Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1424, two heavens!

More than thousands of times more than the first retroactive robbery, this is indeed true.

"However, no matter how dangerous, anyway, this second reverse robbery, I have passed away." The sword smiled.

"Sword is unparalleled." The Yuan Dynasty looked over. "You have only spent the second reincarnation, becoming a true two-day heaven, and its strength must also improve?"

"Strength?" The sword was unbeded, and the brilliant smile was also revealed.

From a heavy day, it is a huge hurdle. Any ordinary practitioner breaks through this hurdle, and the strength will have a mass change.

And as a reversible sword is unparalleled, and the strength improvement is more amazing.

"I feel, now I, even if I don't use the soul's power, I should be enough to fight with that Lingfei, even the winning and negative is still difficult." The sword was unparalleled.

Lingfei white, genius in genius.

Because the relationship between the three strongest swords, Lingfei made a two-day heaven, the power broke out, but the three heavens and high contexts, plus some secrets of his cultivation, and the swordsmanship of the tricks, the war In the peak of the three days, it is enough to stand firm.

In the competition, the sword is unparalleled can only rely on his own soul. It is proud to be able to fight against Lingfei, but eventually defeated.

But now ... The same is the second heaven and god of three strongest swords, but the sword is unparalleled is reversible, and he also has the blood of the royal god.

Despite the second reuntrip repair, he is still just a five-star ancient god, but it is the second phase of the five-star ancient god. The power of the ancient gods also has great improvement.

Now he, simple discussion, it is enough to rebure with any three-day peak, if you add a bloody to the power to give it, simply in the outbreak of the power, the general three-day peak is more than he.

It is so strong that the power broke out, even if it is different, but it can make up for it.

Therefore, the sword is unparalleled to say that you can deflect the soul now to resist the white, this is never empty.

"Your current strength is so strong, I don't know, but I can induce your overall strength should have a huge improvement than before," Yuan Temple laughed, "and since you have already spent the second Reversible robbery, then from now on, you will appear in the stars in the status of the three heavens, since it is the three heavens, the most precious trendy of my star, you can also go see it. "

"Temple of Temple?" The sword didn't have a double look.

The Temple of Temple, is very famous in the stars.

This is the most precious kind in many of the many cultivation resources.

Unfortunately, the threshold of entering this true temple is extremely high, not only is a starry disciple, but also must be a three heavens.

The sword is unparalleled before the second retrozing, it is not qualified to enter the true God of the Temple, but now he has this qualification.

"The Temple of the Temple, has a great machine, if you can grasp, enough to make your strength reach a new level, and the firing in the Temple is not only strength, but also has a great impact on your future growth. "The main hall of Yuan Dynasty said.

The sword is unparalleled, but the heart is getting more and more expected.

"In addition to the true God of the Temple, Tibetan Golden Pavilion ... before you ushered in the second reincarnation of the relationship, there is no time to cultivate the second secretary, but now you have time to pick, then practice The remaining three secrets, casually cultivate one, make a great help to you. "The main hall said.

"Well." The sword has no double heart.

He has long been incomparable from the three major secrets in the Hiss Hiss.

Especially in the battle, Lingfei Bai's "Day Zun", Ling Fei Bai is because of this secret, he defeated him.

"The sword is unparalleled, I will give you a hundred years. In this 100 years, you can go to repair the second secret surgery of the Tibetan Golden Pavilion, go well to the top, one hundred years later, your ultimate disciple task will The arrival. "Said the main hall.

"Ultimate disciple mission?" The sword was unparalleled.

"After a hundred years, is it too early?" Lei Chao also looked at the Yuan Dynasty.

"It may be late for others, but it is not too early." Yuan Demen smiled slightly.

And the sword is not double-finished.

He stayed in the star, and he also known this for this ultimate disciple.

The star has focused on the cultivation of genius, and the genius is often hard and killing, and the star is also clear.

Therefore, the star will often give the disciples to experience the experience, and these experiences are the most dangerous and highest levels, which is the ultimate disciple task.

The ultimate disciple mission, only under the three heaven disciples, and only the three heavens and disciples are qualified to complete.

This task is reached, and the disciple cannot refuse, and must be completed within the specified time. If it is unable to complete, the punishment is very serious.

Of course, this task will have many additional benefits, these additional gifts, is also a rare opportunity, so the three-day disciples of the stars, but they are quite desirable for this ultimate disciples.

Just because the ultimate disciple mission is too difficult, in the history of the star, there is a lot of disciples to die on the task, so it will only be enacted under normal circumstances.

And the sword is unparalleled, just retrograde the rebellion, the ultimate disciples must be met, and it should be unhappy, and only the real peerless genius will have such a treatment.

"Let's go, go back." The main hall smiled.

The sword is unparalleled, the Yuan Temple is the main, and the three people in Lei Dynasty returned to the star.


Endless star river, star in the old nest.

When I got this, the sword was unparalleled with the Yuan Dynasty, and the two people were separated.

In the face of the building, the sword is unparalleled, and he also encountered a lot of disciples of many stars.

"Sword is unparalleled!"

"I have seen the brothers!"

These ordinary disciples see the swords and unparalleled, they are very awesome.

This scene, the sword is quite quite weird.

"Before the battle, these disciples can see me, see not to say hello, don't look at the greetings, you can now ..." The sword is unparalleled.

Strength, everything is strength!

Since the battle, he proves himself with the absolute strength, and the stars have a doubts about his stars and the disciples.

These disciples are completely convinced of him, and now I will see him again, naturally awe.

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