Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1413 suddenly changed!

Declaring the results of the law enforcement, this battle, Ling Fei Besheng!

This result, it was originally in the expectations of everyone, and many disciples present in the truth will not be strange.

But now, it is a shout.

Many disciples have discuss it.

"Lingfei white, lost a little!"

"It is indeed a little bit. If it is not he cultivated, a secretary of the Golden Pavilion, this war is absolutely swordless."

"This sword is unparalleled, it actually put the Lingfei white to this point?"

Everyone can't help but.

But no one questioned this result.

Tianzun, is one of the four secrets of the Stars, only to take the third floor of the Star Tower to practice.

Nowadays, there is only a third of the two-day heaven, and only Ling Fei is a third floor of the Star Tower. This is the secret that he rely on his ability. It is also an idea. He did not violate the rules, and there is no unfairness.

The sword is unparalleled and also admitted that Lingfei is indeed stronger than the present.

"The sword is unparalleled, I look forward to making it with you next time." Lingfei white looked at the sword.

"I am also." The sword didn't smile and nodded.

He was a war with Lingfei, especially after Lingfei, after Shi Zun, and took the initiative to admit defeat, this is very good.

If he has improved its strength in the future, he will definitely challenge Lingfei.

Two big geniuses look at each other, and there is no more to say that they will go out of the sky.

It can be taken at this time, but the transformation is chicked.


Amazing destruction, no signs of signs, directly from the sky, the sky, the end of the endless star river.

At the same time, there is also a dramatic roaring.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

Inside and outside the stars, everyone could not help but look up.

The main halls of the star river and those of those law enforcement are also looking up.


A thunderstorm suddenly came.

Seeing this Thunder, everyone's eyes are a sharp way.

"This is ... God robbery?" Although it is a great shock, "How can there be no sign of signs directly? And this no river can be the old nest of my star, there is a great defense ability, this gratitude I didn't think about the defense of the Star River, I took it directly? "

A shock.

A slice.

The thunderous Thunder is not hindered, and directly in the sky is angry.

That figure, it is a sword.


The glazing thunder is blown up on the sword. The strong horizontal destruction is swept around the surrounding.

The sword is unparalleled there, the face is cold, and this Thunder bombards above his body, but it is not hurt.

When this Thunder can dissipate completely, the sword is not lifted up, and the scorpion of Li Mang is dead to see the sky.

"The second retrievers robbery, is it?"

"I didn't expect ... so fast!"

The sword is unparalleled with hands, and the face is unprecedented.

In the Star River, the Yuan Dynasty and the Lei face each other, they have understood why this Thunder suddenly came.

This is a sign of two retrograms!

Just as the signs of the sword without double-selling a heavy reversal, the sign of a heavy reversal was only just formed by Lei Yun.

But the sign of these two retrograms, but it is direct to a thunder!

Obviously, the second reuntrip robbery will be more difficult than the first weight.


The body of the Yuan Temple directly appeared in front of the sword, "Sword is unparalleled, let me go, others, continue to fight!"

There is no extra nonsense, and the main hall and the Lei dynasty immediately took the sword.

The disciples around Cangwei's stars include those law enforcement, they are all awkward, they don't know what happened.

"Is it a third heavy god of swords?"

"Do you want to be a lobby?"

Many disciples have guess.

But the god robbery is also a unparalleled thing in the sword, and there are not many big doctors. On this champion, it has also begun to continue the battle of the three heavenly disciples.


That is entirely constructed by the special lactary.

The main hall of Yuan Temple, the two people stand in front of the sword.

"The sword is unparalleled, just the god thunder, should it be a sign of your rebellious robbery?" Yuan Dynasty looked over.

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point.

"Good guy, single sign, and cultivate it for God, it is a reverse repair." Yuan Dynasty pointed out.

"The sword is unparalleled, how long does it take to fall?" Lei Dynasty is an inquiry.

"Ten years." The sword is unparalleled.

"So short?" The main hall is a shock.

Usually cultivators, when the god robber comes, there is a long time to prepare, less than a hundred years, hundreds of years and even last millennium.

But now, the second retrieval of the sword is unparalleled, and only gave him a ten-year preparation time.

"It is really short." The sword is unparalleled.

In the first time, he also gave him a 120-year preparation time, but now only ten years ... If this is the same, the third reverse robbery, he is not ready to prepare There is no time, directly fall?

"It's trouble that I have been prepared for ten years." Thunder crumpled.

"Indeed," Yuan Dynasty looked over, "this time, you have a stunning performance, you can get extra gifts, and you still have to get through the 19th floor of the Diagnosis." According to the rules of my star, you can go to the Tibetan Golden Pavilion to pick the second secretation. "

"Second door secret?" The sword is unparalleled.

The four secrets of the stars, the star secrets are the largest, and all the disciples of the Star will cultivate.

However, if you want to cultivate the second secret, you need a certain condition, you need to pass the third floor of Star Tower.

The third floor of Star Tower, in the second of the Sundian, the two heavy Tianjie Shenzi, but also in Ling Fei Bai one, but also in the second secret.

And now, is he qualified?

"I want to cultivate the second secret surgery, but only have a path to the third layer of Star Tower, but also a fantastic sea, a two heaven, as long as you can break the 18th floor, you will meet the requirements. And you have passed the 19th floor, of course, qualified to practice the second secret. "

The main hall of Yuan Dynasty said, "I originally wanted to let you participate in the battle, let you tell you this matter, let you go to the Golden Pavilion to select the secret, but I didn't expect you to immediately ushered in reverse repair!"

"And ready time, only a short ten years!"

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