"Ten years, it is too short!"

"In such a short period of time, even if you pick the right secrets in the Tibetan Golden House, you have no time to practice." Yuan Temple crumped frowned.

The four secrets of the stars, each is very good.

If the sword is unparalleled, it will refine another secret surgery, and the grasp of the reverse repair will inevitably improve.

Unfortunately, it is too late!

After all, the more powerful secret, the more difficult it is.

The secrets like Tibetan Scriptures, even if it is a dazzling genius, there is no dozens of time, and it is not enough for ten years.

"Don't think about it, only ten years, it is not ready to prepare too many things, and now the most important thing is to understand the second heavy rebound, some psychological preparations, so that the crossing can also improve "Lei dynasty.

"The right thing." Yuan Dynasty mainly nodded.

If it is just a spiritual cultivator, even if it is only ten years, they don't need this concern.

Key swords are unparalleled now is reversal.

For reverse repair, they didn't know much about it at all. I didn't know what this second heavy rebellion was unparalleled.

Unknown things are often the most terrible.

"The sword is unparalleled, you have spent the first reincarnation, you talk to us, what you have encountered when you have a first heavy rebound, we have encountered what you have, we will speculate."

The sword is unparalleled, and the first heavy refurbished robbery is simply narrative.

After listening, even if it is the main hall of the Yuan Dynasty and the Lei Dynasty, it also exposed the color.

"The first reverse robbery, it is full of nine gods? And the last, still thunder, fire robbery, is it?"

"Oh my God!"

These two strong people are very shocking.

"Single first retrieving, I follow the thunder, fire robbery, I can't think of what your second heavy rebound will encounter." Yuan Dynasty looked at the sword.

"I can't think of it." Thunder shook his head, but suddenly his look moved, even said: "We can't think of it, it is because we have no great understanding of the reverse repair, and even have never seen enough reversal Scene, the palace master he is in the sky, seeing more and more, maybe it will be understood about this second heavy rebound. "

"Palace Lord?" The main eyes of the Yuan Dynasty were also bright.

Star Knights, Stars, Founders, Wancha Chaos World Station in the top of the top of the pyramid, and still a living, I don't know how many years of the old existence.

Such a super power, is definitely more than them.

"I will ask the palace owner now." Yuan Dian is the newspaper to ask.

After just a moment, there was a result.

"The Palace Lord said, reversible, is the most special existence of the world's chaotic world, in the vast chaotic world is too rare, even if he, there are not many retrograms, but he is spent many years ago. In addition, when a large energy talked, the energy of the enemy had mentioned reversal, but also mentioned reversal robbery, the second reuntrip robbery of reversal, it seems not to be strength, but the heart! "Yuan Temple Say.

"Heart? Heart?" The sword has no double eyes.

"Isn't that the same as the robbery?" Lei came over.

"Different." Yuan Dian shook his head, "the same is aiming to the heart, but the rebellion is robbery, absolutely terrible countless times!"

The sword is unbolded.

Mood ...

The mood is conscious, it is completely different.

The strength of consciousness, with the strength of the practice of cultivator, but the mood is constantly improving in life during life.

Some people, born to the wind and water, all the way to the peak, even if the strength is very strong, his mood is not necessarily to go.

There are still some people, it is very weak, but they have suffered a lot of hood, but the mood is very strong.

The sword is unparalleled, it belongs to the latter.

He has been born all the way from the ancient world, and he has encountered endless setbacks and hardships. It is struggling at the edge of life and death. In this hardship and struggle, it has created his heart.

His heart is very tough, never being shaken.

However, after all, he is reversed, he can't affirmed whether his own mood can spend the rebellion.

"Since the second heavy rebound is aimed at the mood, the ten years, we can still think of some magicles." The main point of the Yuan Dynasty, continued: "In the vast chaotic world, there are many It is a secret, as well as some strange land, and you can have an excellent experience in mood. "

"You only have ten years, those memories don't have to go, but there is a place, you can try it."

"Where?" The sword walked over.

"Xuan Feng Pavilion!" The main opening of the Yuan Dynasty said.

"Xuan Feng Pavilion is the great power of the Star World, only a lot of power in our star, and there are many strong people, and even the real gods also have a lot. The only thing is lacking, it is that they have no energy to sit in the town. In Xuan Fengge, there is a name of the trial of trials, which is completely treated in the mood, in the Star Mainland, and even in the whole purple moon, there is a great name, you can be in mind The cliff has been worn for a few years, and there will be a lot of help to your mood. "

"Heart Cliff?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Xuan Feng Pavilion has been awe with my star, I have given them to the main news, and I will send some treasures as the price, let you go to the heart cliff to cultivate a few years, there will be no problem." The main road of Yuan Temple.

"In this case, then there is a Lau Dynasty." The sword is unparalleled. "

"Small things, let's make a good performance in the battle, you can get a lot of extra gifts. These additional gifts will be given to Xuan Feng Pavilion." Yuan Dynasty Lord laughed, then Also told: "Lei Dynasty, I will take this little guy to Xuan Feng Qi yourself."

"Can." Lei nodded.

"You are going to Xuan Feng Pavilion these years, I will make people completely empty it, as a place where you are robbery." Said the Yuan Dynasty.

The sky is a separate space. There is no practitioner with the existence of any cultivator and the spirit. Although the stars can control this world, there is no role in the next day, but if it is used to rush, it is the most Good choice.

After all, it is completely isolated from the outside, no matter how big is the rebellion of the sword, there is no attention, and there will be no attention.


The main hall waved.

Soon, the sword is unparalleled with the Lei Dynasty toward the Xuan Feng Pavilion.


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