Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1417 Heart Cliff

This is a fascinating golden god, and the huge power is instantly on his right hand palm.


There is a punch with endless power, and the air has a black long gun that directly towards the black long gun in black.


A loud noise, the black woman's face is slightly changed, and the powerful power will collide with her hands.

And the golden god is a step, bombing! boom! boom!

The number of homoles is angry.

Black women's eyes are shorten, and the long guns in the hands will instantly pick a heavyweight whirlpool. This vortex can swallow everything and immediately greeted.

Just hear it!! ~~~ The continuous collision sound is sounded.

After dozens of positive collisions in the foot.


The black long gun in the black woman is still can't hold, and it will take it out, and it is not comparable to the arms of the wolf.

The huge golden gods of the sword without bifurcies are still breathing, and they have never been weak.

"you lose."

The swords in the golden gods are unparalleled, and the indifferent to the black women have seen it, but he is secretly surprised in the heart. It has been nearly 70%, and she defeated her, and this is still her relationship with me to collide with me. Otherwise ... "

"This top ten cultivation holy land is really much, although this Xuan Feng Court can't compare with the star, but the best disciples are not poor than the stars."

On the other side, the black woman is holding hands, and the scorpion is unwilling.

"Linger, step down." Xuan Feng Cabine Home is soft.

The black woman looked at the elastic eyes, nodded slightly, and retired.

"Su soft, your disciples are good, but the good heart is too strong." Lei Dynasty opened: "If she is not so good, don't go hard with the sword, but I rely on my own speed and skill. , The sword is unparalleled, it is not necessarily her, and this is the same as you. "

Lei Chao is very clear, this is soft, although it is a woman, but it is also very unparalleled.

"Oh, lose, it is lost, there is nothing to say." Su soft is not as good, "a two heaven gods, consciousness is so strong, and it is also able to master the five beast control to master the top, it is really good. It is worthy of the disciple of Xingchen Palace. "

"Okay, it is more than it, do you have to take us to the heart cliff?" Lei came over.

"Come with me." Su Soft did not continue to martyrdom the sword and the mine.

The only sword is unparalleled, and the two of the Lei Dynasty will go to the blindthrough.

On the downtown, but blown a pot.

"Xingchen Palace disciple, fruit is not intriguing!"

"It's too strong, I thought that Qiu Lingbei was already the most terrible two heavenly god of this star mainland, but now I know that I am sitting on the sky."

"However, although Qiu Lingbei was defeated, it was not too big to have no bisquis with that sword."

The disciples of these Xuan Feng Pavilions have disclosed them.

I have never seen the strength of the disciples of Xingchen Palace, and they are inevitably doubtful to the disciples of Xingchen Palace, and they want to challenge.

It can be really seen now, they know that the name of the star of the star of the stars is not flexible, not what they can compare.


The heart of the cliff is located in the center of Xuan Fengge, which is a giant mountain of the clouds.

And the mountain is still under a shroud of a special array.

Silver and the sword is unparalleled with the two people, came to this heart cliff.

"This is a heart cliff." Silver open.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is highlighting the top of this mountain, even if his eyesight.

In the middle of this mountain, there is a road to a step to the top of the mountain.

That one step, it looks extremely extraordinary.

"Heart Cliff, there is a total of nine hundred and ninety-nine levels, each level is the ideal experience, the more it goes, the more difficult is more difficult." Sulin said: "Sword is unparalleled, you are for refining It is exhausted to have a whole force to step through this layer of stairs. "


The sword is unparalleled, nor hesitated, the figure is moving toward the bottom of the cliff, that is, the first floor step.

When I stepped into the first floor, I immediately had a strange force to play toward him.

"Oh, fantasy?" The sword was unparalleled, and it did not feel unexpected.

The illusion, this is aimed at consciousness and mood.

Under normal circumstances, it is mainly aware of the ideology.

If it is unable to break free from the illusion, it can only be honest.

Like the sword, unparalleled 18th, a very terrible illusion, which is in this illusion. If it is unable to make a consciousness, it can only be hard to bear the various tortures, this At the time, I took the state of mind, and the mood was able to still maintain the war after this torture. He was not strong, and this tortured may be directly to the madness.

Now, in the first floor of this cliff, the fantasy encountered in the sword is unparalleled, and it is unable to break freely, and he also calmly faces everything I encountered in the mood.

This illusion is in a jail.

"Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!"

The sword is unparalleled on a stone pillar, and the surrounding is that some people waving the long whip crazy to attack his body, so that his body has a blood mark, producing a pain of a drill heart.

"The bitterness of the flesh?"

The sword is unparalleled.

This first heavy fantasy, only the ordinary people suffer the easiest possible leather, this pain is a mental, very patient ordinary people can easily bear, let alone the sword is unparalleled.

He has always brought a touch of smile, let the people who waves crash crazy, but it is not moving.

After a while, the illusion collapsed, the sword on the steps was mad and tallless, followed by the second floor.

The second floor step, at the same time, it is still the pain of the flesh.

But the sword is unparalleled this time, but it is peeled!


On the void near the Heart Cliff, the Lei Dynasty and Silver were put together. The two looked at the sword unparalleled on the steps step by step, and the end of the endless sword was quite relaxed, only a moment Kung Fu, the sword is unparalleled.

"There are two hundred and one level, but his look is still no change, look like this little guy is not weak." Su Judao.

"It is not weak." Lei Dynasty nodded.

"Since it is weak, why do you have such a big price to make him come to me Xuan Feng Pavilion?"

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