how is it unfair? "

"So, this battle, I lost it."

After saying, the sword is unparalleled to see the law enforcement of not far away, "the old, announced the result."

The law enforcement elder looked up at the Yuan Dynasty, the main hall of the star river, seeing the main hall, he opened the declaration.

"This battle, Ling Fei Yinsheng!"


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