Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1416 Challenge

When you hear a gentle, there is some iron green.

The strong people of Xuan Feng Pavi, the faces of Xuan Feng Pavi, have a weird, and they have long known that the main relationship between the owner is unknown, so the actions of the softener are not accidentally accidentally accident.

Half, the thunder is slight, and the sword is unparalleled. "The sword is unparalleled, you will be slightly exchanged with the disciples of Xuan Feng Court."

"Good." The sword is not a hyper point, and there is no opinion.

Seeing the sword and no double promise, the disciples of Xuan Feng Court on the play of the Warm have exposed the color of surprises.

That kind of eyes were hot, and the places who were eager to try were immediately before.

"Sword is unparalleled, I ... Xuan Feng Qi core disciple Liu Shaer, to challenge you!"

"I have heard that the stars have a talent, all of them are monsters, and the ear is coming, since it is seen, it will be a battle with me!"

"The sword is unparalleled, I will challenge you!"

"I want to see, the disciple of Xingchen Palace, there are so strong!"

In a challenge, there were dozens of Xuan Fengge disciples standing out.

These disciples have a war in the sky, and they are extremely desired to be with swords.

See this, the sword is not a double brow.

"There are too many people, if it's a battle, I don't know how long it takes, since you are all the disciples of the same paradise, the strength of each other should be quite understanding, it is better to make yourself, send out The strongest three people fight with me. "The sword was unparalleled.

If you hear the sword is unparalleled, these Xuan Fengge disciples face each other quickly agreed.

After just a moment, there are three people who appear in front of the sword.

These three people are women.

"The sword is unparalleled, my name is Liu Shaer, among the second of Xuanfeng Palace, the third place, I will fight with you first."

The red robe girl named Liu Shaer held a long whip, staring at the sword.

"let's start."

The sword is unparalleled, but the bottom is sinking. "Since they are rushing to my disciples, I can't weaken the name of the disciples of Xingchen Palace, directly show the fiction, and clean them!"

The sword is unparalleled has already set an idea.

Soon, the Liu Shaer took the hand, and I saw the long whip in her hands turned into a cyan dragon. This dragon exudes a great potential, and the sword is unparalleled.

Under the eyes of many Xuan Fengge disciples, swords have nothing to do, and they have not taken out the blood peak sword. However, in his scorpion, the blood light suddenly broke out.

This blood is like a bloody sun and is abnormal.

Everyone is not attracted by the autonomous sun.


That Liu Shaer is directly screaming. The whole person has already blotted, and the sword is unparalleled, and the fingers are gently sighful, and the fingers are gently on the forehead of the Liusa, and then he will release it. Illusion.

Without the influence of the illusion, Liu Shaer's consciousness recovered, but she found that the sword was unparalleled finger next to her eyebrow.

If the sword is unparalleled, it is not a finger, but the words of the sword, she is dead.

"How could this be?"

Liu Shaer's dismissal look, she still can't accept this fact.

"you lose."

The sword is unparalleled to gently open, then I will take it back.

Liu Shaer is a bit awkward, but she has used her hands, but she deeply watched the sword and went down.

This scene, but the disciples of Xuan Fengge in the surrounding martial arts were blown up.

"The sister of Liu Shaer is so simple to be defeated?"

"It's a illusion, and Liu Saier is just in the illusion!"

"Early terrible illusion."

Those Xuan Feng Cabi disciples can't help but praise.

It is worthy of the disciple of Xingchen Palace, just instantly kung farten, the third of the Xuan Feng Palace beats.

"Lei Dynasty, this disciple of your star, is very strong, the illusion means seems very powerful." Su Li glanced.

"He is too powerful than just this, but the genius of Xuan Feng Pavilion should, no one can force him to show all the best." Lei said.

"Oh, is it?" Susou smiled.

Next, it is the second genius disciple shot.

Unfortunately, the strength of this disciple is similar to that Liu Shaer. It is also a matter of consciousness. She is the only advantage of Liu Shaer. It is to know that the sword is unparalleled. It is good at illusion. It has a preparation in advance. However, it is impossible to block the sword unparalleled illusion.

It is still instant effort, this second genius has lost.

Even the way to defeat, and the Liu Shaer is also the same.

Xuan Feng Pavilion's strongest three genius, the blink of an eye has lost two, only the last one, and the last one is a beautiful woman wearing black, breath.

This beautiful woman is still holding a slap in the eyes.

"Linger, take out your strength, don't give it to the teacher." Silver opened.

"As a teacher? Do you have a disciple?" Lei Dynasty was a starry chase.

"Why, can't you do it?" Silver smiled.

Thunder looks, not much.

The sword is unparalleled at the black woman, he feels, this black woman is stronger than the two of Liu Shaer.

"Show." The sword was indifferent.

"If you are willing." The black woman did not feel the situation, I saw her wrist moved, and a dark gun appeared in her hands, then her figure is like a magical phase, just in front of the sword.

call out!

The dark long gun caves wear voids, and they have no double burst in the sword.

"This speed, so fast?" The sword was unparalleled.

In the second heaven, he also met the speed of the flying white sword, than this black woman, but it couldn't be too much.

~~~ The power of the soul is rolled up, in an instant, in an instant, there is a huge mysterious turtle in the sword.

With the mysterious turtle to the attack of this black dress, and the sword is unparalleled, and the 18th Make the secrets again.

This trick, the intensity intensity has not reached a certain level, it can't resist it at all!

The horrible illusion comes, the black woman flashed in a smart, but only a moment recovered, and the paint black gun in her hand still did not have a stall.

"It's so easy to resist it?" The sword is unparalleled to show a surprised color.


The dark green gun bombards above the mysterious turtle shell, and the strong power broke out. Suddenly make the whole mysterious turtle crazy shot, ... The mysterious turtle meter has a few slightly drinks, the next moment is actually directly Burst open.

"A shot is involved in the defense of my mysterious turtle?" The sword was unparalleled, and he did not dare to make a big, and he only saw the power of the soul.


With the horror, a feet exceeded the hundred feet high, the whole body exudes the golden gods of the sky, it has already appeared in this world.


PS: Today is five.

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