Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1418, 4th Floor

"If I have not guess, he is for the sake of robbery?" Silver stared at the Lei Dynasty.

The most terrible mood in the robbery is targeted.

And the top genius like the sword is unparalleled, and it is also normal in the robbery.

"How do you guess it." Lei Dynasty did not answer positively.

On the heart of the cliff, the sword is still in front of a layer of stairs, and he is very easy.

However, when he reached the third hundred steps, his speed slowed down, and the look didn't have previous calm, and the face was faintly visible.

"The heart cliff is full of nine hundred and ninety-nine layers. This 300th floor has some pressure on him, and the next steps, every layer should be difficult, all the mood of his mood "Silver smiled, while glanced at the lights next to it, said:" There is no accident, this little guy will be on these more than three hundred steps in the next few years, Lei Dynasty, you are Continue to stay here, or leave? "

"I am waiting for him here." Lei Dynasty is cold.

"With you, I still have something, don't stay with you, you are here."

After finishing, Su Li turned directly to it, leaving Lei, alone, waiting for it.

time flies……

The sword has been in the heart of the cliff, and the illusion in the heart cliff will hinder the mood of themselves.

At this moment, he stood on the thirty-first stage, and he was open, and then the pace stepped out, stepping on the thirty-two-two level stairs.

"The 336th floor is so powerful!"

There are several disciples from Xuan Feng Court gathered here, and they saw the fierceness of the sword on the heart cliff.

"I remember that when Qiu Lingxiao's sister, it was only the third hundred and twenty-eighth floor steps."

"Qiu Lingshi, in my Xuanfeng Palace, the two heavy Tianjie Shenzi, not only strength, but also the strongest in the world, and she has also hone many times before the cliff, but only the third The hundred twenty-eight levels of the stairs, but the result is not more than the first time, the first time, the sword is unparalleled? "

"This sword is unparalleled, the strength is terrible, the mood is more terrible!"

These disciples are embarrassed.

Stepping on the thirty-two-two level stairs, there is no strong mood in the sword.

Task, even if it is standing on the top world, and even some of the honest people are not strong, they are not necessarily able to step on the third hundred steps.

And the sword is unparalleled, but also continuing.

A sway, five years.

On the heart cliff, the sword is unparalleled, there is no step in the third hundred and eighty-nine levels.

"The 389th floor, um, no, already the thirty-ninety floor."

Next to the heart cliff, Qiu Ling is standing with Liu Shaer, and the two of them have clearly seen the sword on the heart cliff.

"The sister, you have last 300 years ago, for three hundred years, your mood should also increase a lot, if you now go to this heart, can you catch this sword? "Liu Shaer looked at Qiu Ling and asked.

"I can't move." Qiu Ling directly shook his head, "With my current ability, you can try to pass the 33rd floor. This is already very much in the second heaven, and this sword is unparalleled, he is more We have to excellent too much! "

"Three hundred and ninety floors, according to Master, there are many real gods in Xuan Fengge, and they will stay at three hundred and ninety floor, simply in mind, this sword is not more than those who want to check."

"Monster, I really don't know how his mood is getting out?" Liu Shaer said.

"How to come?" Qiu Ling smiled, "setback, hood!"

"Some genius, that is, the more frustration hood, the more they will be dazzling, but if they lack these setbacks and hood, this genius will be delayed by life, and the sword Unparalleled belongs to this genius. "

"If I guess the wrong, he cultivates countless hardships so far, these hardships are far less than you can compare."

"And he is growing in these hardships, which has created today's situation. He is a great genius ... I am not as good as him!"

Qiu Ling is also a real genius, and has absolute confidence in his own talent, and it will not be easily enrolled in the bones.

Even before, she lost in the sword, he did not think that he was more difference than the sword, just lacking the time to stop.

But now, see the performance of the sword in the heart of the cliff, especially when the sword is unparalleled in the third hundred and ninety-tenth steps, she has no more than one thing for the sword.

She is very clear, the sword is unparalleled to have this strength, it is not accidental.

"Listening to the main story, this sword is unparalleled in my Xuan Fengge for ten years. Now it has been in the past five years, he has settled the thirty-nine-year-old stairs, and there is still five years, I don't know Can he have to step on the fourth hundred layers. "Liu Saica.

"The fourth hundred layouts?" Qiu Lingxiang couldn't help but spend it, "I listened to Master, and I was 999 layers, the fourth hundred layers of layers, it is a big, it is not so simple. After that, I am so strong that I am so strong, most of which have the fourth hundred layout below, and really have few less than the fourth hundred layout, and the sword is unparalleled. If it is in the remaining five years, The fourth hundred layouts, that is really ... too powerful! "

"I hope that he is not over, otherwise the gap between us is too big." Liu Saier is awkward.

"Let's go."

Qiu Ling is so late from Liu Shar.

At this moment, the sword in the third hundred and ninety-story steps on the Heart Cliff is unparalleled, and is being full of endless torture.

In this 390th floor, it is extremely difficult to pass his own mood.

One month later, he finally settled in the third hundred and ninety-nine layers, and then he had three months, he stepped into the thirty-two layers.

Time is still lapse.

Ten years, the blink has arrived in the last year, and the second heavy rebellion will be robbed, only the last month remains.

Xuan Feng Pavilion, the void around the cliff, the Lei Dynasty has been silently guarding next to the cliff in this ten years, and he has never left.

"Only the last month left."

The Lei Dynasty was also silently calculated, and his eyes have always stared at the sword in the heart cliff.

Just then, on the heart of the cliff, the sword in the thirty-ninety-nine layers of a long time, the pace is sudden, it is firm to enter the fourth hundred-story stairs. on.

At the same time, his body shape is also a shock, and the breath of the body has also changed the earth.

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